MovieChat Forums > Keanu (2016) Discussion > If someone stole my kitties I would decl...

If someone stole my kitties I would declare war on them too.

Dont mess with my cats!


Good luck stealing Thor or Loki.

He was the cutest little thing when I kitten napped him from my back yard. 5 weeks old. Bit me twice & gave up. Fit in my shirt pocket. Now he's 20 lbs of fur with evil fish hook claws. He's the first cat I haven't had hand fights with.

Loki is bi-polar. She was lying on my leg & suddenly bit me for no reason. Pity anyone tried to steal her.

Most of my kitties avoid visitors to the house

But Illidan is a doll.
They could probably steal her.
So put upon.

This isn't Wall Street-this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity-Crowley
