Unfortunately, it is not because the film was not like we imagine it could/should have been done. It is because:
1. it is terrible filmmmaking with an insipid script, lackluster direction, soap opera style acting, poor editing decisions, and no sense of narrative drive.
2. it bears no resemblance to the meaning and intent of the book. Classics throughout history have been redone and there is always room for innovation and reinterpretation- that is fine. But this contradicts the very purpose and tone of the book.
3. no explanations/examinations are given for the most essential aspects of the story.
I have read reviews that laugh at the look of Karellan looking as he does. This was an essential aspect of the book and yet, in the way the film was done, it was completely lost on many, many people. This is a serious fault of the filmmakers, not the viewers. I don't blame people who have not read the book to understand the fuller purpose Clarke had for having Karellan look that way. Like so many aspects of the film, it was skipped over, was too oblique and practically an afterthought. And yet tons of time was spent on showing people hugging, kissing, romantically joking with each other, etc. This was not essential to the storyline. This film was not made with the idea to have people wonder about the universe and our place in it; why we have the abilities and talents we do; about the whys and wheres and hows of life, death and all the universal questions people have asked since the beginning of time.
This was a sad waste of money and time, when it could have been sublime.