Donna Hayward

Is she coming back for series 3? Who will play her?


There are rumors that she's recast by Lisa Coronado. We'll see.



I would cast Moira Kelly who played Donna in Fire Walk With Me out of loyalty and for already being fine as the second Donna... although she's disappeared since 2013.

Comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable


Apparently they did ask Lara Flynn Boyle to return but she said no.

Remains to be seen whether there's been another recast, or if they kill the character off or whatever.


Yeah, hmm I'm not sure which rumors are true, some sources are saying she declined to rejoin, but others are saying different:

Meanwhile, she is said to be 'desperate' to reprise her role as Donna Hayward in Showtime's reboot of Twin Peaks airing 2016.

'She really wants to return. She desperately needs the career boost,' a source told the National Enquirer.

It could mean she wasn't asked to come back, like with Piper Laurie's character:

I made it very clear to David and the team that I would be delighted to come back. I had a fantastic time on the original and won lots of awards. I’m surprised and I have no idea why I haven’t been called back,” the three-time Oscar-nominee says, noting that she only found out the revival was happening as news was released to the public. “I did send a note to David that I would be delighted to return, but I think most of the material that I was in on the original didn’t really involve the darker aspects of the show, and I can guess maybe that’s where David and Mark Frost are going, but I really don’t know.

But I'm surprised Heather Graham isn't coming back, Annie had a pivotal role and she still has an active career, plus she's still hot.

Comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable


I personally don't think the National Enquirer story is really based in any truth. They've fabricated and embellished stories for a long while now. They probably just wanted to exploit Boyle's career (which has been in downturn for a while now) and her probable plastic surgeries (anything to sell a magazine).


I've got a feeling that in the universe of season 3 it was Donna not Laura who was murdered.

She has a kind of psychiatric cabaret. Very good. There was something about Suez.


Donna sacrificed herself as she was the angel in the end of the white lodge in FWWM.


Donna sacrificed herself as she was the angel in the end of the white lodge in FWWM.

I don't think that's accurate. The two angels at the end of the movie were played by different actresses, neither Moira Kelly. Unless you have some other interpretation you're sharing.


I can see Donna as the likely successor to Irene working the night shift at Hap's in Deer Meadow: the diner where they have no specials.


In the series, characters often face each other as if on either side of a mirror, which in some cases has a time feature.

Sometimes one sees an older character looking back at some aspect of herself in the younger one facing her, while the younger one sees a possible future.

One such pair I think is Donna Hayward and Evelyn Marsh.

"The bonsai: the ultimate miniature."
--Will Hayward, Twin Peaks


I've got a feeling that in the universe of season 3 it was Donna not Laura who was murdered.

She has a kind of psychiatric cabaret. Very good. There was something about Suez.

Sorry, but that would be totally stupid. The last 25 years have built the show - a show based entirely around the death of Laura Palmer - into a legend. Why on earth would Frost and Lynch change that now? That would be an extremely cheap and tacky maneuver, both a slap in the face for the characters and the fans.

I think it's fair to assume the creators have thought of ways to continue events more organically than suddenly switching characters.



She has Rheumatoid Arthritis and it is that chronic condition that prevented her from returning. I am so tired of the "bad plastic surgery" comments. Do a little research. It ruined Kathleen Turner's health also and she endured the same bad publicity because of ignorant and uninformed comments like yours.

The truth doesn't cost anything, but a lie could cost you everything.


I've really been wondering what they will do with Donna. When I first heard Showtime was resurrecting the show, I thought that Donna was a character who might really be interesting to revist. When we saw her as a teenager, she did not have a good sense of who she was; she was always Laura's "best friend" and Laura seemed to permeate her life (even after her death):

1. She became obsessed with helping solve her murder
2. She got involved with Laura's boyfriend
3. She tried to pattern her behavior after Laura (when she visited James in jail in the original series/the Pink Room scene in Fire Walk With Me).

When Laura's murder got solved, Donna seemed to have no idea where to go. She and James parted ways, and then she learned that Ben Horne was her father - she had no clue where her life was going and she didn't have any sense of who she was outside of the other people in her life. I thought it would be so interesting to see where she was 25 years later - to see who she had become and to see what she had done with HER own life (outside of Laura, Ben Horne, James, etc.)

I wonder what Lynch and Frost are/were planning to do with Donna in this revival. It seems to be that they offered Boyle a chance to return (a really incredible offer considering she has been out of the public eye for a while and has earned a lot of negative publicity regarding her looks (very, very sad)), and she turned them down. I wonder if Donna was only to appear in a cameo - or perhaps Boyle didn't like what they planned for the character. Anyway - whatever they do for Donna - I do hope they at least give us some information about her in the book/some mentions in the show if not an appearance.

It kind of makes sense that she would appear in the new series; she was a major character in the original, and several important characters that were connected to her are reappearing (Warren Frost as her father, Alicia Witt as her sister, and James Marshall as her boyfriend). While it would be kind of annoying to recast the role a second time (I wonder if Moira Kelly was approached to take over in the revival. I would have loved that; she was excellent in the film), I could see Lynch and Frost doing that, and ultimately, I'd be interested to see what another actress did with the role. Assuming Boyle (or Kelly) will not be making a surprise appearance (and Donna has not been killed off or written off), I could see them recasting the role with:

- Jane Adams (who incidentally played Lara Flynn Boyle's sister in the 1998 film Happiness)
- Ashley Judd
- Lisa Coronado (who has really been rumored to play the role)
- Tracy Phillips
- Naomi Watts (she could take over Donna or Annie's roles IMO)

No matter what they do, I'll be interested to see what they do with Donna.


I would often think of what happened to the Twin Peaks people, over the years. Especially after getting the Gold Box. Donna Hayward? I wondered if she had a stake in the Horne businesses, maybe a way for Ben to make amends. Would Audrey let her in on it. They did seem to be on good terms. Would Audrey let Donna be a partner just to spite Ben? I also imagined Donna leaving town to put it all behind. She sure didn't seem too happy with Ben, or James. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she was not in Twin Peaks any longer.



I wonder if Donna will return. If so who will play her?


I hope it's Jane Adams, but it could be Ashley Judd or someone else.


First time I see Jane Adams mentioned as a potential Donna and now I hope you're right! I'd love it!


At the end of the second season, Donna spoke a lot about going to Europe after she graduated from high school... maybe Donna just, you know, moved away from Twin Peaks, like some people do in real life?

By the way, very interesting that Alicia Witt, who appeared in one episode of Twin Peaks, is back as Donna's sister, Gersten. Maybe her role will fill in for Donna.


Thing is, Fenn tweeted that LFB was asked to reprise her role and declined. So there were scenes for Donna, that's what gets people talking about possible recasts.

Anyway since the trend seems to be "you are allowed to move away from Twin Peaks exactly once in your lifetime, if you come back you're screwed", if she made it out, I hope she stays wherever she is and has a nice life away from trouble.



Why won't Laura Flynn Boyle come back... Money not good enough ? I want all the living characters to return to Twin Peaks... Even the still young sheriff who claims he's retired. That's lame. I almost don't want to see this. They can make Bob come back with CGI ... He has one look mostly crazy.


There's only one Donna and that's LFB
