Why can't I love it???

I just didn't like it. I want to know why everybody thinks this movie is better than Infinity War. I think that Infinity War was written better had better fights and that Endgame felt rushed and Thanos didn't feel like Thanos. In the first movie, he had a passion for what he thought was right he had emotions he had a character. And in the Endgame, he just wanted to kill a lot of people trying to stop him.


Why do you need to know others peoples opinions?
You've made your mind up so stick with it and stop asking for justification, no one can tell you what to like or not too, have conviction in your beliefs or you'll be a weak minded fool easily swayed by others opinions!


Endgame was definitely inferior to Infinity War. As Critical Drinker called it, a flawed by satisfying conclusion to the MCU.

My personal gripes with it; as you said Thanos seemed so much less compelling in this version. The film felt kind of over when they killed him the first time; then they almost retro back in a version of Thanos from a few years prior and he comes across more like an annoyed jock than the convinced Mad Titan.

Also I feel that the Hulk was not only cheated out of a good arc, but they basically neutered him for this film (same with fat Thor, that gimic went on way too long); that combined with Captain Marvel being shoehorned in even though she just had no place in this series until after this arc was complete. Personally I hate that she has the moment were she is beating down Thanos; my opinion she did not earn that scene. That was Hulk's moment and she stole it.

Now with that being said, there was quite a few things this film does exceptionally well. My god, the way they juggled so many cast members and kept it balanced was remarkable to say the least. Some of the individual moments many characters got was great; Tony and Captain America had a great arc; Tony got a great conclusion (not so much CA, who's decision to stay in the past does not sink well). The actual way they brought the Infinity deaths back was satifying; rather than just undoing it or reversing the clock it is more like bringing them out of prison (I thought that worked fairly well). Black Widows Sacrifice was heartfelt and effective. And my personal favorite character in Endgame; Nebula basically stole the show for me in this one.


Agreed on everything you said especially Captain Marvel stealing Hulks moment it should have been a reminder of Thanos beating Hulk in Infinity War but they blew it.


By “everyone” it means a lot of people. K, most people. And why is that? The preference and overall praise for the film in discussion baffles it. Now reading some positive critic reviews of the film (or simply looking up what good ol’ Kevin Smith thought about this epic) could prove to be helpful for it. But obviously, that just won’t do. It wants to know why. WANTS! And surely it’ll get THE answer in little o’ moviechat. ;)

Well excuse me, but what u need to know is... https://media1.tenor.com/images/d565d0519a90092f589684b9fe43168c/tenor.gif?itemid=8012262

Fanboys of that non-Marvel comic brand (yes it’s time for puerile fanboy labeling - you’re familiar with that) and the regular anti-Marvel trolls on here are with ya more than anyone else, bro. But don’t fret.... even a few diehards feel similarly to you about Endgame. Fortunately, *most* don’t and rightfully think highly of this film (and would never consider it inferior to the previous ones like you and those down below do). #sorrynotsorry


When I said everyone I thought everyone that I know and I have talked about this movie, I never said that it was a horrible movie just that it could have been better. And for you to go on a rant about me being an attention whore just because I thought that Infinity War was better is kind of a fanboy act. Also, I feel like ur 12 because you said #sorrynotsorry.



I like End Game but it is inferior to the previous movies. The whole subplot with Thanos coming back through time felt really forced and it was just so they could have a huge fight between all the heroes at the end. My favorite parts are where they travel back in time to the different parts of the MCU. I also liked the part where Steve and Tony travel back to the 60s to that Shield base and Steve gets to see Peggy and Tony gets to see his dad. I admit some of the stuff that happened in the time travel will screw things up like Cap taking the scepter from the Hydra guys by saying that he knows about and is part of Hydra. The events of Winter Soldier will happen sooner because of that. I did like it when Nebula and Rhody saw Peter Quill singing and dancing around and then knock him out.

But yeah. That whole thing with Thanos was forced. My little brother and I when we watched it for the first time thought maybe Thanos would change his mind about using the stones when he saw the image of Thor chopping off his future self's head. But nope. He just goes, "That's destiny and I have got to find a way to travel to the future to get all those stones because I am a stupid jerk."
