Intelligent hulk?

It seems we are going to get the 90's version of the hulk that was able to keep his Bruce Banner persona along with the Hulks body. I'm actually happy about that as I always loved that version of the hulk. Also the all Bruce Banner transforming back and forth is getting boring so it would make sense for future movie to just keep him with the Hulk body.


Actually, in the Stan Lee run in the 60s there were a few times when Bruce managed to find a way to control the Hulk. It didn't stick for very long like in the 90s but it was done.


Ha Thanks I didn't know that. The 90's one is the one I remember the most as it is the one I used to read as a child


Even if it were a throwaway scene...I'd love to see Banner in that underground desert cave using that gamma gun to force the change into the Hulk (especially if they did the gag done in one issue where he changed into the Hulk....except he had Banners head and had to wear a ...wait for it.....Hulk mask). won't happen but........
