Cross necklace scene

Too vague, can someone explain? Was it just thrown in there? What's eye and the crying all about?


I can only consider that open to individual interpretation - it wasn't part of the story in Clarke's novel, it's completely a creation of the screenplay.


I see, my initial thought was that if the whole "son of god" shebang really happened, then "god" or "the all" would still be displeased with what they did to his "son" and then turned his death into a cult to control others in his name. Quite theatrical on part of the "overmind" don't you think?

The very first time I saw the overlord I understood the direction the series will take, which was to give the bible and the folktales a possibly scientific explanation...


the melted cross is only briefly shown but if you freez frame it at the right time it sure looks like the symbol of the Blue Oyster Cult. The eye is so much like the eye of Sauron in lord of the rings or the eye of god on the dollar bill that it has to be a steal. I think the art director was having fun with his job when he realized what a pile of crap this miniseries was turning into.


It made very little sense.
