Better than its reputation
With ratings like 5.4 on IMDb, this one is pretty pilloried, but I thought it was better than that. I don't disagree with the reviews that point out the crazy-illogical plot holes, I don't say the dialogue is stellar, and I think it's got big third-act problems (like so many films), but here's the positive:
1 - The scenes of loss and grief are pretty well-done. Keanu's acting skills aren't always great, but there's some stuff, like him just sitting with his head over that slip of paper and barely moan-gasping out a sob or two - that felt really real.
2 - The entire premise is awesome, and the ethical dilemmas, the very human reaction to this kind of tragedy - it's all pretty good. Because of these angles, I think the movie is pretty solid right up until the "awakening" moments. After that, it deteriorates.
3 - Balancing out the lives - managing the social media - that's good stuff.
4 - Constant pressure, ever-shifting, is great. I love a plot with lots of tension, and between work and personal, William can't catch a break here.
What I didn't like about the movie was, mostly, that it's too short. It has WAY too much plot for a movie running under two hours. Frankly, I think there's enough for a series. They've got the family plot, the idea of synchronizing their lives with the events of the movie (he barely manages the social media thing - imagine "real" lives!?), the car battery thing that just goes away, the pressures at work, the biotech company revelations later on - it's too much.
This is why the third act degenerates into an action movie: too much going on.
I would have liked to have seen the film focus more on William trying to adapt the family post-accident into their "regular" lives - that's enough for the film right there.
If they made a series, they could give more time for the plots to evolve more organically. They could also fix a LOT of the plot holes, many of which I believe are simply the result of not enough time to adequately explain the processes of the biotech company and provide solutions for them.
It might not be much higher than the grades given, but I think it's better than its rep.