Need to bring back Bendavid as Corso
I was really disappointed with their choice to write this guy off the show. I didn't love him as the innocent do-gooder but he was GREAT the few times he appeared as his evil "real" self. I don't understand why they simply got rid of him instead of doing something creative with the character. For instance, after Corso shot his amnesiac doppleganger, I was expecting him to take his place on the Raza crew, pretending to be a good guy while doing all sorts of evil sh!t on the side. Or, even better, outwardly being a horrible, creepy person but staying on the Raza regardless because they need him, even though they hate him and know he's awful.
It was fun seeing him back for the parallel universe episode and I'm really hoping that it was him who hitched a ride back to the prime reality on the rogue marauder. I'd love to see the real Corso character back as a main cast member in Season 3 because I think the actor plays that role much better than he ever played "One," and that should really be explored.