MovieChat Forums > Shades of Blue (2016) Discussion > The show needs more gay sex scenes

The show needs more gay sex scenes

Shades of Blue needs more gay sex scenes come on JLO and producers let Wozniak have a gay sex scene in a bed with his boyfriend!!


No it doesn't. Those two are probably the only ones we'll see this season. I don't see Liotta being the "gay" actor.


You should read Ray Liotta interviews he got NBC to put the gay kissing scene back into the script when they wanted to cut it. Wozniak is a complex character.


Just watch the old cable series "Oz" or 'Queer As Folk" (US version) for all the gay sex scenes your heart desires, lol!


I like this idea, seeing homophobes' butthurt would be nice.




Yea I'm kinda tired of this trend in television these days.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.
