My spoiler-filled review
The 90's soundtrack and overall 90's vibe was fun. I'm glad they didn't overdo it with giant cell phones and stuff. We got a chuckle out of Radioshack and 90's era computers and that was enough.
It's always fun to see Nick Fury, of course. Coulson, too. And yes, the CGI for Fury was really good. Thinking about it, Fury was the MVP for this movie in my opinion.
Ben Mendohlson was charming and I like how they dealt with the Skrulls. A lot of people think we will never see Skrull bad guys but I think by the time we catch up with them in the modern MCU, we'll see at least a few Skrull factions who are willing to do some evil things. In the comics, the Skrulls were pretty benevolent millions of years ago and turned evil due to Kree shenanigans, so I suspect we will see the Fantastic Four kicking some shapeshifter ass at some point. And if not, I'll be interested to see what they do with them.
Nick Fury's origin is stupid af and takes away from his previous badassery for a gag that was not that funny to begin with.
I feel nothing regarding Carol Danvers. I'm not sure if it's the script, the directors, or if Brie Larson is still trying to get used to a superhero role. There were a lot of scenes where she came off wooden, even AFTER she got over her brainwashing. Towards the end of the movie where she is confronting Yon-Rogg or Supreme Intelligence, her emotional range never quite gets above mildly annoyed. Sometimes they give her some snarky remarks or one liners but they fall flat as if she's reading cue cards. I hope the Russo Brothers give her some snappy scenes in Endgame as they have a knack for bringing out the best in the MCU characters.
Even beyond Carol lacking a clear personality, the movie itself was not that exciting since we've seen most of it before. A lot of Marvel movies follow a formula but when they do, at least they bring something new to the table. For instance, Black Panther followed the formula to a T but it got by on setting up the world of Wakanda, which added to the MCU. This movie doesn't really have much in the way or world building. We've seen the Kree before, we've seen the Tesseract, we've seen the early days of SHIELD, and even when it comes to Goose, we've already seen cute aliens who look like Earth animals in the MCU. The Skrulls were interesting but the movie shrouded them in mystery for the twist so we never got to really explore them as a race.
It is not one of Marvel's best and is on the level of other "meh"-level MCU movies like Incredible Hulk or Dr Strange. Here's hoping they do something interesting with Captain Marvel in the future as she is supposed to be the face of the universe but doesn't nearly have the charisma of Robert Downey Jr or Chris Evans. C+