OT: Fox exec "open to" possibility of Firefly reboot (old news, Jan. 12)
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shareNO. Fcking blasphemy. Rebooting a show that unique and beloved, with a cast that was so perfect...no. Continuing? Sure, maybe several years ago. Not a reboot would be a terrible idea. Let them use their fcking so-called creative minds and come up with something original instead.
and "...not open to doing a reboot without Whedon". uh, pretty sure you can't, moron. fairly certain FAUX doesn't own Firefly. If I understand correctly the rights are owned by Mutant Enemy Productions & 20th Century Fox, which is not FAUX broadcasting network. All that said, I'm not a lawyer.
He (JW) pretty much learned his lesson with Kuzui & the ownership rights to BtVS.
I think it is WAY too late to do it now. I mean I would love to see 'Dark Angel' come back for a third season since the only reason it was cancelled was 'cause the network thought James Cameron was too difficult to work with and Jessica Alba has said in interviews she would play Max again but I think it is too late for both 'Dark Angel' and 'Firefly' to come back now and they should focus on coming up with new shows.
Make Same Sex Marriages Legal In Australia 'cause we deserve to have the same rights as everybody else and shouldn't be controlled by backwards people with outdated views.
Maybe Dark Matter *is* the Firefly reboot.