It's a Guinea Pig film...

Why all the complaints about it being an effects showcase that's what Guinea Pig films are do people not understand this yet??

Also perhaps the people that gave it good reviews understood what to expect from it since it's a Guinea Pig film, and aren't fake reviews perhaps oh my god they liked it I know I did.

Btw the ending is crushing but great.


I don't understand what you mean by all the complaints.... I haven't seen any on IMDB! All the reviews are for it.

I like it, I can watch these types of films but theres no doubt, it just isn't as good as what the Japanese film makers can produce in human torture/dissection.

These two chics were way too out of it on LSD, pain killer or whatever. They might as well have been dead already, for what reactions they had/// no reaction!



It was a paralytic,you feel everything. You just can't move.mix in some lsd and it would be the absolute definition of living hell.


I get that they feel it all. But that definition of hell where they were just isn't shown for us viewers...

