time travel
Sigh. I love this movie, I just never care much for time travel in a plot device. In anything. But, since I like sci-fi and fantasy, it does tend to come along to many of my favorites, Game of Thrones, LOST.
I just don't care for it because the rules are always murky, and so they can bend them to service the story, and it's generally just used as an easy out to give everyone a reset and happy ending. Ie it seems like it's still five years later, those who died in the snap can tell it felt like five minutes, Pepper keeps the kid, Peter is still in high school, so they don't all seem to be on the same page so far as points in their life.
And why no Vision? Or Loki? And I guess Gamora couldn't be brought back?
Will the Black Widow movie be a prequel, and if it gets direct sequels, they'll always remain prequels?