MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > I'm going to miss Inspector Kierken

I'm going to miss Inspector Kierken

I really liked having a competent foil on the show. I hate it when all of the authorities are portrayed as buffoons and then you ask yourself, why don't the bad guys ever pick up the ear pieces and listen in. The guy actually did those things.

He was a great frenemy. I will miss him.


Nothing says he wasn't just another clone.

Death is the road to awe.


You'd think it would be GA SOP to always clone to potentially dangerous situations.

But the writers need to be careful with that plot device. If they use it too much, it will lose its effect, and we'll just keep getting "surprise" resets over and over. They should invent some limitation, like you can't use the transporters more than x times in some time period.

Edit: the more I think about this, the more I think it will have to have been a clone. We've seen this character a few times now, and I don't think they'd want to lose the cat-and-mouse storyline. Plus, the inspector could ultimately turn into an ally once he finally realizes that the crew of the Raza are actually on the good side of things.


Possible. But he's sure not going to remember that incarnation.
Death is the road to awe.


Correct, he would not know that it was not the Raza crew attacking the station.


If I was an ambassador, I'd be really ticked off if any of the security staff were clones. I'd insist on the entire security team having skin in the game.


If I were an ambassador I'd have gone as a clone.

Death is the road to awe.


It's funny, when Six was watching that demonstration video in season 1 it seemed like the cloning travel technology was relatively new, but now those things are everywhere. It's like Dark Matter's version of Pokémon Go!


Travel Transit is apparently one of the biggest corporations in the galaxy because they had a seat on that Council of Corporations.

And honestly, the more I think about it, the more problematic it becomes in the way it has been used on the show. There is absolutely no good reason why top ranking Corporation dignitaries and sovereign rulers of Empires would ever go anyplace that wasn't 100% under their control.

These people would live in impregnable fortresses, venturing out only as needed and only as a clone.

As the cost of usage decreased, so would the importance of the people who routinely used it, until pretty much everyone is living in a sealed container with a Travel Transit bed.

Death is the road to awe.


I hope he is coming back ... :)


I'm really hoping that was a clone and not the actual Kierken. It seems a real waste to kill him like that after Three gave him all that information about the corporations and let his clone live with the knowledge.


Not only competent, but a somewhat principled one too. He's not just out for himself like most of the villains of the show, he's a true believer in the GA. If he was in fact a clone, even if he doesn't remember his most recent incarnation it would be interesting to see if he changes his perspective somewhat.


maybe he wasn't a clone, but that blast just knocked him out and fried his face a bit. Maybe he'll be back next season with a cool scar.


I doubt blown fusion cores leave small scars.


Me too. I love Kris Holden-Reid's acting. Maybe he was a clone and survived somehow. I did like they actually played up his intelligence and his ability to profile. Be great if he could come back!

I'm telling you, it the Lando!


On some shows the character who the writers cast as the protagonist is not really the hero, except the writers don't seem to realize it.

In Grimm, Nick, the ostensible hero, is a rogue, dirty cop, and serial killer.

In Continuum, it took Kiera, the hero, almost three seasons to realize she had worked for a horrible tyrannical dictatorship.

If the Kierken character survives for another season maybe those of us in the know should think of Kierken as the real hero?


Yeah I was surprised they "killed" him. He was actually interesting compared to the other enemies they have shown for the crew.

So let's hope they take the clone way out.


I was disappointed they killed him too. I felt like they had a lot of stories left to tell with him, but after what happened with One and his subplot, I shouldn't be surprised. I mean they could make it so he survived by sending a clone to the station, but I doubt they would go in that direction.
