I hated Infinity War

But End Game was flipping fantastic!!!!

Maybe that’s why they made IW such a colossal dumpster fire.....so the magnitude of this masterpiece would not be diminished


I wuz kinda bored hear


No way! It was awesome.....better action then IW

Better jokes

And most importantly....more HEART!


That's funny, I'm the exact opposite. Loved Infinity War and the more I analyze Endgame, the more I can't stand it.



Here I will explain why I hated IW:

Lazy writing
Idiotic character actions
Bad jokes
No heart....yayaya peter Parker turned to dust. It was hollow


That's wasn't really explaining anything.... I'll just say the same for Endgame:

Lazy writing
Idiotic character actions
Bad jokes
No heart....yayaya they forced a scene with all the females during the middle of the big battle. It was hollow.
