MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Are you Thor...God of Hammers?

Are you Thor...God of Hammers?

So the ending of Ragnarok establishes that Thor's first hammer was just a way to focus his already-there God-like abilities...

Odin has his funny line about being the God of Hammers and whatnot...

Yet most of Thor's entire plot in Infinity War is to forge and wield Stormbreaker to kill Thanos. Still a Hammer.

I loved both movies, but...he is the God of Hammers, I guess.


Well when you have a foe as powerful as Thanos + Infinity Gauntlet (and all five stones, at that time), you need something to focus your power.


Lord of Hammers, no? :)

But as we all saw at the end of Ragnarok, Thor was incapable of defeating even Hela with his new god-like abilities. Keeping this in mind, it’s no mystery why he needed a new mighty “Hammer” in order to defeat the most powerful being in the universe. Thor had control over his incredible powers, yes, but without the help of a destructive weapon... he was still no match for the Mad Titan.

In any event, the forging of Stormbreaker was badass.


One can be the God of Thunder and still be even more powerful if wielding a mighty weapon, perhaps one even capable of commanding the Bifrost.

And tbh, what Odin was saying is that despite Mjolnir's inscription that he who wields the hammer wields the power of Thor, or whatever it says, the power is actually within Thor. He can channel it through a weapon, but he doesn't need the weapon to command the thunder and lightning.


I think the answer to this question is in the dialog in the film...

Thor Specifically Says He needs a weapon that can kill a God Or "The God Killing Kind"

Thor doesnt need the hammer for his abilities anymore....Hes got control of them now....

He needs the hammer specifically to Kill Thanos....Thanos is that Strong and Powerful....

In Thor 3, even with complete control of his powers without the hammer Thor Couldnt beat Hela....Hes now going against someone even stronger, Thor Peak Powers arent enough to beat Thanos....So He needs a weapon specifically designed to KILL A GOD or A GOD like Power...

The Hammer isnt controling his power or really adding to it, It was established in Thor 3 that he doesnt need it to control his powers....The Hammer is made for the Sole purpose of KILLING Thanos....Thor or no other heroes can match Thanos even at the peak of their powers, They Need A WEAPON that can Kill him...


Stormbreaker is an axe, so I guess he's the God of Axes Sometimes.


He has a LOT of pungent body sprays....


Now that's something that could've driven Thanos away. Thor went about it all wrong.


Lure Thanos into a CVS on a Friday night when all the 20-somethings are copping free sprays before they go out clubbing. He'd be shoving those stones up his nose to block the smell.


In my opinion, the hammer makes him both stronger and weaker. It's like his power dial is on 10 without the hammer, and goes up to 11 with the hammer. However, he can choose to lower his dial to 1 with the hammer. When he fights without the hammer, his dial is stuck on 10 where he just electrocutes everything... which can be a problem.


The new hammer is more of an axe.
