Äkta människor

Decided to give it another shot with the swedish series

Äkta människor (Real Humans)

when I read about "Humans" as the english version of it.

Care somebody who watched both to make a comparison of the two? Probably with less spoilers more about the ability to handle the major subjects.


Äkta människor (Real Humans): much more interesting premise, depth in characters, etc., but kind of a soap opera that got lost in the different storylines (only watched season 1, for me it was enough).

Humans: more focused in the artificial intelligence plot instead of making audience think; easier to watch but less rich in terms of metaphors and ideas behind the stories told.


Yes I agree.
The Äkta människor script was really brilliant..!!
The characters (family and "machines") are incredible..!!

At the end the machines´names hubot Vs shynts I prefer Hubots because it is really much more interesting...!!

Hablo mejor español :)


I'm a bit late to this party and you may have already watched it, in which case, what did you think?

If you haven't, I agree with the two poses above, but I'll also add that Äkta människor was a bit darker. Both are very good, which is rare for a remake.


House of Cards is another show where the remake was pretty good, but the original just ruled.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


Äkta Människor was heaps better. I only got bored after six episodes, and was actually digging it hugely during the first few. After police dog killing scene, the initial fling was over. By the time Flash called the other lesbian "homoäckel", all the hubots had basically changed into completely different things than what they had been, thus it was clear that also the rest of the inconsistencies were a result of chaotic convenience, not anything planned. Begun then with the UK version, but stopped after just 20 minutes. Maybe the excellence of the Swedish start had me jaded.


The Swedish series are more Swedish.

That means more of a mess, but also a lot more interesting.

I think they just polished the Swedish script for the UK version. A bit too much polish for me, i find it kind of boring, when compared...

The Swedish actors are great by the way.


I tried the original Swedish show shortly after watching Season 1 of the UK version but just couldn't get into it. I gave up after the third episode because it felt like watching a Swedish version of Brothers and Sisters with IKEA-bots made from recycled Old Navy mannequins as its subplot.


Your loss

Well I admit I have an advantage, since I understand Swedish :)


Not really. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not really a loss. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But yeah, if understood Swedish (and had watched it before the UK version) it would probably be satisfying and enjoyable as a "slice of life" show with a sci-fi/tech element. Kind of like watching a family drama inexplicably set 100 years into the future.


I watched the Swedish one about a 6 months ago and I loved it. Now I thought I would give this a try, but I could not. Like someone else here, I watched about 20 minutes, then could not take it anymore.

It is basically the same, but much worse. It has none of the same feeling. And the way the story progresses, it is very confusing and messy here and kind jumps around.

The very beginning of the first episode, in the Swedish version it was a brilliant start, a real mystery, quite dark, no idea what it is all about. You got hooked. Here they just start at the factory and then the family goes to buy the android...

I am sad. I wanted to like this too, but the Swedish one is just so brilliant. Like the Millennium film(s), so much better than the US version.
