Where to discuss the show after IMDb shuts down the boards? ...
... Reddit?
➡ https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkMatter/
... Reddit?
➡ https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkMatter/
Everything's going to be reddit.
I cannot understand why Col Needham wants to drive all the eyeballs to reddit and away from imdb.
Why not some sort of official collaboration, at least?
Eg, reddit.com/imdb/<<MOVIE NAME>>
Here's another option:
TheMovieDB.org (TMDb) has forums for all
shows, movies, and people in its database.
Here's their Dark Matter page:
and here's their board for this show:
(with just one post up to now ... waiting for more).
Recent posts from their other boards can be seen here:
Support discussions are here: