Thanos Vs Snoke

Not who would win but a comparison of the writing of these characters.

I was never interested by Thanos - he seemed like the very definition of a comic book villain and all the negative stereotypes that implies: ridiculous, over the top, paper thin motivations, purple, etc. But fuck if they didn't make the character work. They took something that could, maybe should have been awful and breathed life into it and in doing so created - for me - an utterly captivating villain. Thanos is a product of time, effort, skill and dedication... and arguably they didn't even need to try so hard, IW was always going to make $Billions no matter what they did.

And then there's Snoke, the principle villain of Nu Star Wars, the character with arguably more impact to the story line than any other: he was the one who saved the Empire, turned Kylo Ren, built the Star Killer etc etc and just look what they did with this character. They didn't even bother. Didn't even try. Didn't even care. JJ treated him as a place holder and RJ used him as an 'expectations inverter'. I mean seriously - even if you liked these films how long did the two of them spend writing that guy, combined? 5 minutes. An hour?

What timeline are we in when Marvel villains have depth, pathos and gravitas whilst Star Wars villains are written as if by a child doing his homework on the school bus on the way to school?


Concisely put. Thanos is a masterful villain.

Snoke who??????


Thanos was a good villain rather than great. His Evil Plan was ridiculous and stupid, but he was played with verve and charisma and worked as a screen character in spite of everything.

Snoke never mad much impact, but then I guess he was never meant to be anything but a place-holder for Darth Emo. Whom I loathe, BTW, if they try to redeem that Han-killing twerp I shall be very angry!


Yes, his plan is ridiculous, you're right - but they still made it work. That's what I love about IW, they actually took the time and effort to imbue a giant purple (demi)genocidal maniac with 'verve and charisma'. Many others couldn't be bothered and with Star Wars they apparently couldn't even be bothered to be bothered. Even the name! It's like 'Snape' crossed with 'joke' - I think it's JJ Abrahms laughing at his audience.


They are definitely laughing at us while they count their billions of dollars.


Snoke is just a poor man's Palpatine. He seemed like an afterthought and his death was meaningless as we never had a reason to care either way.
