Sweet and Moving
It is hard to find anything negative to say about this film. A wonderful cast coupled with the true story of a woman blessed with great humanity and a deep, abiding passion for music. Such a cruel irony then that she was not also blessed with the voice of an angel. Perhaps it is fair to say that vocally she was in range but never quite hit the target.
It would be so easy to depict St. Clair Bayfield money grubbing leech but I think his love for Florence and his wish to protect her was perfectly genuine, as was her love for him.
I can't help feeling though that Earl Wilson of the New York Post had a point during his confrontation with St. Clair, when he accused Bayfield of encouraging Florence's operatic delusion, thus leaving her open to riducule. For some reason I thought of Simon Cowell at this point!
I also thought that Rebecca Ferguson did a great job as Kathleen.
I hope that when awards season comes around, this film will be duly recognised.
Ceasar: If Cleopatra and this other upstart ...
Brutus: Ptolemy?
Ceasar: I am telling you!