
So after Theresa and Jon have the baby it won't be long till they're caught obviously. the pond or lake or whatever it was wlool be searched because there's apparently a baby there and when they done find it there a search will go on...... it won't be long till Theresa and Jon are a suspect, obviously because there's no way they're saying there....

aftermath of the film.


they would have been caught anyhow. the basic idea of the film was good, but the script was so illogical.


of course there is no baby thrown in the water.he is alive and living in Germany with them.
you never saw what she threw,could have been a rock.
that's why they had all the assorted pics of them with the baby to make the case that billy was peter!


I think it was the cat that got thrown in the water. Remember at the end the husband said it was missing?


I suggest leaving all the so called 'logical deduction' and just enjoying the movie on a casual level. I know you guys are half joking but some comments are bit too serious. Come back to earth.


if this was a romcom, sure. nevertheless, this film's aim is to be clever, but it isn't, rendering it worthless.


Yeah, let's forget about logic in a serious movie about a baby abduction. That makes sense, it's all just a silly romp! I don't think you know the difference between tragedy and comedy or something.. maybe you need to study some literature. This file was set firmly on 'Earth' and it made little sense.


if you are uncomfortable with the movie then dont watch it. but if you did watch it and it made little sense so what. its a movie. dont stress on the trivial matters in life. be happy. lol literature.i dont need to read tolstoy or ulysses or translate brothers karamazov into ancient greek to just have fun with a movie and be happy. try it. :)


Yes, unless the water was a major tribituary, the baby would have been found by divers.

"What would you like to see on your honeymoon, Mrs. Cord?"
"Lots of lovely ceilings."
