Thanks for the bogus reviews, jerk-wads....

I haven't had an account with imdb very long, but I'd use it to look at trailers and read some reviews here and there, but I've quickly learned to not just READ the reviews, but to actually click on the user's profile who posted it. If the film they gave a stellar review to is the only film they've reviewed, odds are they are part of the cast/crew promoting their film. Thanks, d***heads. I expected much better based on the reviews (and the $30 I paid on Amazon for the 3-disc set). Decent gore, but not anywhere close to the hype.

I've been getting into extreme horror/extreme cinema for about 4 years now, and I really thought this would be the most shocking yet... It wasn't. the drugging of the girls to where they were basically unconscious with their eyes opened was just lame and kinda ruined it IMO.

Maybe I missed the point of what they were trying to accomplish, but it just didn't feel real enough for the hype they put behind it. There was no screaming or terror. It was basically like a *beep* up autopsy with a bunch of dingleberries with cool masks. Sorry if I sound like a movie snob, guys, but I feel duped. Oh well, live and learn, right? This actually wasn't a complete waste. It'll look good in my collection, and I guess I can throw it on for a friend just to *beep* with them a bit.

So, unless you're extremely into special effects and makeup and THATS ALL, don't waste your money on this. I'ts extremely boring if you've been desensitized like most fans of extreme horror. I almost feel like uploading this online just as an F-You for the phony reviews, but I won't. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ > ๐Ÿ˜‡



Mmkay... Not sure if you're being funny or what, but they didn't actually torture the actresses.


Actually... none of the cast and crew wrote any reviews... the early ones was from film fests at Cinema Wasteland, Housecore Horror Film Festival and the rest. Thanks for buying it though. A lot of people dig it... not your cup of tea, that's fine, understandable. It is a FX showcase and has screwed up a lot of normal people. A lot of people used their real names on the reviews and yes, we did ask people who dug the film after the fests, to go put an honest review on IMDB cause it helps international sales to other territories.

We don't need fake reviews... seeing as how the Gore-Met from Rue Morgue Magazine in a full article states, "The Most Brutal Gore Film of All Time."

The 12 page spread, cover article in the next Gorezone Magazine... tells something different. Maybe your jaded to hell and back. We understand... I'm there with you...

The reviews on the professional sites... at the top of IMDB where it says, 9 critics... all but ONE... loved the film. The review from JoBlo... OUCH! It's BRUTAL!!! Check that one out. LOL But then check out the rest...

Anyway... Sitges Fantasy Film Festival in Spain will be showcasing Bouquet of Guts and Gore in October. The major fantasy, sci fi and horror film festival that started back in the early 1960's is showcasing the film. You don't get into a really prestigious film festival with a couple of good IMDB reviews.

I usually don't answer any IMDB reviews or posts but man... I had to say something about this call out for fake reviews. They're not... maybe some people get higher then you or drink more then you... maybe some of them are not used to seeing this sort of FX work...

You did say... "if your extremely into special effects" A lot of people are... why would you think some people wouldn't get excited over that? I'm an old school gorehound. I don't need to put vomit, piss, poo, cum, pedophilia or animal deaths in the film to make it extreme.... just old fashioned gore and FX.

Anyway... thanks for buying it. Means a lot to us. The next film in American Guinea Pig is almost done and info will be out on that soon.

Thanks for NOT uploading it. It's already been ripped off on a lot of streaming sites so we appreciate you not trying to screw film makers over cause one dude who did stream it, screams at the top of his lungs... in an IMDB review... that the reviews were fake.


Unearthed Films

PS: Sure it's up there already.


[You did say... "if your extremely into special effects" A lot of people are... why would you think some people wouldn't get excited over that?]

Yes, I'm totally aware that some people are very much into the special effects/makeup aspect of film making. That's why I put the remark in my post. My comment wasn't meant to bash the film, but to give my honest opinion of what I felt after viewing it, while also calling out those who I felt weren't being honest with their review.

I don't usually read critic reviews for films like this, I like to know what fans of the genre are saying about it. So when I read a stellar review from someone and it's the only review they've ever given and have only been a member for about as long as the film has been around... Well, call me overly-suspicious, but this wouldn't be the first time it's happened. And for some reason it happens more often than not on this site with films in this sort of genre and films with limited marketing/advertising.

You did say you asked "those who dug the film to give an honest review on IMDB cause it helps sales..." So not a single one of these people were friends or family members of the cast/crew? Or possibly some fanboys who got a bit overly excited because they got to talk with and shake the hand of the director/producer? If so, then that makes it a biased review, and in turn, a FAKE review. Why not let your film speak for itself? If you believed in your work, you wouldn't need to seek out members of the audience who enjoyed your film to coax them to promote it for you.


Thanks for the reply. Mmmm... then wouldn't all reviews for people in the horror industry that I know, be biased... meaning fake if we go by that assumption? Asking people to write a review on IMDB if they enjoy it or even if they did not... does not make a bias account. I understand that some do fake reviews... but man, people dig this film. I've seen 4 people with tattoos of the mask on thier bodies so far. I get countless emails from fans and horror people thanking me for making this film. I'm thrilled to have so many people happy with my work.

No family, no cast and crew members... but a LOT of fans of the original Guinea Pig Series. I wasn't at all of the showings, only Housecore in Texas and that was all strangers.

If I wanted bogus reviews... I could have had over 100 of them from friends, family, cast members... so on and so forth. Why is it hard for you to accept that a lot of people dig this film? It's not everyone's cup of tea... but the Guinea Pig Series is infamous and a part of horror gore heritage. Have you ever seen them? IF you did... you would probably know why people are giving it outragous reviews. A lot of people DON'T like the Guinea Pig films and most only like 2 of the 6... some people love em all but it's mostly just the 1st three.

Anyway... I just wanted to say their not fake reviews... thank you for picking it up, cause we really appreciate it.

Unearthed Films


Fair enough, I'm probably wrong in this instance (definitely isn't the first time). Also, I'm not surprised that there are plenty of people who loved the film. I thought the gore looked pretty cool, just got a bit repetitive for me. To each his own, everyone has their own opinion on what's good and what isn't. And it's not even that this was poorly made. It just wasn't quite what I was expecting.

I've honestly just been burned too many times after reading reviews I now know to be bogus, but it's usually been for $5-10 dollars, not $30. So I was a little pissed when I skimmed the reviews and jumped to the discussion boards. So my bad. I'll look and see if there's a way to take down the "Thanks jerk wads" topic. If not I guess I can just delete my comments if you want.

So hopefully no hard feelings towards me. I think you have some real skills and potential in film making, and I'll be keeping an eye out for anything you put out. Have you ever thought about making a slasher with similar gore you used in AGP? If so, I'd definitely check that out. I love horror (I have a big portrait tattoo of Pazuzu on my forearm), especially independent horror/extreme horror. As far as gore, I loved Arthur Cullipher's "Headless" (fantastic gore), and pretty much anything the boys from Necrostorm have been doing. "Pieces of Talent" was also pretty cool.


Why did you buy the box set!! Just watch the trailer free online first! Some sites show stream movies free too. Also read more reviews before running out to buy definitely listen to your gut!

I thought this movie got boring and repetitive aswell (Constantly running out of tape, both women lying flat on the table).

Infidus was good. It was full of drama, action and had a interesting story. All rolled into a bucket of blood!





The reviews are bogus? Why? Because some people enjoyed a movie that you didn't? That makes a lot of sense. Hahaha! Are you new to earth? This cannot possibly be the first time other people have had different opinions from you.

I wrote one of the reviews. Care to tell me how it's bogus?



So in other words, yes. You do expect everyone to have your same opinion. And you can't fathom that others actually enjoy films that you don't. You actually do think that any opinion outside of your own is invalid. Hahaha!!

The person arrogant enough to name their film series American Guinea Pig is THE person who owns the rights to the original Japanese series. He's THE person who helped that original series reach fans around the world. But I'm sure you knew that, right? And as legendary as the original series is, it's really dated. The new series BLOWS IT AWAY as far as practical FX goes. But you didn't like it, so that obviously means that my opinion is bogus.

