Showing off the reality stone in Knowhere was perhaps a bit misplaced, because after seeing what it can do, the fight on Titan shouldn’t have even been a fight! Turning people into floppy toys and weapons into bubbles, I mean come on, you can’t really fight that. He can even turn invisible by covering himself with a false reality, that’s just overpowered. Then after he shows off what Titan used to look like, it’s as if he forgets the reality stone is even usable.
Also pretty cheap to have Quill screw up his own plan, especially since he knows Gamora should already be dead by his own weapon, and that he also tried to do it!
I think the plan should have worked, they should have gotten the gauntlet off, and then there would have been a few moments of panic and confusion as they squabble over trying to use it and how to use it, but obviously they don’t have a big enough hand. Mantis would get distracted by this and Thanos would get a jump on them, then there would be a quick keep-away attempt that would obviously fail, perhaps with Thanos using his home turf to his advantage, but we’d get to see how tough he is without the gauntlet.
Also, that nano Iron Man suit, good NIGHT it seems like it can do almost anything. Are we actually supposed to think he carries around that many nano machines with him when he’s just walking around? It would at least triple his weight!
Overall a very enjoyable movie, but it wasn't quite as good as I had hoped it would be.
A girl in the row in front of me was bawling as the credits were rolling, she couldn't contain herself! I watched as her friend took a picture of her crying and sent it to someone.
All good points Froggy. I think they tried to explain this by having each attach 'interfere' with the glove somehow but you're right - and it's a classic case of the villains power level adjusting to match the scripts demands. It would have made for a great scene actually: they get the glove off, they all breath a sigh of relief, but then he proceeds to beat the shit out of them all sans glove.
I'm not sure if it really requires "using" it, per se:
Allows the user to access and manipulate all forms of energy; enhance their physical strength and durability; enhance any superhuman ability; and boost the effects of the other five Gems. At full potential, the Power Gem grants the user omnipotence.
Those are the abilities form the comic, but the movie versions seem to operate differently. Certainly, when Thanos used them, they glowed, but no glowing was present.
I agree that they should have had Thanos more firmly established as a powerhouse without the gems. I think he should have attacked Asgard first, showed how dangerous he was by beating Hulk, gotten the Tesseract, then gone to Xandar for a quick teleport-and-grab move. Maybe we'll see more in the next one.
Showing off the reality stone in Knowhere was perhaps a bit misplaced, because after seeing what it can do, the fight on Titan shouldn’t have even been a fight! Turning people into floppy toys and weapons into bubbles, I mean come on, you can’t really fight that. He can even turn invisible by covering himself with a false reality, that’s just overpowered. Then after he shows off what Titan used to look like, it’s as if he forgets the reality stone is even usable.
I think the answer to this is Thanos simply didnt feel they were any threat at all....
He knew he could beat all of them without even really get a scratch on him....the thing he couldnt account for was Mantis...He didnt know she was there and had no idea she could do what she does....
Had Mantis been out in the open for Thanos to see from the beginning of the fight and had he knew she has the power to put him to sleep, Then I completely agree the fight doesnt make sense on Titan...If Thanos Knew about Her and the threat she poses, He should have Used the Reality stone as you said...
but what happen was Thanos didnt know he was in a fight against Multiple Heroes until the fight had already started, Hes surprised when Doctor Strange Tells there are others...
Tony then drop that huge building or Space craft on him and the fight begins....
but Thanos is An ELITE Warrior and Fighter With 4 stones at that point....Thanos truly probably did not feel they were in threat at all, He probably wanted to fight them and beat them all(as we heard Ebony say at the beginning we he fought the Hulk "Let Him Have his fun"....
I just dont think Thanos saw them has any threat whats so ever....
It would be like If you were an adult Foot racing 3 or 4 small 8 year old children....You probably would even tie your shoes to race them, You would feel no threat and know you could easily beat them...
Thats how Thanos probably felt, ya he had The Reality stone, But just didnt feel the need to use it...
If Marvel is smart we won't see that much of the gauntlet/stones in A4, let's be honest that thing even with a few stones missing is too powerful. Especially the reality stone like you've mentioned, unlike all the other stones (minus the soul stone obviously) its power wasn't all that well explained and even if it was it's not something easily understandable.
This was the first time we got to see Reality stone in action and I admit it was confusing seeing Drax and Mantis cut into cubes, at first I thought Thanos killed them then and there. And it also allows Thanos to turn weapons to bubbles? I guess the problem is determining limits of the Reality stone, okay so you can alter reality with it but that's rather vague.
The story alteration from "trying to woo Mistress Death" to "trying to balance life against resource availability" also becomes a bit problematic with what the gauntlet it shown to be able to do.
Being able to change elements of reality itself is a pretty huge capability. Necessary resources could be created from inert materials very easily. When it comes to energy, the gauntlet also seems to be able to output vast amounts of it, although seeing it "burned" from Thanos' snap at the end does imply it has limits. Like crushing that moon is possible, but perhaps he can't just move planets and stars around willy-nilly in order to assist civilizations.
Even still, in his concern over resources, Thanos himself seems to expend enormous amounts of resources in his crusade. His large ship, the smaller ships with advanced engines that probably require a lot of fuel, dropping towers full of assumedly cloned creatures that are used disposably with no regard to waste...
If Thanos thought to use all that and the gauntlet to help people, he could become one hell of an intergalactic missionary!
Personally, I think the change in motivation was necessary, as what works in a comic often doesn't work in a film. It would be hard to see Thanos as a formidable foe if his motivation were an inability to woo a girl. Unrequited love plays well in some instances, but not in the "big bad" a team of superheroes battle, so I"m glad they left Young Werther Thanos in the comics. On top of that, the film gives us a very nuanced Thanos, and one it is hard to side against at times, much like Killmonger in the Black Panther film. It's hard to view Infinity War as anything other than the story of Thanos' heroic quest to do what he considers the right thing, and while it's misguided to most of us, there is a logic to it. Meanwhile, how pathetic would he seem if his only goal was to "kill lots of people to impress a girl who keeps saying "no" every time I ask her out?"
Reality Stone-- hard to know what it can or cannot do, but my impression is that it gives its user the ability to manipulate what he, and those around him, believe to be real. I did not see evidence that it could make any permanent alterations to reality. Its effects seem akin to hypnosis. Note that once Thanos, and the Stone, left Knowhere, Drax and Mantis returned to their normal state. The implication was that they'd been "normal" all along, but the illusion lasted as long as the Stone kept it in place. Starlord's gun fired normally after that, implying that he had only believed he'd fired bubbles from it. The most convincing evidence for this was on Titan-- Could Thanos truly warp reality in a permanent way, wouldn't he restore Titan to its former glory rather than simply show Dr. Strange what it once looked like while declaring wistfully how much he misses it?
My big takeaway from the Titan battle is that Dr. Strange is a very formidable adversary for Thanos, able to counter much of the Gauntlet's powers with his magic, while preventing Thanos from activating it by closing his fist.
Yes, I had also initially assumed that the reality stone was changing others' perception of reality, and not reality itself... The two things that confused the issue are Starlord's gun, as you mentioned, because he DID pull the trigger, and the gun DID fire... But only bubbles came out.
If it was just perception, then in reality, the gun would have killed Gamora, and they would see her dying for no reason.
The other is Gamora's knife, she pulls it out and stabs Thanos with it before he tosses her, but the knife turns to bubbles and it's just plain gone. The knife was literally turned into bubbles, vanished out of existence... That's what it seems like.
The only real solution here is that Starlord didn't actually have his gun drawn, he only thought he did... And Gamora pulled out nothing instead of that knife, but was tricked by an illusion of having the knife in her hand.
No matter what's the case, obviously it's very rare for purely fictional logic to be 100% perfectly solid.
Likewise, if we accept that the reality stone can change reality, and that Thanos could feasibly restore Titan.... Well that's the same argument that I gave, where Thanos could use his resources AND the gauntlet as a galactic missionary, fixing the problems he sees instead of simply DELAYING them by cutting populations in half!
Thanos could be a very productive person if he focused on long-term solutions instead of temporary band-aid fixes.
What makes Thanos so realistic to me is the fact that he does stick with the beliefs he's had for since the fall of Titan. Like most everyone, he's ardent in his views and believes his logic to be correct, his truths to be real, etc. Not to bring politics into this, but compare him to, say, Bernie Sanders. I believe most of what Sanders says to be ridiculous, and question his understanding of human nature. I could write a long post breaking down why I believe this, but I seriously doubt that Sanders, or even one of his supporters, would change their mind one iota after reading what I wrote. Nor am I likely to change my mind were I to read something that explains why Sanders' ideas are sound. That's how humans, and, most likely, Titans, are. We believe what we do, and rarely change our minds.
Marvel did the same thing with AIW like the one they did in CA:CW - they managed to make certain characters that probably needed more exposure and public's interest look more cool and badass. With CW you had SpiderMan and Black Panther, here again Spider Man and Doctor Strange. Strange delivered a whole new set of magic in addition to some trick from his movie, that multiple arms thing looked awesome for instance. Characters like Captain America, Black Widow, Wakanda crew were on the low key.
Nitpicks and overall issues with this sequence aside (Stark giving Shuri a run for her money with that Nano suit... love it!), the Titan fight is tense, exciting, and excellently made. Seen the film a “few times” already and this big moment astonishes me every time. Pure cinematic entertainment.
I know the film definitely lived up to my hype. But, I feel like Avengers 4 is going to be something greater.