Great show! One small remark. SPOILERS.
I can take a lot of thing as they are in the show and still find it incredibly realistic. It has great story lines and is definitely one of my favorites this year. Great!
One thing regarding Niska's case and the show overall. Social media. It's mentioned few times that there's is social media in this "parallel universe". This things that go with the synths cannot go unnoticed, unshared, untweeted. The people are clearly aware of what's going on.
So, if Niska wants a trial she just have to say it on Youtube or whatever and sit back and enjoy. There will be millions of follower, fundraisers, interviews, coverages and so on and the government will simply have no choice, but to do it properly, not in some basement with glass room. The way those things work, I wouldn't be surprised if she wins the case.
Same for the other plot lines. Some startup it guy collects them just like that for himself. Yeah, right.
Overall great show again!