Honor - TV Spot



I cant believe they really are marketing this movie by revealing NOTHING

no action sequences, No real story reveals, No Mention or even glimpse of Thanos....

so far, Between the 3 trailers and 3 TV spots released...Literally over 50% of the footage used has been from Previous MCU films

I've never seen a movie, let alone a BLOCKBUSTER this big Marketed like this....

and to be honest...I dont know how its going to work out....Obviously Endgame is going to open Huge....But Its entirely possible This Marketing campaign could result in the film not reaching the heights of IW....

Or It could be GENIUS...If this movie is full of Shocking Moments that CANT be Spoiled...Then I guess This is the only way to market it and If people are blown away by the surprises, that could be Incredible for WOM


I find it hard to believe that anyone who would otherwise go see Endgame is going to skip it because the trailer doesn't show snippets of one of the battle sequences, nor do I think someone who has no interest changing his mind once he realizes to his great shock that the movie will feature Iron Man firing his repulser rays at Thanos. Personally, I'd like to know nothing whatsoever about the film when I see it for the first time.
