I still own the vinyl version from RCA Victrola from 1970 (German Issue)), which I bought around 1979, right when I started to collect "novelty" songs. My fav was always Queen of the night because we listened a lot to Mozart at home, and that was at the time my fav opera, so we enjoyed even this version. I was always amazed at the weird side of FFJ but also at the courage of issuing such songs... did a little research but at the time there was not a lot available (remember, internet came slightly later ^^). I would have never ever thought that some director would come out with a biopic. I like the film, don't need to add any comment on what's already said here.
But what concerns the music, over time, I discovered other songs considered "the world's worst record" (Kenny Everett, 1978) (reissued partly in 1983 by Rhino etc). Out of them all, my all-time favorite songs are Jimmy Cross' "I want my Baby Back" (1964), Gloria Balsam's "Fluffy" (1979) (must have listened to these two songs over a thousand times each).. etc
On the terrible side but still amusing to listen to from time to time is Wild Man Fisher's "Young at Heart" (1977).
From there I explored Captain Beefheart (terrible LP Trout Mask Replica 1969) or the more humorous songs (e.g. Zappa: You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here, 1965) or some R&Rers (Buzz Clifford's Baby Sitting' Boogie, 1960, She Wooley's The Purple People Eater, 1958).
It's not always clear if it is intended to be funny or if they had just a terrible music taste. I don't want to argue about more recent music, the spectrum exploded and really sh*%tty music is produced .. for what sake? Greedy producers or spoiled youngsters? I am old enough not wanting to read here "de gustibus..." That would be really silly.
We have fun parodies like The Detergents "Leader of the Laundromat" (1964) spoofing The Shangrli-Las superb song... so this one passes without doubt, it's just the text which changes basically...
Just thinking of Spike Jones with all his madness pure contributions to modern music...
So there are many artists with doubtful qualities and were still released, like some really bad films still get financed. FFJ however was 20+ years ahead of the big music industry and one must definitely put in doubt some of her entourage. She was living for music and her dream was a small fragile plant inside her which was nursed up as she grew older and sicker. One cannot condemn her for having had the wish to sing. And I respect her singing much more than some other who call themselves "artists" nowadays. Because she was a human and kind person and had a real big heart. Sometimes it is just not possible to persuade someone to go against an inner wish.
Porque tambien somos lo que hemos perdido!