MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > AIW now the 4th film ever to top 2 Billi...

AIW now the 4th film ever to top 2 Billion +....

2 Billion +

Many box office Record and records including some of the biggest and most important records....

The Most Successful CBM of all time

The Most Profitable CBM of all time...

The Avengers Franchise Is Now Officially Box Office 's Most Bankable Franchise...ONLY franchise ever to start off With Three 1.4 Billion dollar + films....

Will Soon become 4 after Avengers 4 ....

and actually If we Count Civil War(which is an Avengers films) that will be 5 straight 1 Billion dollar + films...

Avengers could also become the only franchise in history with Two 2 Billion + films if Avengers 4 has similar success as Avengers IW...


AIW is currently at 1.904 B.....

This is going to lead to an EXTREMELY close final total between 1.975 to 2.225 Billion....

Its either going to BARELY MISS 2 B or BARELY HIT 2 Billion

AIW has maybe 40 to 45 Million left to make domestically....

Maybe 15 to 20 Left In China

and Maybe 25 to 40 Million left to make from Remaining overseas Markets...

IMO Its 50/50 now.....I wouldnt put my money on either side yet,its either going to slightly Miss to 2B or hit 2 B by an even LESS ratio

I could see AIW missing 2 Billion by anything from 5,10,15,20 or 25 M......

But at this point, if it hits 2 B, Its gonna barely make by like 5 or 10 M...


Small Update.....

Avengers Now excepted to make More in China due To slightly stronger Holds...

AIWs currently at 336 Million In China, and Now expectations are it will finish between 360 to 365 M(They were 345 to 350)

This is actually a pretty big deal and May Push AIW over 2 B...

AIW now looking at another 40 to 45 Million Domestically

Maybe another 25 to 30 M in China

and another 25 to 35 Million from remaining overseas Markets...

as Of Now.....I say there's a 75% chance AIW hits 2 Billion...

AIW is having Excellent Holds domestically....especially the last 2 weekend against 2 MASSIVE Blockbusters...

to have a 52% hold against DP1(which opened to 125 Million) is Incredible

To now have a 44% hold against BOTH DP2 and SOLO is fantastic...

Its going to end up averaging SUB 50% drops for its entire run, Which Is Pretty good...


AIW....Is currently at 1.964 Billion....

Its continuing to have Excellent and better than expected HOLDS domestically and In China which has now GUARANTEED a total gross over 2 Billion....

Probably next Sunday Will be The Breakthrough day....where AIW officially Hits 2 Billion +

Incredible results!

AIW May also be heading toward a 670 Million + domestic total....

AIW is going to get within 5% of Black Panthers Domestic Total....thats Incredible


Will be funny if it reaches $1.99 billion and just stops there.



for a while it was looking close and looked like it may finish in the 1.990s Bish range....

but Now its guaranteed to top 2 Billion......but just barely


Now that Black Panther has surpassed Last Jedi, it'll be interesting to see if Infinity War beats Force Awakens.


Now that Black Panther has surpassed Last Jedi, it'll be interesting to see if Infinity War beats Force Awakens.


I see no scenario where AIW tops TFA....

but we can hope


Wait, so now you're back to for sure $2 billion? What changed your mind? I know we talked about this elsewhere in this thread (I think).


Wait, so now you're back to for sure $2 billion? What changed your mind? I know we talked about this elsewhere in this thread (I think).

^AIW Is Having A Better than expected run in China and even Just got a EXTENSION to remain in theaters longer because its having such good legs....

from the time AIW debuted in China to 200 Million...all box office analysts had AIW finishing its run between 340 to 350 M....So every Forecast I made was under the assumption AIW would make between 340 to 350 Million in China...

But AIW is now looking at a total between 372 to 377....

the answer to your question of "what Changed my mind" is 1 thing.......that extra 32 to 37 Million AIW is making in China from having Great Holds is going to be what puts it over 2 Billion....

The extra 32 to 37 Million Is completely unexpected BONUS that We couldnt see coming until last weekend....but Its enough to guaranteed a 2 Billion dollar gross...

All along I forecast a final grosses between 1.925 and 1.975 Billion.....thats extra MONEY from China Puts it over the top...

Its also worth noting AIW is having Excellent Better than Expected holds Domestically too...

Its had back to back Sub 40% holds, and Had A damn good 53% hold going against DP2 when it opened(some thought a 60% drop was coming against DP2)

basically, Great WOM is whats going to ultimately lead to AIW topping 2 Billion....Chinese Audiences loved it and Its having Excellent Legs....and domestically Its having INSANE Sub 40% holds against Summer Blockbuster competition


You really know your chicken. It's nice having someone like you on the boards crunching numbers and giving us updates. Thanks for taking the time to do this.

I think I'll contribute another 10 bucks to the kitty tonight or tomorrow. I need to see Infinity War at least once more on the silver screen.




