A NYC Detective makes about $95,000-$130,000 depending on their grade and rank. Private schools in NYC, like the one her daughter attends are likely, $30,000-$35,000. Though her daughter's education is a large portion of her salary, it still is very plausible to provide her with a private education, live in a respectable area and not have to scrimp for dollars and change, on a Detective's salary.
The premise is not only sketchy but it doesn't make a lot of sense unless Santos chooses to live WAY above her pay scale.
I do remember in an earlier episode, I believe it was the FBI that commented on Santos' location of her apartment, and the furnishings, etc were said to be "out of place" and seemingly out of her pay scale. I have no idea where Santos is supposed to live. So maybe Santos is commanding a more exorbitant life style, by choice.
Jack's not dead! Jack would never die without telling me, first!