Aquaman is an man who breaths underwater. His name explains itself. Wonder Woman is a Woman who is a wonder. Wolverine has claws. Captain Marvel is not a captain and is not called Marvel or even Mar-vell. I think the problem is obvious.
Also, none of those movies are MCU. In the MCU they have actually put in the legwork to make sure that the characters justify their names. They didn't just brush over "Captain America" or "Doctor Strange". Strange is his name, and he is a doctor. He makes a point of insisting on being called "Doctor" in his movie. They didn't have to do that. But they did.
And actually there is a scene in Logan where pierce says "as I live and breathe, the Wolverine". And that film isn't even called Wolverine. I'm pretty sure it's referred to elsewhere, but I can't remember.
I haven't seen Aquaman. I guess in Wonder Woman they were hamstrung by her appearance in Justice League. It would have had to be a name that was given to her by news outlets, like Iron Man.