MovieChat Forums > Florence Foster Jenkins (2016) Discussion > Any chance of Best Supporting Actor Osca...

Any chance of Best Supporting Actor Oscar nom for Selmon Helberg?

Any chance of that? Love him on TBBT, but hope he has a chance at more roles after this!


He was brilliant in it. His facial expressions were spot on

I'd like to see him getting a Nomination.


I'd say they'd be more likely to category fraud Grant into supporting, and he'd be the one to end up with the nomination.



I think he has a shot and I hope so. I too loved him in this film.

The cast of FFJ will probably already be on some shortlists but will have to see off competition from a lot of Oscar vehicles getting released in the months after it's released in the US.

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Yes, I believe he will get a nomination. He is certainly worth the honor. I have a feeling Hugh Grant might also get one, too. Both were so good! Probably Hugh's best performance!


Good performance but I think Hugh Grant is more likely to get an Oscar nomination for his performance as Best Supporting Actor.

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He's the lead actor.
