New trailer

Captain Marvel trailer. Should be interesting, can’t wait.


Excellent. The full Captain Marvel trailer today (that new poster is stunning) and then maybe, just maybe the first trailer for Avengers 4 will finally be dropping in the next few days. What a time to be a fan of this universe.

Loved the first Captain Marvel (teaser) trailer but this new one will be everything. I can already see the reactions to it... and let’s just say all hell’s gonna break loose! :-D Will be good.


Avengers trailer is Wednesday from what I hear.

New Captain Marvel poster looks great


Most of the world: Does not know what MNF means. Does not watch fake football.
It's american football, starting 20:15 EDT, 01:15 UCT. Someone else can explain halftime.


From all your posts, I thought you were American.


Well then I’ll just post the trailer when it comes out. I can’t put out all the time zones the world LOL


After see the second trailer, I love how they show Captain Marvel with the Mohawk a few times.


I'm officially predicting Captain Marvel will be The MCU's first disappointment.

Bree Larson does not look special at all in The role...The Skrulls look way too fake....No real standout action scenes in either trailers....

this newest trailer is kinda scary, you know Marvel studios wanted to real show the Goods with this trailer and the fact that the best they could do was what we got, IMO suggests something isnt going right.

I have Liked to LOVE 17 out of the 20 MCU films....IMO Kevin Feige is a genius.

But I think Captain Marvel is going to be a MISS and I think Its going to be a MISS for 2 MASSIVE reasons.

1. its starting to look like Bree Larson is a really bad Miscast

2. I think The directors have underachieved....

This is quite ODD considering those are 2 things Kevin Feige Literally KILLS at....Feige/Marvel Studios has absolutely knocked it out of the park CASTING the right actors for roles and They've made some of the Greatest "Outside the box" directing choices in Hollywood history...

But I think they MISSED on both here...

I hope I'm wrong....hopefully they are just running behind in Post and just dont have enough good material finished yet to show...

But at least for me, BOTH trailers have been bad, and the second is downright concerning...


You also have to remember Marvel has never shown alot in their trailers. Which I love. Most trailers nowadays show EVERYTHING, Marvel does not do that. They even put fake things in the trailers just to throw people off. Marvel does not even give the actors the full script.


Freaking Marvel-lous. As wonderful as the first trailer was to me, this one is, as expected, kick ass and simply... LIT! :) The costumes, effects and cinematography look nothing short of stunning. And I can tell the action scenes, not including the fantastic shot of her fighting in space at the end, will indeed be inspired by 90’s actions films. So in a word, nothing in this trailer failed to impress me.

Needles to say, I do not echo the sentiments of Bill up here and others that felt similarly unimpressed by the trailers. I unabashedly found this trailer to be no less great than some of the MCU’s best trailers. Now that I think about it, I recall there being similar complaints with recent MCU trailers (Black Panther and even Thor: Ragnarok) and look at how at how those films turned out. And just to be clear... yes, CM being a weak film isn’t an impossibility. But it is difficult to imagine Feige and Marvel Studios suddenly dropping the ball on an important film like this — what makes it important they ask? Let’s not even start.

First failure tho? Forgetting the likes of The Dark World I see. Never disliked the Thor sequel, albeit it goes without saying the movie was seen as a disappointment by fans and is generally considered the weakest in the MCU. How about The Incredible Hulk? Does it not have a place in a discussion like this anymore? Iron Man 2? If a critical AND financial disappointment is what Bill is suggesting, well, that would be unfortunate but we’ll see about that. Last thing... while there is unbiased fans expressing the same concerns as Bill (those overgrown toddlers with their agenda attacking CM since day one aren’t worth acknowledging), I get the feeling no trailer will do the final film justice because I think there’s so much they can’t show from it.

In any event, one thing I am certain of... is this film has my full support. It’s hands down one of my most anticipated Marvel/superhero films ever.


I loved it. I think it’s great. It looks like it going to have a little mix of seriousness and humor. Although probably more serious. Most of us never could see Brie Larson as an action star but it looks like she might just pull it off.
