using made-up names

Cute line, but shouldn't Peter Parker be well aware of a world-famous neurosurgeon?

At least I figured he was famous, which is why Sitwell mentioned him in the same breath as Bruce Banner.


At least I figured he was famous, which is why Sitwell mentioned him in the same breath as Bruce Banner.
HYDRA's Insight program was about potential threats to HYDRA's leadership and their attacks on freedom. It wasn't based on fame. They used a complicated algorithm to attempt to predict those who would most likely become problems and resist.


I know why HYDRA might’ve targeted Strange - as a top neurosurgeon and an arrogant one at that, he might heal their enemies and/or fuel resistance

The question is why Sitwell would mention Strange by name in the same breath as “Bruce Banner.”

The answer seems to be that Strange was as famous as Banner (whom Coulson likened to Stephen Hawking even before he became the Hulk)

Hence my original question


There are degrees of fame. A highschool student would know entertainers or athletes but still not know famous surgeons and the like.


Fair enough ... Peter Parker would've known Tony Stark and maybe Bruce Banner, but I guess "famous surgeon" isn't quite Stephen-Hawking-famous

Strange wasn't Dr. Oz, after all.


Quick! Name a famous neurosurgeon!

Betcha can't without a google search.


fair enough


Trumps black friend
