Brie Larson is well-cast and turns in a solid performance and the film uses a flashback-heavy structure that is interesting. Ben Mendelssohn is also quite amusing as the leader of the Skrulls.
But "Captain Marvel" is the epitome of functional, anonymous film-making.
It has a bland visual style - the scenes on the Kree homeworld are probably the highlight, although the society is never really explored, while the film feels like "Mass Effect" elsewhere. There is also an over-reliance on '90s music and other nostalgic debris to establish the time period on Earth.
Once again, the villains are incredibly lukewarm (Jude Law and half-a-dozen unimposing commandos that Captain Marvel easily tears through with her super-strength and photon beams). Everyone is after the Tesseract again ... I think this is the fourth time this has been used as a plot device in a Marvel film.
I also wasn't a fan of Nick Fury being played like Maxwell Smart in "Get Smart", a wisecracking and somewhat ineffective comedic character who thrusts a cat at advancing alien soldiers. The way he loses his eye is SHOCKINGLY low stakes.
With "Wonder Woman" there was a real sense that Patty Jenkins was making a statement ... it was heavy-handed but it was a statement, nonetheless. "Captain Marvel" really hews too closely to the safety of Marvel's film-making formula to make any kind of impact.
You're welcome :) I always advise going to see a film if you're curious (even if you read bad reviews) and then sharing your response with friends. Word-of-mouth will always make a stronger impact than anything written by critics.
I meant to come back here and let you know that I think your review was very accurate. I think I may have liked it more than you did but all of your criticism points are on target.
Dammit Jake, you and your early screenings again. :P
Judging by your remarks and the bad press its receiving from MC and IMDB along with her anti-white remarks, it definitely won't hit $1 billion. I had a prediction of $750ish million but it may now be around $650 million instead.
I'm not sure if mixed reviews and online antipathy towards Larson will impact the film's box office ... the Marvel franchise is a juggernaut. It definitely won't make "Black Panther" money, though. That film was an anomaly even for Marvel.
So the rumors about Fury's eye is true? Oh man, that sucks. It's not enough to make me not want to see it or anything but I REEEEAAAALLLLY wish they had a better idea.
Is he fighting an alien and it gets clawed out in battle? That would be perfectly fine.
Because from what I've heard, he gets a playful scratch on his eyebrow by the alien (which looks like a normal housecat) that is otherwise on his side and it just gets infected sometime later until he loses it. If that's the case, then that's lame.
Regular not paying attention when a cat is getting annoyed from being held up by it's armpits. The joke is that it's such a mundane origin of the injury, despite the cat being an alien. Fury wasn't even angry.
Fury gets a tiny scratch on his eyebrow from an alien cat, Goose, in the last ten minutes of the film, after the action is over.
The next time we see Fury, Captain Marvel gives him the pager that will allow him to contact her. We see that his eye is swollen.
When we next see Fury, Coulson is showing him a box full of glass eyes. Fury lets everyone think that he lost his eye due to Kree torture.
To sum up: Fury loses his eye to an infection after being scratched on the eyebrow by an irritated alien cat. He then lets SHIELD believe that his eye was removed by the Kree during an interrogation. It's played as a joke.
Personally, it felt like they were trying to make fun of how cool Nick Fury is in the other films by revealing that he was actually kind of a light-hearted dork until his encounter with Captain Marvel.
Youre right, they went too far with the comedy. Its a regular thing with Marvel movies now. Ragnarok was the worst one for the comedy. So many serious and crazy things going on [spoiler]like Odin dying and Asgard getting wiped out[spoiler] didnt match the tone of the script.
. . . and it made it the best Thor movie. Maybe Marvel figured out that more moviegoers like a superhero flick that doesn't take itself too seriously. This isn't Oscar winning drama here, it's guys and gals flying around and shooting laser beams at each other. You have to put it in perspective. If everything is like "The Dark Knight," it gets boring real quick.
I'm going to give it a fair shake, even if I'm not exactly amped for this. Sometimes that's how a movie takes me by surprise. I was skeptical about Wonder Woman going in, but it won ne over. The first bit I wasn't a fan of, but it definitely got better.
I just don't have a relationship with Captain Marvel to begin with, so it could go either way for me.
I'm a bit embarrassed that I never read much Marvel. I was always more the darker kind of comic fan.
My understanding is that the Carol Danvers version of "Captain Marvel" has only really enjoyed popularity since 2015, when Kelly Sue DeConnick relaunched the character. She was quite badly written up until that point.
When I used to read comics, my Captain Marvel was Monica Rambeau, who was the first female African American member of The Avengers.
I very much disagree with you (and other apparent fair-er critics who shared similar complaints) once again, JakeS. I had a feeling I would. Fortunately! :) This is a wonderful and, in my eyes, extraordinary movie (no less than a good movie) in my damn opinion. Here’s comes a much more enthusiastic and radical response!
While the comparisons to Wonder Woman were inevitable, I find all the complaints about Captain Marvel failing to achieve what WW did (I.e. “there’s no wonder here”, “not really empowerment”) to be poor and missing the point. In terms of female empowerment, CM clearly went for something different than WW and it successfully did what it WANTED to. They are TWO DIFFERENT CHARACTERS, after all!
Words like “forced” have been thrown to criticize its themes and story, but I couldn’t disagree more with these negative opinions. What I saw was a uniquely told origin story that was effective and unforgivably full of girl power. Whatever issues others have with its themes/handling of female empowerment (not referring to the sexist trolls who take issue with strong girls that show attitude —or strong females in general), I just know the film did the title character justice. Carol is courageous, persevering, strong in every way, and unapologetically herself. There was as much depth in her as there was grit--she was just real. So with all that in mind, I’m betting this movie is going to resonate with more people (ghoulish trolls excluded obvs) than the charming but rather idealistic WW did.
Moreoever, despite the predictably tired “Marvel formula” criticisms I’ve seen from some, while the film shared a lot in common with Phase 1 films (for good reasons) imo it by and large felt different from many MCU films when it came to story structure and aesthetic. Uneven? It was certainly a puzzling film, and yet... that absolutely worked for me. On the whole, it is not one of the more eventful MCU films. However, I don’t at all see that as a negative thing. The movie is still packed with the satisfying thrills and humor so typical of the MCU, but for the most part it feels like a self-contained and understated film. Although it can be slower paced than others, I think the film ultimately told the story it needed to and had the right pacing. On that note, a major reason why this film worked in my book was because of Carol’s friendship with her old pal. Their scenes were impactful and well-executed.
Perhaps this could have been a bigger film in some ways, albeit I’ll be damned if I said I was underwhelmed. In addition to it having some of the most electrifying sequences...the action IS great... and solid characterization of any Marvel film (obligatory imo), I also found the duo of Carol & Fury to be PERFECT! To be frank, I’m getting amped just thinking about it! So now, much to the chagrin of the reactionary manchild army online, it’s time for CM to shine with audiences around the globe! So ready to see her in Endgame!!!
Honestly, I could compile a list of my problems with "Captain Marvel" but, ultimately ... I was bored (I actually yawned in the cinema when the Tesseract popped up, yet again).
But, as you know, I totally respect your opinion and I appreciate that you are a fan of these films.
The person who reviewed it for the site that I usually supply reviews for also looked at it much more kindly than I did ;)
I saw it. The only issue I had was the music. I wasn't crazy about the use of the Nirvana song or the No Doubt song but the rest of it worked well enough.
The tessaract doesn't show up until the third act. But we get to see where they hid it which was a mystery after it was picked up in the water after Captain America First Avenger.
The villain(s) aren't spectacular but the twist made them more appealing than probably 80% of the villains we've gotten so far in the MCU. Would've like to see more from Ronin but he was never implied to be a larger role here so yeah.
I've seen the "lack of style" complaint floating around from the Chris Stuckmans of Youtube but it has enough of its own style to count. The style of the movie felt Iron Man 3'ish to me but with a lighter tone.
I liked both credit scenes. The one that leads into Endgame didn't really say much but it did feel like she fit right in with the team. Perhaps that was the Russos doing but we'll see.
Overall it was a competent movie. I had about as much fun here as I did with Aquaman and people were raving how fun that was despite its silliness.
I didn't like 'Aquaman' at all. I think by this point in Marvel's sprawling series, they should have the experience and resources to be making films that are more than competent. I also think audiences should demand more than competence in exchange for their money and time.
I also think audiences should demand more than competence in exchange for their money and time.
I'm just one dude but as a paying audience member I felt I got my money worth. It was what I like from a comic book movie, exciting and fun with a few genuine emotions thrown in as well.
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I agree for the most part but I've always gotten what I paid for with Kevin Feige's films. Even with the relatively disappointing Thor Dark World they were still figuring things out and I felt it did what it needed to do. I think whats happened is we've been spoiled by Guardians of the Galaxy, Russo brothers and now Taika Waititi. Ant Man and the Wasp wasn't fantastic either but it was similar to the first and we knew what we were getting. CM was new territory and our expectations were high. I think they should've invested another $20 million in it and added more of the Kree homeworld instead of making so much of it on earth. Then we would've had a much better movie and added more style which a lot of people seem to be after. But it looks like they were playing the odds by keeping the budget in that $150 million range. We haven't seen a Feige movie that low since Ant-Man.