The Ending

So the Elliot we've been following turns about to be a different "personality" of the real Elliot that has taken the reins. Fair enough. The goal was apparently to protect Elliot from the evils of the world and that's why he started F Society. My problem with that is at the beginning we see that Mr. Robot is the one who started F Society and is pushing the plan the whole way. Vigilante Elliot is either out of the loop or struggling against him most of the time. By the end Mr. Robot is now this protector yet he was the one constantly pushing Elliot into danger. He even tells Tyrell to shoot him if he tries to stop the plans.

I feel like the ending is a concept that the writers came up with after they had already done all of these early twists.


I stopped watching this show in the first season, but it was so obvious from the beginning that most, if not all the society stuff was in his head that I actually thought there would be no way that's what they were going to go with. This show is just a dumber, much less interesting knock-off of Fight Club, with a pinch of The Matrix and Pi thrown in because it doesn't have an original creative bone in its body.
