MCU next big bad?

after the Avengers defeated Thanos for good. who do you think should be the next big bad for MCU?

here are my picks:

1: Doctor Doom.

2: Galactus.

3: Norman Osborn.

who do want as the next big bad in MCU?

they might give us a hit in the post-credit scene in Spider-Man for from home.


I would do this:

1. Silver Surfer origin film. It's a good story about being careful what you wish for.

Bored alien from an advanced society that has given up on creativity and exploration wants to leave his planet to explore. He can't and is frustrated. Galactus shows up to destroy the planet. Bored alien volunteers to help him explore space to find other planets. It appeared to be a win win for the bored alien. Then, Galactus transforms him into what amounts to being a living spacecraft. So, all of his humanity is gone and he's a slave.

2. Fantastic Four: Dr. Doom is an FF character. The previous movies screwed up the character. He's a mix of Tony Stark/Iron Man and Dr. Strange and is a wild narcissist. That makes an interesting character. He's also a contrast to the head of the FF who is smarter than Tony Stark and much nicer.

I'd throw Red skull in there and bring back the cube, or something that gets Galactus attention and brings him to Earth.

3. Other movies can be added here but the end would be the classic story of FF defeating Galactus.


Hopefully Doctor Doom or Galactus. Would also be cool to see The Leader, The (real) Mandarin, or Kang. Magneto would be great too but he's already been portrayed perfectly in the X-Men movies.


Guys like Kang or Norman Osborn I feel don't have such a good chance

They could be Ultron-type villains in an Avengers movie for short, but remember that the first "superphase" (or whatever they are called) lasted 11 years, and Thanos was first introduced in 2012. I don't think that they would invest that much time on those characters. Osborn doesn't work because, technically, Sony can pull out of the mutual agreement with Disney at any time and take back all of their characters. They are unlikely to do that any time soon, but I don't think a company as smart as Disney would invest so much into characters with vulnerable futures. And Kang would be ok, if Galactus was not a more powerful and well-known character

They could do the next Avengers movie with Kang and then a post-credits scene when the Silver Surfer arrives to warn The Avengers, setting up the introduction of the Fox properties

Galactus is the most obvious, because he is stronger, naturally, than Thanos. Doom could also work, but I think they'll be likely to do another alien/cosmic type of bad guy


I'm not sure there is going to be anyone who could do worse than destroy half the entire universe? ... And then try to destroy the entire universe as well.
