MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Which infinity stones did Thanos specifi...

Which infinity stones did Thanos specifically use to his advantage?

I know Thanos used the space stone for teleportation and the time stone to reverse time.

Did he use any of the other 4 stones to do something specific like he did with the space stone and the time stone?


He used the reality stone several times


He used the Reality Stone to dupe the Guardians when they thought they witnessed Gamora killing him. He also used it to disable Drax and Mantis, and to show Dr. Strange Titan's past.

He used the Power Stone to defeat the Asgardians and the Hulk.

I can't think of any specific moment where he used the Soul Stone, and he only acquired the Mind Stone moments before The Snap.

By the way, my suspicion is that those last two stones may work against him-- I wonder if Vision was able to embed some part of himself into the Mind Stone before Thanos took it, and will be able to exert some sort of control from inside. And it seems clear that some part of Gamora exists within the Soul Stone. I can imagine a scenario wherein The Snap didn't kill anyone, but rather the Mind Stone, guided by Vision, "chose" to imprison them within the Soul Stone, guided by Gamora. We'll know in about 75 days, right? :)


Thanos used the Power Stone to break up the moon - or part of it. You can see purple energy emanating from the moon when he does this. In that same scene, he uses the Space Stone by opening a blue portal in front of the moon into which all the debris is sucked in and is teleported right into Titan’s atmosphere.

He also used the Soul Stone to identify the real Strange (after Strange created dozens of copies of himself) and with the help of the Power Stone was able to break free from the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak.

Oh, and the Mad Titan used the Power Stone at the very beginning of the film. Aside from likely using it to kill the Asgardians, he pressed the Stone against Thor’s face to torture him and latered destroyed the Asgardian ship with it. The latter wasn’t used to his advantage, but clearly he used the Power Stone quite a bit in the film.

Btw, you can always tell which Gem he uses based on the color you see shining.


During "The Raven" fight w/ Strange, he was using the stones in conjunction with each other.

He used the soul AND the power stones to identify the real Dr. Strange and wipe out all the projections.

Then he used the reality AND the space stones to drag Dr. Strange to him, along with the landscape underneath Strange.

That was the setup to his fight with Tony, where he gets ready to use all four stones at once. He charges them up to obliterate Tony, then Strange offers him the time stone.
