Discussion about new characters in the MCU franchise.
Since old characters are killed off, MCU should bring the new Marvel characters that have appeared in Marvel Comics last years to the franchise. Let's discuss.
• Female Thor. Chris Hermsworth is getting old. Once he's done with GofG, how about transgender female Thor that appeared in Marvel comics in 2015?
• Female black Iron(wo)Man. Now Downey is gone, it's time to bring the new IronMan, black, female and empowered, much better than a pathetic white dude as Stark.
• Exposing Nazi Captain America. Steve Rogers is old, and a black empowered male Sam will take his shield, which is the right thing to happen. However, since in the comics Steve Rogers has been exposed for what he really is: an undercover nazi middle aged pathetic white agent, it's time to expose him in the movies. Old nazi Steve Rogers would be a perfect villain.
• Asian Hulk or Ze-Hulk. Movie's Hulk had only two colors (green or white) and one gender. It's time to add more colors and genders. Let's bring asian Hulk to replace a pathetic whitey like Banner
(Or better, why not a transgender Ze-Hulk?)
• Muslim Captain Marvel. While it's great Larson broke the ceiling glass, that's clearly not enough. Captain Marvel shouldn't be only a empowered woman, she should be a empowered Muslim woman. Let's throw away Larson and bring Kamala Khan, the new and shining Muslim Mr.Marvel
MCU has a shining future :-)