MovieChat Forums > Childhood's End (2015) Discussion > Dear Syfy: Please stop. Please...just st...

Dear Syfy: Please stop. Please...just stop.

I've just finished the first segment of your adaptation of one of my all-time favorite novels.

Next time someone brings a book of this magnitude to you, could you just make another "Sharknado" and call it a day?

I'd hate to take a bite outta you. You're a cookie full of arsenic.


Better yet, next time YOU see something on TV you don't like, just change the channel!

There, I saved you years of therapy. You're welcome.


Better yet, next time YOU see something on TV you don't like, just change the channel!

That is true for 99% of the nonsense on the channel formerly known as Sci-Fi, but that argument doesn't actually apply here. If Siphy makes a *beep* adaptation of a great book, then that means that it will be that many more years before someone else can get the rights back to take a stab at making an actually good adaptation. Therefore, it is indeed possible for the network to make your life worse even if you don't watch it.

Furthermore,I suspect this site may not fully grasp the concept of signatures.


not to mention legal fees



may as well ask the asylum to stop,some been doing that since 1997 lol luckily they hit with sharknado and z nation lol otherwise they would prolly still be on the gtfooh list .

spectre can

suck it.


Nobody or a quarm of people will ever be able to replicate a reading and mental world of any book. Look at the past mutilations: Starship Troopers, any Phillip K Dick novel, or (one I still cannot sit thru) Dune. Sit back and observe, if not enjoy, the visualization and just suspend your disbelief for a very short time.
Or, as others have stated, reach out and unplug and dispose of your TV set.


When anyone reads a book they get their own image in their heads and it's really wrong to criticize someone else's vision just because it isn't yours. If you don't like theirs, don't watch it
and/or make your own.


First and Formost you can't put all a book into a two hour movie or even a mini series, maybe a series. Second you imagine the charitors one way and someone else will imagine another reading a book that's all the writers do when they write a script.
Third see a movie that you read a book on with that knowledge and understand it will never be better than your imagination.


As an adaptation of a very long book I think the director did a good job. If the whole novel was put on screen then we would have ended up with a thirty hour mini-series! Google the other attempts to bring the novel to the screen and how they all went belly-up.


with 90 hours of Commercials! (if it were shown on SyFy)
