MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks (2017) Discussion > I Hate Dougie, But I Love Kyle MacLachan

I Hate Dougie, But I Love Kyle MacLachan

As exasperating as the character of Dougie is, I think that MacLachlan is doing a superb job with it. Dougie is boring, but MacLachlan makes him sweet and endearing. The guy has acting chops, even when handed scripts--like many in this series--that I think are inferior. If you like him, please watch his movie, The Hidden. Wonderful REAL (not Lynch) science fiction, with Kyle at the top of his game.

And, just to put my contributions on this topic into perspective: I am not a David Lynch fan. I don't care about David Lynch. I am a Twin Peaks Season 1 and part of Season 2 fan. Lynch can go fuck himself, for all that I care; but I care a lot about many of the thespians he has gathered for this final season, and I will celebrate then even if I don't enjoy the narrative so far.


Yeah, i've always said that. Im not a lynch fan, im a twin peaks fan. I agree about machlachan as well. Not a fan of dougie but kyle's acting as dougie is superb. Had insomnia last night so i gave "the hidden" a whirl. Holy 80s cheese but interesting. It was worth checking out. Thanks for the recommendation.


You're welcome; and let's consider this: in The Hidden, he plays an FBI agent who's involved with space aliens and who, as the next poster points out, turns into a precursor of Twin Peaks' Dougie when he drinks. Do you think that any of this influenced Lynch, because I sure do. We could name this show Hidden Peaks.


Lol i don't know about it influencing lynch or not, but i was definitely thinking it was a good practice run for machlachan. He was kindof like a cross between cooper and dougie in that flick. But damn, how old is he?! That man has aged like fine wine.


I seem to recall that in The Hidden Kyle drank half a bottle of beer and became Dougie.


I think it's safe to say Kyle McLachlan is a lock for every TV acting award next year.


How can you hate Dougie?


Well, gee, let's see: the phrase BORED TO SHIT comes to mind. And how about COMPLETE WASTE OF MY TIME?! I do not hate Dougie as a person. I resent the total nonentity that is his character. I have also noticed that you, the biggest Twin Peaks apologist I can imagine, have started expressing how slow and vapid the narrative is this, very likely the last, season of the show has been.


Yeah, so...there is still a lot I like. I am just concerned that the end isn't going to be satisfying. I didn't care for Dougie much, but he has grown on me. He is actually more like Cooper(childlike) than I think Cooper will be once he remembers. I think that once Cooper remembers and realizes that he lost 25 years, he will be a much different man.
