MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks (2017) Discussion > Scenes where I laughed out loud...

Scenes where I laughed out loud...

In no order...Wally Brando, James singing, the window washer, He's Dead, Gordon's reaction to Denise talking about her raging hormones, Sonny Jim hitting Dougie in the head with a baseball, Janey-E and Dougie having sex, Dougie walking into the glass door, Dougie with the tie wrapped around his head, Sonny Jim playing on his gym set, Gordon's reaction to the coroner and Albert at dinner, Lucy falling over in her chair, Chad making ape noises in jail, Janey-E telling the gangsters how it is going to be, anytime Dougie drinks coffee, Andy entering the white lodge(?), Nadine and Dr. Jacoby, Jerry's foot. There are more, but that is all I can think of now. Anything I might have missed that made you laugh?


You make me laugh modica. You are my kindred spirit.


It's good to laugh. Ha Ha


Gordon's look of bewilderment when Lucy answers that no, she hasn't been there for the last 25 years, she's left to go to the washroom. Maybe not laugh out loud, but definitely a chuckle.


I chuckled a bit with that one too. Gordon's bewilderment was also funny. I also laughed out loud when Gordon was drawing that animal. I just laughed again thinking of it.


Good ones. That arm wrestling scene was about the funniest thing I think I've seen in about a decade.



that one made me laugh hard.


Yeah, those are good ones too.
