Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America get 3 solo movies, and Hulk doesn't even get one. He is one the 4 main avengers, but nope give that snooty bitch Captain Marvel a solo project instead, and fuck The Hulk lol
Not sure if the The Incredible Hulk (2008) counts, however Tony Stark does show up at the end looking to put a team together. Is Avenger's Bruce Banner the same guy just with a different actor?
The Incredible Hulk movie is a MCU movie. It counts.
Marvel's deal with Hulk and Universal is similar to their deal with Sony and Spider-Man. They need Universal's say-so for a Hulk movie. Sony has the same sort of deal but they want to make money so that's how we get Spidey movies. Universal does not want in on that sweet Marvel money for some reason.
Except I think at this point, after Hulk's been in Multiple MCU movies, a Hulk solo movie would make money. Just that Universal and Marvel don't want to work on one. One of the reasons Incredible Hulk 2008 didn't make money was because it wasn't advertised much and people back then didn't know it was set in the same universe as the Iron Man movie.
Well I disagree with you. A second Hulk movie could work and should be done someday. Though I am not sure that could happen since I'm sure Mark Ruffalo will probably be leaving the role before too long.
I think the problem is twofold. One, Banner is the more expressive character (in the MCU). Most story movement would come from him. The problem is, people want to see the Hulk. And a lot of him. If they do develop the Hulk character (like they're hinting happens in the time between Infinity Wars and Endgame), THEN maybe you can have the Hulk actually move the story. The second problem is, when the Hulk in the comics is at his most interesting, it's almost horror. Sometimes Banner/Hulk is like the monster and sometimes he's the hero fighting the monster. And while I'd LOVE for the MCU to make a thematic break and actually do the Hulk somewhat like what's going on right now in the comics...I don't see Disney doing body horror Hulk.
I think similarly, and Ragnarok reinforced this notion. That doesn't mean Hulk 2 can't happen, perhaps with another character or two joining the Hulk. After all, Thor shared his 3rd film with the Hulk, Ant Man teamed up with the Wasp in his 2nd film, and Captain America shared his 3rd film with nearly everyone.
I don't know if part of it is related to film rights, but if it can clear the legal hurdles, I can imagine a Hulk film that includes one or two other heroes in limited, but significant, roles, and has enough screen time for Banner to keep things interesting. Maybe a story that involves him attempting to cure himself, but instead splitting into two entities, so we can have Banner and Hulk share the screen? Maybe the catch is that they can't survive without one another, and Banner has to make the difficult choice to merge them back into one, a choice Hulk can't understand and resists? Maybe that's when Banner brings in Thor or Captain Marvel to help subdue the Hulk? Or maybe Hawkeye, the Avenger least likely to be able to face off against the Hulk (but the one who killed him in the comics, if I'm not mistaken) is Banner's only option for help? In fact, that is the scenario I like best-- Banner and Hawkeye vs. an unchecked-by-Banner Rampaging Hulk.
I'm just making this up as I go along, but the point is that I don't think there is anything inherent to the Hulk that makes a film likely to fail. He just needs a script that plays to his, and Banner's, strengths.
A big problem with Hulk movies is that it's always the same story: Banner being hunted down by military and Hulking out to fight back.
A Hulk movie could be far more interesting. Hell, even a Planet Hulk (edited; not World War Hulk) would be awesome (and we've gotten pieces of that story sewn through the MCU movies).
Let’s face it, now that the Disney/Fox deal is almost done, Incredible Hulk 2 should have Banner going to Canada and coming across the Wendigo. In the middle of the fight, you suddenly hear “Snikt” (or hits from The Greatest Showman) and we get the Wolverine/Hulk fight we’ve always wanted!
Hulk had his chance already. How about Hawkeye? He's also one of the original Avengers, and nobody cares about him!
The need to make the long overdue Hawkeye movie. Where he would shoot people with arrows, shoots robots with arrows, shoots aliens with arrows, then go home and be a family man.
"Not sure if the The Incredible Hulk (2008) counts, however Tony Stark does show up at the end looking to put a team together. Is Avenger's Bruce Banner the same guy just with a different actor?"
It counts, and yes. Norton was going to be in The Avengers, but got booted after demanding to help write the script. He is a great writer though, and helped write The Incredible Hulk.