MovieChat Forums > Keanu (2016) Discussion > Does anyone else think that---

Does anyone else think that---

This movie looks incredibly stupid as hell??

I love Key and Peele but this is unacceptable from these guys...
Seriously? a Friggin CAT movie?

I mean I'll probably watch it at some point just because I'm a fan but jeeeez Louisee...

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.


I am not a cat fan.

The movie really isn't about a's about them getting the cat back.

I loved it! It was an entertaining movie, I laughed, I didn't cry, it did not become a part of me ... but I still liked it!


It's no more stupid than any other comedies that have come out this past decade.


It's no more stupid than any other comedies that have come out this past decade.

I will gratefully accept that logic.

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.


What do you have against cats?


What do you have against cats?

Nothing at all. I love cats. In fact my black cat is sitting on my lap as I type this response. I just thought this movie was an incredibly week effort to try and make some money off of a first movie from these guys.

What better why to market something than a cute kitten?

I just know they have more talent than that and they could have easily done something a little more... preferable?

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.


I felt like the concept here was entirely in tune with their show.

You have all these drug dealers, mega-assassins, gang bangers.....

And they all melt at the site of this cute little kitten?

That is very much something that they would do on their show.

"Luke Skywalker has vanished."
