MovieChat Forums > Seeds of Yesterday (2015) Discussion > Was it clear to you that Cathy Died?

Was it clear to you that Cathy Died?

I read the books, so I knew what was supposed to happen. But for those of you who haven't, did you realize the ending was Cathy dying in the attic?

I rewatched a few times, but to me it looks like she is just closing her eyes to reminisce. In the book however, it was beyond clear that she died up there of a broken heart.


BOOM! bazooka joe. -Randy Barry of The Real World: San Diego


I actually think it's better that it was unclear. I always thought it was kinda dumb in the books that she just
suddenly died for no reason.


to me it was very clear from Cathy's own monologue in the end, if people actually pay close attention to what she actually said at the end of the movie, it was quite clear that she went up to the attic to die.

In both the book and movie, she died of a broken heart after losing Chris, hence she died of a form of heart failure or cardiac does happen quite often, people can suddenly die from any form of heart failure.


Yes, I didn't think otherwise. I thought it was clear that her heart was broken and the only reason she would go back to the attic is to die there.

I didn't know if she was imagining the flowers being there, or if she put them there... I suppose she was imagining haha. That was my only (dumb) question.


In the book she put them there

"That was the sickest thing I've seen on TV, and I watch Dance Moms"


Ok, thanks. I thought maybe she did in the movie but it wasn't made too obvious. It seemed like she could have been envisioning them.


It was very clear from everything she was saying in the voiceover. So, yeah I knew she was gonna die or at least kill herself.


I must not have been listening close enough. It wasn't clear to me at all.


I knew she died, but only because of the books. It wasn't so clear in the movie.
