MovieChat Forums > Humans (2015) Discussion > The humans are synthier than the synths.

The humans are synthier than the synths.

I'm a big fan of the show - I find it "easy viewing", very easy on the eye and not too demanding. I gotta say however that the acting is dreadful! The synths have to act synthy, fine, but the humans! Every time I see that family it's like I'm watching one of those ads for breakfast cereal or orange juice, with the perfect family having a little banter around the breakfast table in their immaculate kitchen on a beautiful day. The father especially (mother actually doesn't do too bad a job) - I must have seen him in such ads (can anyone confirm?) I can't see him without imagine him saying "Oi! You'll be late for school!" with a benevolent smile, as the Corn Flakes logo appears.

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