Rebecca Bunch and the color blue
Call me crazy...(pun intended)...but is there a significance for Rebecca Bunch wearing a blue dress or blue in general or is it just a mere coincidence. I rewatched the first season and there were times where she would wear blue. For example, she wore a blue dress in the first episode and of course during the musical number when she arrives in West Covina. The opening credits she had a variation of the blue dress. During Josh's sister's wedding, she wears a blue dress. There are other moments I am sure but I can't think of them right now (oh and season two where she reprises "West Covina" with Josh) but I am noticing her wearing blue a lot but wasn't sure if there was a reason or if I am being a crazy head (more than likely, the latter).
"I feel as if I have been incarcerated in a blueberry."---Nigel St. Nigel, Psych