MovieChat Forums > Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015) Discussion > Rebecca is now an Unreliable Narrator

Rebecca is now an Unreliable Narrator

You could say that they had to retcon in the relationship with her college professor in order to give Josh a reason to bail. But, I actually really like what this does to Rebecca's character. She is so delusional, that we can't even trust that what she tells herself is the truth. And, it totally fits her character that she would completely black out her past experiences that were painful to the point they caused serious mental trauma.

Is there anything else that we the audience have taken at Rebecca's word that could easily be false? Rebecca did hint that she did some amount of stalking of Josh after he broke up with her at summer camp. It would certainly be interesting if we discovered that the entire pilot, or show for that matter, was just Rebecca's delusional, romanticized version of events. (hence all these musical numbers)


It's an interesting idea, but Rachel Bloom has said that it isn't all in Rebecca's head.

I love that Rebecca is an unreliable narrator and that we're going to find out more about her background. She's always been a bit unreliable anyway, in that she always proclaims that Josh is her true love and they are perfect together when that's clearly not the case.

I don't think it counts as retconning, as they haven't changed anything about her past - just revealed a bit more.

You don’t have to be angry to have an opinion worth hearing.


Definitely an extremely subtle retcon if one at all. But, you could argue that this was not always planned and was invented out of convenience to the current plot. I guess my evidence of that is that Rebecca has never even hinted that there was some amount of shame in her stint at Yale. The assumption before was that this was just a way to make her slightly inferior on paper to her nemesis.

I think the most devastating lie Rebecca could have told us is if her encounter with Josh in NY was not coincidence. If she planned that after Facebook stalking him or something, her story gets 100 times creepier.


That would be more interesting, because let's face it that IRL true love doesn't just coincidentally show up in the middle of a breakdown (when Rebecca was still in New York). This show would turn more psychological, showing more about Rebecca's state of mind and presenting the dichotomy between real love and fantasy love.
