MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Election Year (2016) Discussion > Why would European tourists be allowed t...

Why would European tourists be allowed to take part in the purge?

Non-Americans being allowed to take part in an American holiday by killing Americans? So everyone on the planet can just come in and start murdering Americans nilly willy without any problems? Wouldn't you need to be a citizen? I know in this world the government sanctions murder one night a year, but even that seems a little much to me. What if North Korea got together and decided to invade the United States during purge night? Would that be allowed too?


You behave based on the country you're in (lex terrae, or Law of the Land). Therefore, of course anyone can kill anyone, as long as they are on America soil.


Yeah, but I think the OP's point is how can any such law be passed with that kind of loophole? Like who would admit that they'd vote for that. Do the airports shut down because any and all flights could be potentially taken down by nutjobs--whether it's a "bad guy" or a "good guy" with a gun. Terrorists could come in and sabotage hundreds of oil rigs or the electrical grid with impunity. They could take over the jails and release all the prisoners. And the rest of the world would just laugh because we pretty much asked for it.


That's exactly the point this franchise is trying to make.


LOL you're really questioning the ethics of a system where the government sanctions a night of murder? Why would they do that? Because capitalism, baby. If the story made any sense, the visas would be very expensive. And obviously, those tourists would be vetted to receive visas in other ways, as well, just like visas are in the real world. Agents of hostile nations would not get visas. Short of direct murder, but such as things are, already, in the real world, things like corporate-driven trade agreements already fist average citizens in various nations. As we speak, the President of the US and the likely next are in favor of, and actively pushing a trade agreement that sells the national sovereignty to multi national corporations: the infamous TPP.

Why can't you be a non-conformist like everyone else?


How can they sell what they don't own? The Federal Reserve's owned it for over 80 years...


First, why you complain about if they are European? So, Micronesian are ok?

In the movie they explained that was Murder Tourism in reference of developed countries tourism to undeveloped countries for child prostitution/organ transplants/adoption/murder (that's the premise of Hostel right?)

In this alternate USA things are so depraved at the point that you can even go to Murder Tourism.

If North Korea got together? (And i think you mean North Korea and Ganga Style Korea) travel to "America" (I think you mean United States of America) with one million armed soldiers/disguised tourist with full gear and ammo and bla bla style) (thinking about Red Dawn original and remake / Invasion USA) and the USA customs keeps like "La La Land", then something is really wrong with "our" country.

The whole premise of The Purge is the rock bottom of society morals and politics, it happens to be in USA, because is filmed in USA, but as Carlos says "In Juarez is Purge Day every Day"

This is the opossite at Minority Report.


What if North Korea got together and decided to invade the United States during purge night? Would that be allowed too?

North Korea: “Why bother? The Purge is the greatest thing that could have happened to us. Let them destroy themselves! Then it’ll be all ours! Muahahaha!”

But if any of this were to really happen.... yeah, I highly doubt good ol’ ‘Murica will stand for it. ‘Murica always sets limits when something goes awry for it, especially when it involves the others (non-white euros).


Foreign terrorists have been running around in our country for decades. What's the difference?
