
Anyone know what this is going to be rated?
It looks amusing, but hoping it's not R. I think it would be weird if they had a Cat dropping the F-word.


There's a red-band trailer... It's gonna be rated r.


It's confirmed to be r rated, the red band trailer contains too many f and n words for the movie to receive a pg-13 rating.


You can say the N word an unlimited amount of times in PG-13 movies.

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"


You don't have a red band trailer for a PG-13 movie so obviously it will be R


The only exception to that rule was the red-band trailer for Beowolf, a PG-13 rated film.


It's already been confirmed it's going to be rated R.


I just saw a trailer for the movie on TV. It is confirmed that this movie is rated R.

But I can't say that I am surprised because it's from Key & Peele of the sketch show Key & Peele.


It is R, and justifiably so. There are curse words, adult situations, nudity, drug use, blood, and violence. Surprisingly none of it feels out of place like in some R rated comedies. I was aware of it but it was all very cartoonishly surreal. Loved the film by the way.


How much nudity was in the movie?


Topless strippers. They were on screen for about four seconds.

Nothing in the film would traumatize anyone over 10, just things you might not want your kid exposed to if they don't know about them already.

Edit: For me, I think a bare minimum age would be 12-14. Anyone under that should not be at the right age to understand and put into context certain concepts presented.
