MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks (2017) Discussion > Anyone else started reading the book?

Anyone else started reading the book?

Mine was delivered yesterday and i find it a hard read. I don't care about Lewis & Clark and I was expecting historical significance of the families we are familiar with from the show. I'm sure it will eventually get there, but right now, its not pulling me in.



Thanks, I was wondering about ordering it. Please post if it gets better.


Railroad history is pretty important to the northern plains and northwest. Does the book talk about J.J. Hill's Great Northern Railway? The Last Spike (Canadian "Golden Spike") at Craigellachie, British Columbia?

"The bonsai: the ultimate miniature."
--Will Hayward, Twin Peaks




That's the point of reading it with an open mind. One is already doomed if they start reading a book or watching a movie with expectations of the content that is of their own personal wishes. The book may cover many things but part of it is to tell the history of the land. We know that the land and forest of Twin Peaks and the surrounding area is a driving element behind what we see. Now, the question is why?

Frost and Lynch created this. Now enjoy these next parts, the book and new season, with an open mind and see what you find out. If you liked the original show, then it was the journey that made it fun. Let the next journey be equally as open as the first and hopefully you will enjoy.

Just keep reading, don't expect anything, and just see what each new page brings. I'm heading over to Barnes & Noble hoping it will be on the shelf today.


I received mine yesterday and have 50 pages to go. It picks up after about 100 pages, but then kind of goes back to aspects I didn't find too interesting at about the 250 page mark.

Thus far, it did answer the fates of a few characters we weren't sure of after the series ended (I won't say anything about that unless asked).

As for the identity of the archivist... is that really a mystery? ;)


Let's just put it this way... only read if you like X-files like conspiracy stories.


The Lewis and Clark stuff ties into elements from the show, as does the whole book.
