Jesus is not god

Ive proven my point on 8 seperate occasions, please scroll back through the threads. Just posting this again for newcomers.

Acts chapter 2 according to Peter:
Jesus was a man
God favored him and gave him power AFTER his baptism
Jesus was from the sperm of david aka joseph
The jews and romans crucified him
GOD raised him from the dead (God did not raise himself from the dead, God raised Jesus)
Afterward God made jesus a Lord aka Master and Messiah XBONE on PC XBONE on PC


Yes Jesus is God. The bible confirms this on many accounts.


Read Acts chapter 2 fool, Peter's speech seperating Jesus from God. Teaser Trailer


AngryNegroMan, if you hadn't noticed, Jesus was often referred in reference to the different roles He took. In ACTS chapter 2, peter is referring to Jesus in the persona of the Son of Man, which Jesus Himself used countlessly throughout the gospels.

However, there are times that Jesus has referred to Himself as the Son of God in the gospels as well. Daniel also referred to Christ in this form

"And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace". He also did it in John 5. In John five, Jesus spoke to the Pharisees as the Son of God. In that chapter He gave reference to His persona as "the Son of Man" also. In John eight, Jesus directly revealed to the Jews "Verily I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM." Again, Jesus reveals Himself in His persona as the Son of God, the One who appeared to Moses in the burning bush and told him tell the Isrealites that I AM had sent Moses to them.

In Acts 2, Peter is proclaiming Christ as the "Son of Man", or Emmanuel, God with Us. For in coming to earth, Jesus took on Himself the nature and form of fallen man, and in this way, became all man. Therefore, like man, He was tempted in All points like us. But at the same time, He retain His divinity as the Son of God. He came with a mind wholly consecrated to God, and said No to every sin Satan tempted Him with.

This is the mind He gives to each of us on conversion. When we are converted, Christ gives us this mindset so that if we, like He when He was on earth, only keep our eyes on Him, we will never fall to sin. While He was on earth, He relied on the Heavenly Father for everything. Protection, daily needs, protection from Satan's snares. He submitted His heart and mind totally to the Heavenly Father's leading and trusted Him implicitly. If we are to save at last, it will be submitting ourselves fully to the care and keeping of Christ. Therefore, Jesus was All God but All man as well.

In John chapter 1, John is addressing Jesus as the Son of God, the Almighty Creator. These bible texts, John 1 and Acts 2 are in perfect harmony, uniting the two sides of our Lord while He was on earth.


"And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace".

You forgot one thing, Isaiah 7 and 9:6 ARENT ABOUT HIM.

In John eight, Jesus directly revealed to the Jews "Verily I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM." Again, Jesus reveals Himself in His persona as the Son of God, the One who appeared to Moses in the burning bush and told him tell the Isrealites that I AM had sent Moses to them.

The Gospel of John, the elephant in the room among the 4 Gospels because it presents a VERY DIFFERENT "Jesus" who is nothing like the "Jesus" of the first three gospels strike 1. Strike 2 is that the "I AM" of Moses story was AN ANGEL sent by God, it NEVER mentions a "Son of God nmed "Jesus" representing God talking to Moses". You christians are embarassing, forcing "Jesus" WHERE HE NEVER BELONGED. Strike 3, God had TWO types of LITERAL SONS. Adam, and Angels. Everyone else is ADOPTED.

In Acts 2, Peter is proclaiming Christ as the "Son of Man", or Emmanuel, God with Us

Again you LIE. Strike 1 Peter NEVER called him Emmanuel. Strike 2 And WHY do you Christians act like name meanings represent the person!? My sister's name means "She is faithful" yet SHES AN ATHEIST (I am not an atheist btw). Strike 3 he was NEVER called Emmanuel by anyone. No one ever ran up and said "Emmanuel help me". In Hebrew he was named "Yahusha" . Strike 4 Acts chapter 2 Peter was SPEAKING THE TRUTH. Jesus is not God, he had a God, worshipped a God, prayed to a God, was given power by a God, was raised from the dead by a God, HE WAS NOT HIS OWN GOD.

For in coming to earth, Jesus took on Himself the nature and form of fallen man, and in this way, became all man. Therefore, like man, He was tempted in All points like us. But at the same time, He retain His divinity as the Son of God. He came with a mind wholly consecrated to God, and said No to every sin Satan tempted Him with.

Strike 1 The Creator DOES NOT EVER BECOME THE CREATED. Strike 2 if he became FALLEN MAN that would mean he had sin. Strike 3 The Bible says GOD CAN NOT BE TEMPTED, yet you say "Jesus" was tempted = He cant be God.

This is the mind He gives to each of us on conversion. When we are converted, Christ gives us this mindset so that if we, like He when He was on earth, only keep our eyes on Him, we will never fall to sin. While He was on earth, He relied on the Heavenly Father for everything. Protection, daily needs, protection from Satan's snares. He submitted His heart and mind totally to the Heavenly Father's leading and trusted Him implicitly. If we are to save at last, it will be submitting ourselves fully to the care and keeping of Christ. Therefore, Jesus was All God but All man as well.

Strike 1 "Jesus" kept his eyes on himself while on earth? Wrong, he kept his eyes on GOD. Strike 2 You cant even be like him, MOST CHRISTIANS are NOTHING like the man they claim to follow! They teach AGAINST HIM. HE TAUGHT THE LAW OF MOSES, and DID NOT EAT PORK OR SEAFOOD AS WAS TOLD IN THE LAW. They celebrate PAGAN holidays aka Christmas, new years, easter, etc I wont continue. Strike 3 AGAIN the creator DOES NOT become the created.

In John chapter 1, John is addressing Jesus as the Son of God, the Almighty Creator. These bible texts, John 1 and Acts 2 are in perfect harmony, uniting the two sides of our Lord while He was on earth.

No youre wrong, theyre not complementary, thats just you cherry picking to make it seem so to excuse your false beliefs Star Wars OST


You forgot one thing, Isaiah 7 and 9:6 ARENT ABOUT HIM.

Show me one place, in Scripture, that says this text isn't talking about Jesus. To say this text is talking about ANyone other than deity is pure blasphemy.

The Gospel of John, the elephant in the room among the 4 Gospels because it presents a VERY DIFFERENT "Jesus" who is nothing like the "Jesus" of the first three gospels strike 1. Strike 2 is that the "I AM" of Moses story was AN ANGEL sent by God, it NEVER mentions a "Son of God nmed "Jesus" representing God talking to Moses". You christians are embarassing, forcing "Jesus" WHERE HE NEVER BELONGED. Strike 3, God had TWO types of LITERAL SONS. Adam, and Angels. Everyone else is ADOPTED.

Please show me the very different Jesus. Because the gospels writers each wrote about the different characteristics of Jesus as well, from 4 different stand points. All these characteristics can be seen in Jesus's life on earth:

1. Notice Matthew writes of Jesus(over all)in the style of a strong conqueror or king, as Matthew emphasized how Christ stood strong before His adversaries.

2.Mark writes of Him as(over all)a servant because Mark mainly emphasize Jesus's role as a servant(one who ministered to man).

3. Luke or focuses on Christ's role as the Son of Man(which I already explained before.

4. John speaks more of Christ in the sense of His divinity, as the Son of God.

As such, all these gospels unite to produce one perfect picture of Christ.

Christ is actually called an Angel in the scripture.

Malachi 3:1 says "...the Lord whom you seek, Shall come speedily to His temple, even the messenger of the covenant(Highlight this phrase), whom you desire, behold, He shall come..."

messenger of the covenant, in ancient Hebrew reads "Angel of the covenant", as in Hebrew, the word for Angel was actually messenger. You see, the inspired men of the bible saw angels as the angelic messengers for the Lord.
And in many cases of the old testament, that phrase "The Angel of the Lord" was actually Christ, the Son of God, who appeared to the prophets in the form of an angel.

Exodus 3:1-4 tells us an Angel called Moses from the bush. Steven says the same in Acts 7:30. Yet, Exodus 3:4 says it was God who appeared and spoke to Him. Steven again explains in the following verse it is actually the Lord speaking The
I Am.
Again, Jesus confirms who is in the bush talking to Moses in John 8.

Daniel 10:13 tells of how an angel explains to Daniel that the prince of the kingdom of Persia resisted him for 120 days. Now we know this was no physical battle as the king of Persia was just a man. Thus, this battle the angel speaks of is carried out in the heart of the king. For 120 days the king has resisted the angel's attempts to soften his heart to listen to God's spirit. However, Satan has been called the "Prince of this world" throughout the bible(for example, Job 1:7 and John 14:30), after he caused Adam(the rightful ruler to fall)and all mankind to become sinful.

So here, the angel is really telling Daniel, "I would have come sooner, in answer to your prayer, but Satan,prince of the kingdom of Persia, by working on the king's heart, caused the king to resist my efforts to sway him(the king).

However, as the angel goes on to say, Michael, prince of the first rank(Hebrew interpretation), came to help him, and he succeeded.

Jude 1:9 tells us Michael is the Arch-(head)angel. And Paul tells us in Thessalonians 4:13 that the Lord will descend with a shout and the voice of the Arch angel(Michael) and will raise the dead. John 5:25, Jesus says that "all in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God."

Michael, the Arch angel, is just one of the many names used for Christ.

What these texts are obviously saying is that it was Jesus who stood in the burning bush and talked to Moses, and who came to help the angel break the hold of Satan over the heart of the Persian King. In the scriptures, Jesus, as the Son of God, is the only one who can rebuke Satan.

Jude says Satan tried to keep Jesus(Michael) from resurrecting Moses. But Jude goes on to say He rebukes Satan.

In Zechariah 3:1-7, we have here another clear case in which the Lord, the Son of God, appears as an angel. Zechariah is shown the vision of the then high priest Joshua standing before the Angel of the Lord in filthy rags. Satan is also shown to be standing at his side,accusing Joshua to the Angel(Christ)of being unworthy.

Christ reproves Satan and calls Joshua "a brand plucked from the fire"(or a person just rescued from the power of sin). In these verses the Angel and the word Lord are used together repeatedly, revealing exactly who this Angel is.

Am I saying in every case throughout the old testament an angel is the same as Christ? No. But in specific instances, and most importantly, when an article is used to define angel(example: The Angel of the Lord)the text is usually telling us that this is no ordinary being or angel speaking.

Men has never spoken with God(the Father)at any time(the one exception was when He spoke to the Jesus in John 12:28 and at the jordan, when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. John 1:18 basically explains that all the altercation that man has had with God prior to the New Testament era was through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. After man sinned, the heavenly Father talked with the man through His Son.

Again you LIE. Strike 1 Peter NEVER called him Emmanuel. Strike 2 And WHY do you Christians act like name meanings represent the person!? My sister's name means "She is faithful" yet SHES AN ATHEIST (I am not an atheist btw). Strike 3 he was NEVER called Emmanuel by anyone. No one ever ran up and said "Emmanuel help me". In Hebrew he was named "Yahusha" . Strike 4 Acts chapter 2 Peter was SPEAKING THE TRUTH. Jesus is not God, he had a God, worshipped a God, prayed to a God, was given power by a God, was raised from the dead by a God, HE WAS NOT HIS OWN GOD.

Peter is talking to Jews apparently in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. But regardless, Jesus Himself never used the term Emmanuel in referring to Himself. He used the Interpretation of Emmanuel[which means, God with us(Matthew 1:23)]. Jesus took the literal interpretation of this name every time He called Himself "The Son of man". And Peter, in Acts 2, spoke of Christ in the same manner by repeatedly drawing the Jews attention to the scriptures pointing to Jesus coming as a man.

The Jews believed the Messiah would come in king like majesty, not as a humble, meek, man. This belief, as shown in all their excuses they use not accept Him, led to their eventual rejection and serving Jesus up to be crucified as an imposter. That is why Peter took them right back to the heart of the issue and emphasized Jesus's role as "the Son of Man" in his sermon to the Jews in Acts 2

God had TWO types of LITERAL SONS. Adam, and Angels. Everyone else is ADOPTED.

God has no literal son. Jesus always existed with the heavenly Father as One
. The angels and Adam were God's created children, and as such, since they had no parent but was created directly from God's own hand, they are called "the sons of God" in the bible.

Jesus is called "the Son of God" because He is God made audible to all creation. He is the Creator and the only member of the Godhead that speaks to man. The Jesus role is, as He often said when He was on earth, to lift up the Father(the Father's role, as shown in His speaking to the crowd at Jesus's baptism and to the Greeks in the temple in John 12:28, is to extol the Son.

The Holy Spirit's role, as Jesus says in John 14, is to impress on the hearts of men all the words and deeds Jesus has given to us.

Therefore God is called One Lord. "Here Oh Irael, the Lord your God is One Lord".

God gave a beautiful illustration of this with the family. He said "a man will leave his father or his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one." God instituted marriage to be a small simple of the Godhead. All three persons in the Godhead work for the same purpose, which is why Paul said, "to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself."

I am not forcing Jesus where He doesn't belong. I am only saying exactly where He belong

My sister's name means "She is faithful" yet SHES AN ATHEIST

You see, the Jews always gave their children names meaning. This is why they were required to bring their sons to the temple on the eighth day and circumsize them. On that they, their sons names were recorded in the records. Read about Jesus's circumsism in Luke 2:21. In the biblical days in Isreal, names meant a lot.

The Creator DOES NOT EVER BECOME THE CREATED. Strike 2 if he became FALLEN MAN that would mean he had sin. Strike 3 The Bible says GOD CAN NOT BE TEMPTED, yet you say "Jesus" was tempted = He cant be God.

Welcome to Jesus then. No, I said He took on His sinless nature, our Sinful nature. When I mean nature, I mean the urge, the drive to commit a sin. This drive Adam,after his fall, past down to each of us on earth as a perpetual curse. But you see, it is not our nature that God will hold us accountable for. God will hold us accountable only if we allow our Minds to become bent to self and sin.

We Do Not Sin automatically just because we have a nature that urges us to sin. It is only when we give consent to sin in our Minds that that sin is written in the books of heaven against us. I'll give an example:

If for example, a man is tempted to commit the sin of adultery. Now, Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:28, that "whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has her already committed adultery with her in his heart". So when a man looks at a woman, and begins to entertain and think on lustful thoughts about her in his mind, he is committing the sin of adultery.

1st.That man's sinful nature brought up the lustful thought(temptation) or suggestion into his mind.

2nd. That man gives into the thought, entertains it in his head, and now contemplates the ideal of being with the woman.

Thus, in God's eyes, that man has broken the seventh commandment of "thou shalt not commit adultery.

Now, here comes Christ. Hebrews 4:15 says, that Christ, as our high priest, is touch with the feeling of everything we've suffered with. And further more, says He was tempted in
[b]All points like us, yet without sin

What the writer of Hebrews is saying, is that when Christ came to earth, He took the same nature that is tempting you and me today.

Yet without sin. That means, though He was tempted, He Never, once, gave into the urge to sin.

So, when Christ faced the temptation of adultery, as soon as the urge presented itself in His mind, He said, like in the garden of Gethsemane "not my will Father, but I submit myself to you alone, and not to this sinful thought". And God the Father removed it.

Christ offers the same to all who believe in Him. If you rely on Christ, to deliver you, each and every time you were ever tempted to sin. He would do it in a snap of a second. Just as the Heavenly Father delivered Him each and everytime from sin when He was on earth.

Thus, because Christ never indulged the urge to sin, He was Sinless and that's why the bible says "Yet without sin", meaning that He resisted each and every urge to sin.

THis is also why, Jesus, in John 8:46, says to the unbelieving Jews. "Which of you can convict me of sin?" Meaning, none of them could find
One fault
in Jesus because He was Pure.

So I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that Jesus sinned. I stand here to say that He was the only person who Never sinned

Strike 1 "Jesus" kept his eyes on himself while on earth? Wrong, he kept his eyes on GOD. Strike 2 You cant even be like him, MOST CHRISTIANS are NOTHING like the man they claim to follow! They teach AGAINST HIM. HE TAUGHT THE LAW OF MOSES, and DID NOT EAT PORK OR SEAFOOD AS WAS TOLD IN THE LAW. They celebrate PAGAN holidays aka Christmas, new years, easter, etc I wont continue. Strike 3 AGAIN the creator DOES NOT become the created.

I am sorry again I gave the impression that I was saying that Jesus kept His eyes on Himself, as I tried to most strenously emphasize earlier that He kept His eyes solely on God. And it was God who led Him to overcome each and every temptation, just like He offers us today, if we only rely on Him unreservedly like Jesus did.

You're right. Most Christian's today aren't even living in a shadow of the light Jesus had. They do eat pork, eat all kinds of seafood, they do break the ten commands, especially the 4th commandment most of all. All the commands that Jesus instructed His followers that it was His mission to fulfill, they are breaking today.

And yes, that includes pagan holidays and festivals.

The early Christin Church, as Jesus founded it, never did Any of these things, even to the point of being threatened with death. Christian's have greatly apostasized and misused the name of Christian(which meant originally, Christlike). Meaning that His followers once acted like Him.

AGAIN the creator DOES NOT become the created.

I do however, maintain that our Creator lowered Himself to our level, took our feelings and infirmities, Overcame each and all the temptations to sin that we might/have endure, and then returned to heaven as conqueror. And that He now extends His hand to us so that, if we but grasp it and don't turn it loose, He would pull us up to "sit with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus"


You forgot one thing, Isaiah 7 and 9:6 ARENT ABOUT HIM.

Show me one place, in Scripture, that says this text isn't talking about Jesus. To say this text is talking about ANyone other than deity is pure blasphemy.

Duuuuh READ THE ENTIRE CHAPTERS 1-11 of ISAIAH you dumb *beep* That will tell you PLAINLY that it is ABOUT A CHILD BORN IN ISAIAH'S TIME! There was a war in the Holy land happening at the time, the King was praying that God would send another King to stop the evil ones. One is about Hezekiah.

NOT about Jesus. READ THE ENTIRE CHAPTER rather than cherry picking one god damn verse stupid @$$

As for the rest of these, Im not even going to bother, I already answered them in a different post. good bye Star Wars OST


Duuuuh READ THE ENTIRE CHAPTERS 1-11 of ISAIAH you dumb *beep* That will tell you PLAINLY that it is ABOUT A CHILD BORN IN ISAIAH'S TIME! There was a war in the Holy land happening at the time, the King was praying that God would send another King to stop the evil ones. One is about Hezekiah.

NOT about Jesus. READ THE ENTIRE CHAPTER rather than cherry picking one god damn verse stupid @$$

As for the rest of these, Im not even going to bother, I already answered them in a different post. good bye

Actually I don't really care to read your other post because you probably miscontrued them horribly as well.

Again, one reply. The Jew's did not take to Blaspheming. The name of God was so sacred to the prophets(like Isaiah)and to the Jewish writers that when they wrote the name of God(Yahweh), they never used that particular ink quil anymore.

Those attributes of God were not given to a child born in Isaiah's time. The child was a prophecy that God showed Isaiah would be fulfilled with the birth of His Son.


*beep* "UNTO US" or "TO US" = Those who were alive in ISAIAH'S TIME "A child IS GIVEN" not will be given. Learn how to read it! And YAHWEH is not His name! Say Yahweh to a HEBREW SPEAKING JEW they wont know who youre talking about Star Wars OST


beep* "UNTO US" or "TO US" = Those who were alive in ISAIAH'S TIME "A child IS GIVEN" not will be given.

DO you know what Revelations 13:8 mean by "whose names are not written in the book of life of that lamb, which was slain from the beginning of the world"?

Its speaking of Jesus, in His persona as the Lamb of God. In the this text, it draws a correlation to Genesis 3:15, where God tells Adam and Eve of Christ's coming and how He will bruise the serpent(Satan's)head but that Satan will bruise Christ's heel(which happened when Satan stirred up the Jews and Romans to beat and kill Him).

What God was basically telling Adam and Eve that from the moment of their sin, Christ had stepped in as surety for them. Meaning, that Christ had pledged that He would save them from ruin that Satan had brought them into.

Paul explains in Ephesians 1:4, "He has chosen us in him(Christ)before the foundation of the world". Paul means that God Had Good will and nothing but good intentions toward us before the World was even created.

Therefore, Isaiah said, "unto Us a child is born." The US here that Isaiah mention is the human race as a whole. "For unto US(the human race from all ages past)a child is born. Unto Us(the Human race)a Son is given". Catch the word Son. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son."

Isaiah and many of the prophets all speak all the time of the first coming of Christ.

In conclusion. Those who died in the old testament era, Isaiah, Jeremiah,and all the prophets, the good kings, and everyone who died looking toward Christ's first coming(because all these people died in the hope that the promised Redeemer would come), were not forgotten by Christ. Paul says in 1 Thes. 4:16, that Christ when Christ come again, He will call those who asleep in the graves. You, see, to God, when you die, you're asleep. This is found in Matthew 9:24 and John 11:11-14.

Why? Because in death, just like a long, deep sleep, you're not conscious of how many centuries are going by, or whether thousands of years have passed. You know nothing. And men will and can forget your grave during the ages. But the Everlasting Father(Christ)hasn't forgotten you. You can be dead(asleep)for thousands of years(like the holy men of the bible), yet God hasn't forgotten you. John 5:25, 28,29, says that "All who are in the grave shall hear the voice of the Son of God, they which hear, shall live."

So I believe, based on the all biblical scriptures that all of the books of the bible come together like one beautiful puzzle. That Christ stood as a surety for those men in the old testament. Like when Abel offered the lamb sacrifice, he did it in recognition that Christ would be the lamb of the world. And as long as the men of the old testament looked to Christ as their soon coming Redeemer, then Christ was able to lead them in the direction of His choosing.

Same with us today, if we but keep our eyes on Christ, we will never sin. How you might ask? The same as Christ did when He was on earth Hebrews 4 tells us that Christ as our high, priest, was tempted in all points like we are. Christ Overcame every sin and temptation by praying to God to save Him from every temptation to sin. And that's how Christ lived a perfect life, free of sin. That's all He requires of us. If we pray to God to deliver us each and every time Satan tempts us, He will.

The men of the old testament, who died in the hope of seeing Christ appear, when Christ comes in the clouds, He will not only call those of us who are asleep in our graves, He will call the men of who died believing in Him. And they will live forever as well. God will give each person an immortal body upon their resurrection from death, a body that cannot die.


Remember when I said you Christians FORCE HIM WHERE HE DOES NOT BELONG? There you go doing it AGAIN you idiot! Genesis 3:15 WAS NEVER about a Messiah!. A scholar whose last name escapes me but his first name is Claude says the Hebrew word for seed, zera, is a collective noun with a plural meaning. At work here is the word seed is (1) the descendants of the woman and (2) the descendants of the serpent. So the Common English Bible and the Jewish TNK. Thus, “they will strike at your head and you shall strike at their head.” Gerhard von Rad said there was no messianic prophecy in the original context. Gordon Wenham says much the same though in light of subsequent revelation leads some to messianic. Instead, the original author of Genesis did not see it that way.

It is even clear from context it was not a prophesy. If something was a prophecy it WOULD OUTRIGHT SAY IT WAS ONE!

WRONG I ALREADY EXPLAINED ISAIAH! The US refers to the HOLY PEOPLE AKA JEWS that were being attacked at that time! Isaiah asked the king to PRAY TO GOD FOR A SIGN OF WHEN THE WAR WOULD END! Stop effing forcing Jesus where HE NEVER BELONGED! I HATE YOU and christians like you who twist the bibes to say what you want it to! If you were here Id choke you out of rage because you are a liar!

"For God so Loved the world" Who was THE WORLD? Was it America? Mexico? Canada? NO! Back in those days people thought the earth was FLAT and consisted of the Middle east! So THE WORLD refers to one of two things; The Middle east as a whole, or Jerusalem alone. Yes, somewhere in Jeremiah he called Jerusalem "The world".

Funny you say that he is a lamb. THINK ABOUT IT. HE ATE THE PASSOVER LAMB EVERY YEAR, was he eating himself? Youre nothing but a laughing stock! Star Wars OST


WRONG I ALREADY EXPLAINED ISAIAH! The US refers to the HOLY PEOPLE AKA JEWS that were being attacked at that time! Isaiah asked the king to PRAY TO GOD FOR A SIGN OF WHEN THE WAR WOULD END! Stop effing forcing Jesus where HE NEVER BELONGED! I HATE YOU and christians like you who twist the bibes to say what you want it to! If you were here Id choke you out of rage because you are a liar!

Isaiah is Not talking to the King in Isaiah 9:6. In Isaiah 9:6 he is speaking in prophecy.

In verse 1 and 2 of the same chapter, Isaiah plainly says, speaking in prophecy, the people in the land of Napthali and Zebulumn have seen a great light.

In the time when Isaiah was speaking, the Northern ten tribes of the kingdom of Isreal, which included the land of Naphtali and Zebulun, were drawing to the end of their course. Not so long after, the the king of Assyria came and scattered them among the nations.

This prophecy in verse 1 and 2 is referring to the first coming of Jesus. Jesus was that "Great Light" which shone in the lands of Napthali and Zebulun. This prophecy was directly fulfilled in Jesus ministry because Jesus walked all over the lands of Naphtali and Zebulun, preaching the beautiful words of God and healing the sick. See, Galiee in the new testament,the place where Jesus spent so much of His time, included the land of Naphtali and Zebulun John chapter 1:9 tells us Jesus was the Light which shown in the darkness.

Isaiah is speaking in prophecy all the way in Isaiah 9:6. What I would prefer is that you stop trying to take Jesus away from the very scriptures which speak of Him. In John 5 Jesus told the unbelieving Pharisees, "you search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, and they are they which testify of Me."

So please stop trying to invent a reason to disbelieve the scriptures. Like I said, God will not force your will but if you continue to search the word in order to deliberately discredit His Son, God won't protect you either from falling under the control of another power who will love to take you for a joy ride.

Please reconsider.



There is only ONE GOD, and He IS NOT A TRINITY!!!!!!

The Jews are right

Christians are wrong

Jesus, the prophet, the Messiah, raised from the dead, but is not God T5i



There is only ONE GOD, and He IS NOT A TRINITY!!!!!!

The Jews are right

Christians are wrong

Jesus, the prophet, the Messiah, raised from the dead, but is not God

The Jews are right. I agree. There is one God. But when God refers to Himself as One Lord, He is talking in the sense of the marriage vows. "For this reason shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his life and they two shall become One flesh. Here God is extending a beautiful view of what He meant when He said, "Here O Israel. The Lord your God(God is used in the plural sense) is One Lord." And Genesis 1:26 God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness." And verse 27 says "So God created man in His image; In the image of God created He him".

If you want to tear down the who bible in order to disprove the existence of Jesus, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace as the Son of God, then you're barking up the wrong tree.

I issue you this challenge. You'll have rip up the who bible in order to disprove Jesus is Not God. He is and He is still looking out for you, even when you're in denial of Him because He loves you that much


The Jews are right. I agree. There is one God. But when God refers to Himself as One Lord, He is talking in the sense of the marriage vows. "For this reason shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his life and they two shall become One flesh. Here God is extending a beautiful view of what He meant when He said, "Here O Israel. The Lord your God(God is used in the plural sense) is One Lord." And Genesis 1:26 God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness." And verse 27 says "So God created man in His image; In the image of God created He him".

WRONG The "Us" and "Our image" in Genesis refers to, as the jews have ALWAYS SAID, THE ANGELS AND HEAVENLY BODIES! NOT JESUS YOU PRICK! If the text meant Jesus then why have the jews NEVER TAUGHT IT!!!! Because it ISNT ABOUT HIM!!



Isaiah 9:5 For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us, and the dominion will rest on his shoulder; the Wondrous Adviser, Mighty God, Eternal Father, called his name Sar-shalom [Prince of Peace];

Not calling the child ANY of those except Prince. And AGAIN IT WAS ABOUT HEZEKIAH!!! T5i


WRONG The "Us" and "Our image" in Genesis refers to, as the jews have ALWAYS SAID, THE ANGELS AND HEAVENLY BODIES! NOT JESUS YOU PRICK! If the text meant Jesus then why have the jews NEVER TAUGHT IT!!!! Because it ISNT ABOUT HIM!!

Why haven't the Jews taught it? Some of the jews have understood it to mean the Trinity. Isaiah, David in many of the psalms, Job, and others.

Now, why haven't the Jews taught it? Hmm. I believe this goes back to what they when they took responsibility of crucifying Jesus when they said, "His blood be on us and on our children". Now lets see what that meant? In the bible, the Jew's often used blood to symbolize life. Blood also was used to symbolize guilt. This is proven when the man came to David, bragging about killing Saul. David told the man "Your blood be on your own head", before killing him. which symbolized, you alone will bear the guilt for this deed!" David confirmed this again in 2 Samuel 4:11 and 2 Samuel 3:29.

This principle also is applied when God told Cain, "your brother's blood crieth out to me from the ground."

So what the Jews did, in making the statement that "His blood be on us and on our children", was to say that we're going to knowingly take the take the guilt of this man(Christ)death on us and that, as a nation, we will continue to teach our children and our children's children that Jesus was Never our messiah!

Which the nation of Israel is doing today. The nation of Isreal will forever bear the guilt of killing Jesus. And many Jewish scholars will lie and distort the understanding of their own texts to prove that Jesus was not the Messiah or God. And now you ask how come the Jews never taught that Us in Genesis 1 is talking about the trinity? Some of the faithful Jewish writers of old and even some today, do understand this concept, which is why you will find it scattered throughout the scriptures by many of the prophets, some of which I mentioned before.

WRONG The "Us" and "Our image" in Genesis refers to, as the jews have ALWAYS SAID, THE ANGELS AND HEAVENLY BODIES! NOT JESUS YOU PRICK! If the text meant Jesus then why have the jews NEVER TAUGHT IT!!!! Because it ISNT ABOUT HIM!!

I'll tell you what. You look at the word God in that verse in a strong concordance/greek and Hebrew. You can argue with the the concordance but it says explicitly that the word for God Elohiem, is used in the Plural sense. If can't understand that then that's your problem. Argue with the concordance.

Isaiah 9:5 For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us, and the dominion will rest on his shoulder; the Wondrous Adviser, Mighty God, Eternal Father, called his name Sar-shalom [Prince of Peace];

Then you can rest in your blasphemy. Because Hezekiah was never called the prince of Peace. He was a king who made wars. And don't lie on the Hebrew. I'm using a Hebrew bible and it says "A son has been given to us...the Eternal Father, a peaceable ruler". Now considering the fact that sometimes the modern translations of Hebrew have deliberately doctored the understanding of how the ancient Hebrew texts should be read in order to deny that all these texts point to Jesus, I'm still surprise that the the modern hebrew translation remained honest in this verse.

So even amid a doubtful translation of this verse, the truth still emerged and Jesus is still referred to as the Eternal Father and a ruler of peace.

Thank you

I won't be responding to you again because you're ranting, cursing, and deliberately refusing to accept the truth.


Why haven't the Jews taught it? Some of the jews have understood it to mean the Trinity. Isaiah, David in many of the psalms, Job, and others.

HAH! You make me laugh by your stupidity! Isaiah, David, Job believing in a TRINITY!? STOP LYING! They were MONOTEHISTIC! Meaning ONE GOD MADE OF ONE BEING NOT THREE!

Isaiah SPECIFICALLY quotes GOD as saying "I ALONE made the Heavens and earth, WHO ELSE WAS WITH ME?" Some jews in those times were saying God had help at creation because the jews were living among gentiles during the wars and picking up gentile beliefs of multiple gods working together to make the universe. God however says, "I ALONE MADE THE HEAVENS AND EARTH, who was with me?" The answer is NO ONE ELSE.



Trinity = 3 = Plural = POLYTHEISTIC. 1+1+1 = 3. Now christinas in the last ten years have come up with a stupid @$$ excuse saying 1x1x1 = 1 BUT WAIT. If theyre SEPERATE and not the same but make up the same deity then MULTIPLYING DOESNT WORK. Adding works because youre taking SEPERATE ONES not the same being spread in three.

Now, why haven't the Jews taught it? Hmm. I believe this goes back to what they when they took responsibility of crucifying Jesus when they said, "His blood be on us and on our children".

Now this one is lesser known to the public so Ill go easy on you this time. The passage you quoted is a forgery made by a scribe to pin the blame of Yahusha Jesus death on the jews. Look it up, its not in the earliest manuscripts of Matthew nor is it in the other gospels. I believe if memory serves right, that the NET has a footnote on it

The prophets never taught a trinity. I already explained those stupid corrupted passages to you. Im not calling the Holy verses stupid or corrupt, Im calling your understanding of them that because Youve been brainwashed into corrupting them from what they originally meant.

I'll tell you what. You look at the word God in that verse in a strong concordance/greek and Hebrew. You can argue with the the concordance but it says explicitly that the word for God Elohiem, is used in the Plural sense. If can't understand that then that's your problem. Argue with the concordance

Ill argue with him until I am no more. His dumb @$$ was probably a Christian trinitarian which = bias.

The angels were considered lesser gods, hence why they are also known as, GASP, SONS OF GOD and are even called that in Genesis and JOB! Their whole power comes not from themselves but from God, much like "Jesus" power was never his own power but God's power. Now if God didnt want him to have power he could instantly take it away making Jesus a mere man again. Shows you how much power Jesus didnt have since he relied on God to give him power to heal, etc.

But if God is almighty and relies on no one, and Jesus didnt have his own power = HE CANT BE GOD.

Then you can rest in your blasphemy. Because Hezekiah was never called the prince of Peace. He was a king who made wars. And don't lie on the Hebrew. I'm using a Hebrew bible and it says "A son has been given to us...the Eternal Father, a peaceable ruler". Now considering the fact that sometimes the modern translations of Hebrew have deliberately doctored the understanding of how the ancient Hebrew texts should be read in order to deny that all these texts point to Jesus, I'm still surprise that the the modern hebrew translation remained honest in this verse.

So even amid a doubtful translation of this verse, the truth still emerged and Jesus is still referred to as the Eternal Father and a ruler of peace.

"A son HAS BEEN GIVEN" = Already happened at the time it was written. Therefore = Not jesus. And Isaiah wrote about things THAT WERE GOING TO HAPPEN IN HIS LIFE TIME! Get that through your head you pagan.

Jesus was NEVER called "Father" nor "Mighty God" nor "Wonderful Counsellor". NO ONE ever said to Jesus "My God help me!"
And also think of this; if he is A SON HOW CAN HE THEN BE CALLED FATHER! A son is NOT his father and his son! If you are a Father you have a son, if you are your son and your own father you are a contradiction!

Isaiah 9:7 also indicates that the subject of the passage would bring peace forever. Did jesus come to bring peace? Hell no! Luke 12:51 Not peace BUT DIVISION/A SWORD T5i


Isaiah SPECIFICALLY quotes GOD as saying "I ALONE made the Heavens and earth, WHO ELSE WAS WITH ME?" Some jews in those times were saying God had help at creation because the jews were living among gentiles during the wars and picking up gentile beliefs of multiple gods working together to make the universe. God however says, "I ALONE MADE THE HEAVENS AND EARTH, who was with me?" The answer is NO ONE ELSE.

Just note. Who do you think was talking in that verse? The Son of God. All Three members of Deity were present in the creation of the earth. And in the bible, They are referred to as One Lord because they're one in purpose and mind.

God is in three Persons. The Father, The Son, And the Holy Spirit. But God is also called One God so that verse you quoted makes Perfect sense.

Elohiem. "Here O Isreal, the Lord Our God is One Lord!"

I already explained this verse was talking about the trinity. So don't assume J

NO ONE ever said to Jesus "My God help me!"

John 20:28. Read it. And next time, don't lie on the bible as you're proving yourself to be a liar.

Did jesus come to bring peace? Hell no! Luke 12:51 Not peace BUT DIVISION/A SWORD

Sorry but I have to answer this!

Isaiah 45:7 says "...I create good and I create Evil; I the Lord do all these things!" Is Isaiah saying here God creates evil? No! What God is saying here is that because He(God), didn't preventevil from arising, He takes the blame for every evil and calamity in the world, when in actuality, it is Satan and evil men who bring evil. But since He(God), doesn't always stop these things from happening, it is written as if He did it.

Remember, many things throughout the old and new testament is built on this one principle; What God permits(didn't prevent)from occurring, is written as if He Actually did it.

One powerful example is when David decide to number Isreal. 1 Samuel 24 says God moved David to number Isreal. 1 Chronicles 21 turns around and says the opposite: that Satan stirred David up to number Isreal. And this principle is found in many of the scripture texts of the old and new testament!

In summary, the inspired men who wrote the bible looked upon God as the Sovereign Ruler. Without His consent, nothing bad can happen as He is all power and in control of everything! So when God does not prevent
Satan or men from doing something, the bible authors often wrote that God did it, since He is Sovereign and didn't stop what was happening.

Jesus said He came to bring a sword/division. Jesus did come to bring division. He was saying that His words and teaching would bring divisons between the son, father, mother, and daughter. Between friends and neighbors. How? Because the son or father, or friend who accepts Jesus's teaching as the standard for his life will become at odds with family members and friends who are unbelievers.

My mom was born a baptist in the baptist church but when she left the baptist organization and joined another church which followed more clearly the teachings of Christ and the bible than her family church, that created tensions between her and her family because she started teaching new truths from the bible that her family disbelieved.

This is the sword/division Jesus is speaking of that He came to bring. A modern way of saying it would be Jesus was saying that the acceptance of Him and His teachings would create division between those who believe in Him and those who follow after the world.

The angels were considered lesser gods, hence why they are also known as, GASP, SONS OF GOD and are even called that in Genesis and JOB! Their whole power comes not from themselves but from God, much like "Jesus" power was never his own power but God's power. Now if God didnt want him to have power he could instantly take it away making Jesus a mere man again. Shows you how much power Jesus didnt have since he relied on God to give him power to heal, etc.

1 John 3:2 says all those who come to God/Christ, are sons of God. This is not just limited to Angels. Luke 3:38 says Adam was called a son of God. Therefore, all those who were created by God and who follow Him are called sons of God.

But there is only One Son of God. Get the difference? John says by the Son of God was All things made. That means the angels and men. In short, the sons of God were all created by the power of Christ, the Son of God(or the Member of the God Head who expounds the character, purposes, and will of God the Father).

I never said Jesus power was Never His own. But when Christ came in humanity, He had the power but laid down the Independent use of that power and relied on God the Father to use it for Him. Therefore He was dependent on God the Father for everything.

In short, Christ(Our Heavenly Father) took on Himself the experiences and trials of a christian man today, who has to rely totally on God in order to resist evil. And by total reliance on God, Christ triumphed over sin and Satan!

And also think of this; if he is A SON HOW CAN HE THEN BE CALLED FATHER! A son is NOT his father and his son! If you are a Father you have a son, if you are your son and your own father you are a contradiction!

The contradiction is the fact that you refused to admit Jesus was the Creator God who stood over the earth in Genesis 1 and said "Let there be Light." Because the bible tells us by Him was everything made.

Therefore, as our Creator and God, He is "Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father,"

In conclusion, Here O Isreal, the Lord our God(the Trinity) is One Lord(Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." One God, for all Three are united as One in every particular). There David could say "The Lord(God the Father) said unto my Lord(God the Son, Jesus)".



There is only ONE GOD, and He IS NOT A TRINITY!!!!!!

The Jews are right

Christians are wrong

Jesus, the prophet, the Messiah, raised from the dead, but is not God

Isaiah wrote about prophecies in his day and the future coming of Christ. He even wrote about the final end of Satan in Isaiah 14. The whole story of Lucifer, the covering Cherub, is there.

The Jews are right. I agree. There is one God. But when God refers to Himself as One Lord, He is talking in the sense of the marriage vows. "For this reason shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his life and they two shall become One flesh. Here God is extending a beautiful view of what He meant when He said, "Here O Israel. The Lord your God(God is used in the plural sense) is One Lord." And Genesis 1:26 God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness." And verse 27 says "So God created man in His image; In the image of God created He him".

If you want to tear down the who bible in order to disprove the existence of Jesus, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace as the Son of God, then you're barking up the wrong tree.

I issue you this challenge. You'll have rip up the who bible in order to disprove Jesus is Not God. He is and He is still looking out for you, even when you're in denial of Him because He loves you that much


You forgot one thing, Isaiah 7 and 9:6 ARENT ABOUT HIM.

Show me one place, in Scripture, that says this text isn't talking about Jesus. To say this text is talking about ANyone other than deity is pure blasphemy.

The Gospel of John, the elephant in the room among the 4 Gospels because it presents a VERY DIFFERENT "Jesus" who is nothing like the "Jesus" of the first three gospels strike 1. Strike 2 is that the "I AM" of Moses story was AN ANGEL sent by God, it NEVER mentions a "Son of God nmed "Jesus" representing God talking to Moses". You christians are embarassing, forcing "Jesus" WHERE HE NEVER BELONGED. Strike 3, God had TWO types of LITERAL SONS. Adam, and Angels. Everyone else is ADOPTED.

Please show me the very different Jesus. Because the gospels writers each wrote about the different characteristics of Jesus as well, from 4 different stand points. All these characteristics can be seen in Jesus's life on earth:

1. Notice Matthew writes of Jesus(over all)in the style of a strong conqueror or king, as Matthew emphasized how Christ stood strong before His adversaries.

2.Mark writes of Him as(over all)a servant because Mark mainly emphasize Jesus's role as a servant(one who ministered to man).

3. Luke or focuses on Christ's role as the Son of Man(which I already explained before.

4. John speaks more of Christ in the sense of His divinity, as the Son of God.

As such, all these gospels unite to produce one perfect picture of Christ.

Christ is actually called an Angel in the scripture.

Malachi 3:1 says "...the Lord whom you seek, Shall come speedily to His temple, even the messenger of the covenant(Highlight this phrase), whom you desire, behold, He shall come..."

messenger of the covenant, in ancient Hebrew reads "Angel of the covenant", as in Hebrew, the word for Angel was actually messenger. You see, the inspired men of the bible saw angels as the angelic messengers for the Lord.
And in many cases of the old testament, that phrase "The Angel of the Lord" was actually Christ, the Son of God, who appeared to the prophets in the form of an angel.

Exodus 3:1-4 tells us an Angel called Moses from the bush. Steven says the same in Acts 7:30. Yet, Exodus 3:4 says it was God who appeared and spoke to Him. Steven again explains in the following verse it is actually the Lord speaking The
I Am.
Again, Jesus confirms who is in the bush talking to Moses in John 8.

Daniel 10:13 tells of how an angel explains to Daniel that the prince of the kingdom of Persia resisted him for 120 days. Now we know this was no physical battle as the king of Persia was just a man. Thus, this battle the angel speaks of is carried out in the heart of the king. For 120 days the king has resisted the angel's attempts to soften his heart to listen to God's spirit. However, Satan has been called the "Prince of this world" throughout the bible(for example, Job 1:7 and John 14:30), after he caused Adam(the rightful ruler to fall)and all mankind to become sinful.

So here, the angel is really telling Daniel, "I would have come sooner, in answer to your prayer, but Satan,prince of the kingdom of Persia, by working on the king's heart, caused the king to resist my efforts to sway him(the king).

However, as the angel goes on to say, Michael, prince of the first rank(Hebrew interpretation), came to help him, and he succeeded.

Jude 1:9 tells us Michael is the Arch-(head)angel. And Paul tells us in Thessalonians 4:13 that the Lord will descend with a shout and the voice of the Arch angel(Michael) and will raise the dead. John 5:25, Jesus says that "all in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God."

Michael, the Arch angel, is just one of the many names used for Christ.

What these texts are obviously saying is that it was Jesus who stood in the burning bush and talked to Moses, and who came to help the angel break the hold of Satan over the heart of the Persian King. In the scriptures, Jesus, as the Son of God, is the only one who can rebuke Satan.

Jude says Satan tried to keep Jesus(Michael) from resurrecting Moses. But Jude goes on to say He rebukes Satan.

In Zechariah 3:1-7, we have here another clear case in which the Lord, the Son of God, appears as an angel. Zechariah is shown the vision of the then high priest Joshua standing before the Angel of the Lord in filthy rags. Satan is also shown to be standing at his side,accusing Joshua to the Angel(Christ)of being unworthy.

Christ reproves Satan and calls Joshua "a brand plucked from the fire"(or a person just rescued from the power of sin). In these verses the Angel and the word Lord are used together repeatedly, revealing exactly who this Angel is.

Am I saying in every case throughout the old testament an angel is the same as Christ? No. But in specific instances, and most importantly, when an article is used to define angel(example: The Angel of the Lord)the text is usually telling us that this is no ordinary being or angel speaking.

Men has never spoken with God(the Father)at any time(the one exception was when He spoke to the Jesus in John 12:28 and at the jordan, when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. John 1:18 basically explains that all the altercation that man has had with God prior to the New Testament era was through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. After man sinned, the heavenly Father talked with the man through His Son.

Again you LIE. Strike 1 Peter NEVER called him Emmanuel. Strike 2 And WHY do you Christians act like name meanings represent the person!? My sister's name means "She is faithful" yet SHES AN ATHEIST (I am not an atheist btw). Strike 3 he was NEVER called Emmanuel by anyone. No one ever ran up and said "Emmanuel help me". In Hebrew he was named "Yahusha" . Strike 4 Acts chapter 2 Peter was SPEAKING THE TRUTH. Jesus is not God, he had a God, worshipped a God, prayed to a God, was given power by a God, was raised from the dead by a God, HE WAS NOT HIS OWN GOD.

Peter is talking to Jews apparently in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. But regardless, Jesus Himself never used the term Emmanuel in referring to Himself. He used the Interpretation of Emmanuel[which means, God with us(Matthew 1:23)]. Jesus took the literal interpretation of this name every time He called Himself "The Son of man". And Peter, in Acts 2, spoke of Christ in the same manner by repeatedly drawing the Jews attention to the scriptures pointing to Jesus coming as a man.

The Jews believed the Messiah would come in king like majesty, not as a humble, meek, man. This belief, as shown in all their excuses they use not accept Him, led to their eventual rejection and serving Jesus up to be crucified as an imposter. That is why Peter took them right back to the heart of the issue and emphasized Jesus's role as "the Son of Man" in his sermon to the Jews in Acts 2

God had TWO types of LITERAL SONS. Adam, and Angels. Everyone else is ADOPTED.

God has no literal son. Jesus always existed with the heavenly Father as One
. The angels and Adam were God's created children, and as such, since they had no parent but was created directly from God's own hand, they are called "the sons of God" in the bible.

Jesus is called "the Son of God" because He is God made audible to all creation. He is the Creator and the only member of the Godhead that speaks to man. The Jesus role is, as He often said when He was on earth, to lift up the Father(the Father's role, as shown in His speaking to the crowd at Jesus's baptism and to the Greeks in the temple in John 12:28, is to extol the Son.

The Holy Spirit's role, as Jesus says in John 14, is to impress on the hearts of men all the words and deeds Jesus has given to us.

Therefore God is called One Lord. "Here Oh Irael, the Lord your God is One Lord".

God gave a beautiful illustration of this with the family. He said "a man will leave his father or his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one." God instituted marriage to be a small simple of the Godhead. All three persons in the Godhead work for the same purpose, which is why Paul said, "to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself."

I am not forcing Jesus where He doesn't belong. I am only saying exactly where He belong

My sister's name means "She is faithful" yet SHES AN ATHEIST

You see, the Jews always gave their children names meaning. This is why they were required to bring their sons to the temple on the eighth day and circumsize them. On that they, their sons names were recorded in the records. Read about Jesus's circumsism in Luke 2:21. In the biblical days in Isreal, names meant a lot.

The Creator DOES NOT EVER BECOME THE CREATED. Strike 2 if he became FALLEN MAN that would mean he had sin. Strike 3 The Bible says GOD CAN NOT BE TEMPTED, yet you say "Jesus" was tempted = He cant be God.

Welcome to Jesus then. No, I said He took on His sinless nature, our Sinful nature. When I mean nature, I mean the urge, the drive to commit a sin. This drive Adam,after his fall, past down to each of us on earth as a perpetual curse. But you see, it is not our nature that God will hold us accountable for. God will hold us accountable only if we allow our Minds to become bent to self and sin.

We Do Not Sin automatically just because we have a nature that urges us to sin. It is only when we give consent to sin in our Minds that that sin is written in the books of heaven against us. I'll give an example:

If for example, a man is tempted to commit the sin of adultery. Now, Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:28, that "whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has her already committed adultery with her in his heart". So when a man looks at a woman, and begins to entertain and think on lustful thoughts about her in his mind, he is committing the sin of adultery.

1st.That man's sinful nature brought up the lustful thought(temptation) or suggestion into his mind.

2nd. That man gives into the thought, entertains it in his head, and now contemplates the ideal of being with the woman.

Thus, in God's eyes, that man has broken the seventh commandment of "thou shalt not commit adultery.

Now, here comes Christ. Hebrews 4:15 says, that Christ, as our high priest, is touch with the feeling of everything we've suffered with. And further more, says He was tempted in
[b]All points like us, yet without sin

What the writer of Hebrews is saying, is that when Christ came to earth, He took the same nature that is tempting you and me today.

Yet without sin. That means, though He was tempted, He Never, once, gave into the urge to sin.

So, when Christ faced the temptation of adultery, as soon as the urge presented itself in His mind, He said, like in the garden of Gethsemane "not my will Father, but I submit myself to you alone, and not to this sinful thought". And God the Father removed it.

Christ offers the same to all who believe in Him. If you rely on Christ, to deliver you, each and every time you were ever tempted to sin. He would do it in a snap of a second. Just as the Heavenly Father delivered Him each and everytime from sin when He was on earth.

Thus, because Christ never indulged the urge to sin, He was Sinless and that's why the bible says "Yet without sin", meaning that He resisted each and every urge to sin.

THis is also why, Jesus, in John 8:46, says to the unbelieving Jews. "Which of you can convict me of sin?" Meaning, none of them could find
One fault
in Jesus because He was Pure.

So I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that Jesus sinned. I stand here to say that He was the only person who Never sinned

Strike 1 "Jesus" kept his eyes on himself while on earth? Wrong, he kept his eyes on GOD. Strike 2 You cant even be like him, MOST CHRISTIANS are NOTHING like the man they claim to follow! They teach AGAINST HIM. HE TAUGHT THE LAW OF MOSES, and DID NOT EAT PORK OR SEAFOOD AS WAS TOLD IN THE LAW. They celebrate PAGAN holidays aka Christmas, new years, easter, etc I wont continue. Strike 3 AGAIN the creator DOES NOT become the created.

I am sorry again I gave the impression that I was saying that Jesus kept His eyes on Himself, as I tried to most strenously emphasize earlier that He kept His eyes solely on God. And it was God who led Him to overcome each and every temptation, just like He offers us today, if we only rely on Him unreservedly like Jesus did.

You're right. Most Christian's today aren't even living in a shadow of the light Jesus had. They do eat pork, eat all kinds of seafood, they do break the ten commands, especially the 4th commandment most of all. All the commands that Jesus instructed His followers that it was His mission to fulfill, they are breaking today.

And yes, that includes pagan holidays and festivals.

The early Christin Church, as Jesus founded it, never did Any of these things, even to the point of being threatened with death. Christian's have greatly apostasized and misused the name of Christian(which meant originally, Christlike). Meaning that His followers once acted like Him.

AGAIN the creator DOES NOT become the created.

I do however, maintain that our Creator lowered Himself to our level, took our feelings and infirmities, Overcame each and all the temptations to sin that we might/have endure, lived a perfect life in the sight of all heaven and earth, and then returned to heaven as conqueror. Conqueror over Satan,sin, and death. And that He now extends His hand to us so that, if we but grasp it and don't turn it loose, He would pull us up to "sit with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus"


You forgot one thing, Isaiah 7 and 9:6 ARENT ABOUT HIM.

Show me one place, in Scripture, that says this text isn't talking about Jesus. To say this text is talking about ANyone other than deity is pure blasphemy.

The Gospel of John, the elephant in the room among the 4 Gospels because it presents a VERY DIFFERENT "Jesus" who is nothing like the "Jesus" of the first three gospels strike 1. Strike 2 is that the "I AM" of Moses story was AN ANGEL sent by God, it NEVER mentions a "Son of God nmed "Jesus" representing God talking to Moses". You christians are embarassing, forcing "Jesus" WHERE HE NEVER BELONGED. Strike 3, God had TWO types of LITERAL SONS. Adam, and Angels. Everyone else is ADOPTED.

Please show me the very different Jesus. Because the gospels writers each wrote about the different characteristics of Jesus as well, from 4 different stand points. All these characteristics can be seen in Jesus's life on earth:

1. Notice Matthew writes of Jesus(over all)in the style of a strong conqueror or king, as Matthew emphasized how Christ stood strong before His adversaries.

2.Mark writes of Him as(over all)a servant because Mark mainly emphasize Jesus's role as a servant(one who ministered to man).

3. Luke or focuses on Christ's role as the Son of Man(which I already explained before.

4. John speaks more of Christ in the sense of His divinity, as the Son of God.

As such, all these gospels unite to produce one perfect picture of Christ.

Christ is actually called an Angel in the scripture.

Malachi 3:1 says "...the Lord whom you seek, Shall come speedily to His temple, even the messenger of the covenant(Highlight this phrase), whom you desire, behold, He shall come..."

messenger of the covenant, in ancient Hebrew reads "Angel of the covenant", as in Hebrew, the word for Angel was actually messenger. You see, the inspired men of the bible saw angels as the angelic messengers for the Lord.
And in many cases of the old testament, that phrase "The Angel of the Lord" was actually Christ, the Son of God, who appeared to the prophets in the form of an angel.

Exodus 3:1-4 tells us an Angel called Moses from the bush. Steven says the same in Acts 7:30. Yet, Exodus 3:4 says it was God who appeared and spoke to Him. Steven again explains in the following verse it is actually the Lord speaking The
I Am.
Again, Jesus confirms who is in the bush talking to Moses in John 8.

Daniel 10:13 tells of how an angel explains to Daniel that the prince of the kingdom of Persia resisted him for 120 days. Now we know this was no physical battle as the king of Persia was just a man. Thus, this battle the angel speaks of is carried out in the heart of the king. For 120 days the king has resisted the angel's attempts to soften his heart to listen to God's spirit. However, Satan has been called the "Prince of this world" throughout the bible(for example, Job 1:7 and John 14:30), after he caused Adam(the rightful ruler to fall)and all mankind to become sinful.

So here, the angel is really telling Daniel, "I would have come sooner, in answer to your prayer, but Satan,prince of the kingdom of Persia, by working on the king's heart, caused the king to resist my efforts to sway him(the king).

However, as the angel goes on to say, Michael, prince of the first rank(Hebrew interpretation), came to help him, and he succeeded.

Jude 1:9 tells us Michael is the Arch-(head)angel. And Paul tells us in Thessalonians 4:13 that the Lord will descend with a shout and the voice of the Arch angel(Michael) and will raise the dead. John 5:25, Jesus says that "all in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God."

Michael, the Arch angel, is just one of the many names used for Christ.

What these texts are obviously saying is that it was Jesus who stood in the burning bush and talked to Moses, and who came to help the angel break the hold of Satan over the heart of the Persian King. In the scriptures, Jesus, as the Son of God, is the only one who can rebuke Satan.

Jude says Satan tried to keep Jesus(Michael) from resurrecting Moses. But Jude goes on to say He rebukes Satan.

In Zechariah 3:1-7, we have here another clear case in which the Lord, the Son of God, appears as an angel. Zechariah is shown the vision of the then high priest Joshua standing before the Angel of the Lord in filthy rags. Satan is also shown to be standing at his side,accusing Joshua to the Angel(Christ)of being unworthy.

Christ reproves Satan and calls Joshua "a brand plucked from the fire"(or a person just rescued from the power of sin). In these verses the Angel and the word Lord are used together repeatedly, revealing exactly who this Angel is.

Am I saying in every case throughout the old testament an angel is the same as Christ? No. But in specific instances, and most importantly, when an article is used to define angel(example: The Angel of the Lord)the text is usually telling us that this is no ordinary being or angel speaking.

Men has never spoken with God(the Father)at any time(the one exception was when He spoke to the Jesus in John 12:28 and at the jordan, when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. John 1:18 basically explains that all the altercation that man has had with God prior to the New Testament era was through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. After man sinned, the heavenly Father talked with the man through His Son.

Again you LIE. Strike 1 Peter NEVER called him Emmanuel. Strike 2 And WHY do you Christians act like name meanings represent the person!? My sister's name means "She is faithful" yet SHES AN ATHEIST (I am not an atheist btw). Strike 3 he was NEVER called Emmanuel by anyone. No one ever ran up and said "Emmanuel help me". In Hebrew he was named "Yahusha" . Strike 4 Acts chapter 2 Peter was SPEAKING THE TRUTH. Jesus is not God, he had a God, worshipped a God, prayed to a God, was given power by a God, was raised from the dead by a God, HE WAS NOT HIS OWN GOD.

Peter is talking to Jews apparently in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. But regardless, Jesus Himself never used the term Emmanuel in referring to Himself. He used the Interpretation of Emmanuel[which means, God with us(Matthew 1:23)]. Jesus took the literal interpretation of this name every time He called Himself "The Son of man". And Peter, in Acts 2, spoke of Christ in the same manner by repeatedly drawing the Jews attention to the scriptures pointing to Jesus coming as a man.

The Jews believed the Messiah would come in king like majesty, not as a humble, meek, man. This belief, as shown in all their excuses they use not accept Him, led to their eventual rejection and serving Jesus up to be crucified as an imposter. That is why Peter took them right back to the heart of the issue and emphasized Jesus's role as "the Son of Man" in his sermon to the Jews in Acts 2

God had TWO types of LITERAL SONS. Adam, and Angels. Everyone else is ADOPTED.

God has no literal son. Jesus always existed with the heavenly Father as One
. The angels and Adam were God's created children, and as such, since they had no parent but was created directly from God's own hand, they are called "the sons of God" in the bible.

Jesus is called "the Son of God" because He is God made audible to all creation. He is the Creator and the only member of the Godhead that speaks to man. The Jesus role is, as He often said when He was on earth, to lift up the Father(the Father's role, as shown in His speaking to the crowd at Jesus's baptism and to the Greeks in the temple in John 12:28, is to extol the Son.

The Holy Spirit's role, as Jesus says in John 14, is to impress on the hearts of men all the words and deeds Jesus has given to us.

Therefore God is called One Lord. "Here Oh Irael, the Lord your God is One Lord".

God gave a beautiful illustration of this with the family. He said "a man will leave his father or his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one." God instituted marriage to be a small simple of the Godhead. All three persons in the Godhead work for the same purpose, which is why Paul said, "to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself."

I am not forcing Jesus where He doesn't belong. I am only saying exactly where He belong

My sister's name means "She is faithful" yet SHES AN ATHEIST

You see, the Jews always gave their children names meaning. This is why they were required to bring their sons to the temple on the eighth day and circumsize them. On that they, their sons names were recorded in the records. Read about Jesus's circumsism in Luke 2:21. In the biblical days in Isreal, names meant a lot.

The Creator DOES NOT EVER BECOME THE CREATED. Strike 2 if he became FALLEN MAN that would mean he had sin. Strike 3 The Bible says GOD CAN NOT BE TEMPTED, yet you say "Jesus" was tempted = He cant be God.

Welcome to Jesus then. No, I said He took on His sinless nature, our Sinful nature. When I mean nature, I mean the urge, the drive to commit a sin. This drive Adam,after his fall, past down to each of us on earth as a perpetual curse. But you see, it is not our nature that God will hold us accountable for. God will hold us accountable only if we allow our Minds to become bent to self and sin.

We Do Not Sin automatically just because we have a nature that urges us to sin. It is only when we give consent to sin in our Minds that that sin is written in the books of heaven against us. I'll give an example:

If for example, a man is tempted to commit the sin of adultery. Now, Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:28, that "whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has her already committed adultery with her in his heart". So when a man looks at a woman, and begins to entertain and think on lustful thoughts about her in his mind, he is committing the sin of adultery.

1st.That man's sinful nature brought up the lustful thought(temptation) or suggestion into his mind.

2nd. That man gives into the thought, entertains it in his head, and now contemplates the ideal of being with the woman.

Thus, in God's eyes, that man has broken the seventh commandment of "thou shalt not commit adultery.

Now, here comes Christ. Hebrews 4:15 says, that Christ, as our high priest, is touch with the feeling of everything we've suffered with. And further more, says He was tempted in
[b]All points like us, yet without sin

What the writer of Hebrews is saying, is that when Christ came to earth, He took the same nature that is tempting you and me today.

Yet without sin. That means, though He was tempted, He Never, once, gave into the urge to sin.

So, when Christ faced the temptation of adultery, as soon as the urge presented itself in His mind, He said, like in the garden of Gethsemane "not my will Father, but I submit myself to you alone, and not to this sinful thought". And God the Father removed it.

Christ offers the same to all who believe in Him. If you rely on Christ, to deliver you, each and every time you were ever tempted to sin. He would do it in a snap of a second. Just as the Heavenly Father delivered Him each and everytime from sin when He was on earth.

Thus, because Christ never indulged the urge to sin, He was Sinless and that's why the bible says "Yet without sin", meaning that He resisted each and every urge to sin.

THis is also why, Jesus, in John 8:46, says to the unbelieving Jews. "Which of you can convict me of sin?" Meaning, none of them could find
One fault
in Jesus because He was Pure.

So I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that Jesus sinned. I stand here to say that He was the only person who Never sinned

Strike 1 "Jesus" kept his eyes on himself while on earth? Wrong, he kept his eyes on GOD. Strike 2 You cant even be like him, MOST CHRISTIANS are NOTHING like the man they claim to follow! They teach AGAINST HIM. HE TAUGHT THE LAW OF MOSES, and DID NOT EAT PORK OR SEAFOOD AS WAS TOLD IN THE LAW. They celebrate PAGAN holidays aka Christmas, new years, easter, etc I wont continue. Strike 3 AGAIN the creator DOES NOT become the created.

I am sorry again I gave the impression that I was saying that Jesus kept His eyes on Himself, as I tried to most strenously emphasize earlier that He kept His eyes solely on God. And it was God who led Him to overcome each and every temptation, just like He offers us today, if we only rely on Him unreservedly like Jesus did.

You're right. Most Christian's today aren't even living in a shadow of the light Jesus had. They do eat pork, eat all kinds of seafood, they do break the ten commands, especially the 4th commandment most of all. All the commands that Jesus instructed His followers that it was His mission to fulfill, they are breaking today.

And yes, that includes pagan holidays and festivals.

The early Christin Church, as Jesus founded it, never did Any of these things, even to the point of being threatened with death. Christian's have greatly apostasized and misused the name of Christian(which meant originally, Christlike). Meaning that His followers once acted like Him.

AGAIN the creator DOES NOT become the created.

I do however, maintain that our Creator lowered Himself to our level, took our feelings and infirmities, Overcame each and all the temptations to sin that we might/have endure, lived a perfect life in the sight of all heaven and earth, and then returned to heaven as conqueror. Conqueror over Satan,sin, and death. And that He now extends His hand to us so that, if we but grasp it and don't turn it loose, He would pull us up to "sit with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus"

I can't change your mind but please, consider it


You forgot one thing, Isaiah 7 and 9:6 ARENT ABOUT HIM.

Show me one place, in Scripture, that says this text isn't talking about Jesus. To say this text is talking about ANyone other than deity is pure blasphemy.

The Gospel of John, the elephant in the room among the 4 Gospels because it presents a VERY DIFFERENT "Jesus" who is nothing like the "Jesus" of the first three gospels strike 1. Strike 2 is that the "I AM" of Moses story was AN ANGEL sent by God, it NEVER mentions a "Son of God nmed "Jesus" representing God talking to Moses". You christians are embarassing, forcing "Jesus" WHERE HE NEVER BELONGED. Strike 3, God had TWO types of LITERAL SONS. Adam, and Angels. Everyone else is ADOPTED.

Please show me the very different Jesus. Because the gospels writers each wrote about the different characteristics of Jesus as well, from 4 different stand points. All these characteristics can be seen in Jesus's life on earth:

1. Notice Matthew writes of Jesus(over all)in the style of a strong conqueror or king, as Matthew emphasized how Christ stood strong before His adversaries.

2.Mark writes of Him as(over all)a servant because Mark mainly emphasize Jesus's role as a servant(one who ministered to man).

3. Luke or focuses on Christ's role as the Son of Man(which I already explained before.

4. John speaks more of Christ in the sense of His divinity, as the Son of God.

As such, all these gospels unite to produce one perfect picture of Christ.

Christ is actually called an Angel in the scripture.

Malachi 3:1 says "...the Lord whom you seek, Shall come speedily to His temple, even the messenger of the covenant(Highlight this phrase), whom you desire, behold, He shall come..."

messenger of the covenant, in ancient Hebrew reads "Angel of the covenant", as in Hebrew, the word for Angel was actually messenger. You see, the inspired men of the bible saw angels as the angelic messengers for the Lord.
And in many cases of the old testament, that phrase "The Angel of the Lord" was actually Christ, the Son of God, who appeared to the prophets in the form of an angel.

Exodus 3:1-4 tells us an Angel called Moses from the bush. Steven says the same in Acts 7:30. Yet, Exodus 3:4 says it was God who appeared and spoke to Him. Steven again explains in the following verse it is actually the Lord speaking The
I Am.
Again, Jesus confirms who is in the bush talking to Moses in John 8.

Daniel 10:13 tells of how an angel explains to Daniel that the prince of the kingdom of Persia resisted him for 120 days. Now we know this was no physical battle as the king of Persia was just a man. Thus, this battle the angel speaks of is carried out in the heart of the king. For 120 days the king has resisted the angel's attempts to soften his heart to listen to God's spirit. However, Satan has been called the "Prince of this world" throughout the bible(for example, Job 1:7 and John 14:30), after he caused Adam(the rightful ruler to fall)and all mankind to become sinful.

So here, the angel is really telling Daniel, "I would have come sooner, in answer to your prayer, but Satan,prince of the kingdom of Persia, by working on the king's heart, caused the king to resist my efforts to sway him(the king).

However, as the angel goes on to say, Michael, prince of the first rank(Hebrew interpretation), came to help him, and he succeeded.

Jude 1:9 tells us Michael is the Arch-(head)angel. And Paul tells us in Thessalonians 4:13 that the Lord will descend with a shout and the voice of the Arch angel(Michael) and will raise the dead. John 5:25, Jesus says that "all in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God."

Michael, the Arch angel, is just one of the many names used for Christ.

What these texts are obviously saying is that it was Jesus who stood in the burning bush and talked to Moses, and who came to help the angel break the hold of Satan over the heart of the Persian King. In the scriptures, Jesus, as the Son of God, is the only one who can rebuke Satan.

Jude says Satan tried to keep Jesus(Michael) from resurrecting Moses. But Jude goes on to say He rebukes Satan.

In Zechariah 3:1-7, we have here another clear case in which the Lord, the Son of God, appears as an angel. Zechariah is shown the vision of the then high priest Joshua standing before the Angel of the Lord in filthy rags. Satan is also shown to be standing at his side,accusing Joshua to the Angel(Christ)of being unworthy.

Christ reproves Satan and calls Joshua "a brand plucked from the fire"(or a person just rescued from the power of sin). In these verses the Angel and the word Lord are used together repeatedly, revealing exactly who this Angel is.

Am I saying in every case throughout the old testament an angel is the same as Christ? No. But in specific instances, and most importantly, when an article is used to define angel(example: The Angel of the Lord)the text is usually telling us that this is no ordinary being or angel speaking.

Men has never spoken with God(the Father)at any time(the one exception was when He spoke to the Jesus in John 12:28 and at the jordan, when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. John 1:18 basically explains that all the altercation that man has had with God prior to the New Testament era was through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. After man sinned, the heavenly Father talked with the man through His Son.

Again you LIE. Strike 1 Peter NEVER called him Emmanuel. Strike 2 And WHY do you Christians act like name meanings represent the person!? My sister's name means "She is faithful" yet SHES AN ATHEIST (I am not an atheist btw). Strike 3 he was NEVER called Emmanuel by anyone. No one ever ran up and said "Emmanuel help me". In Hebrew he was named "Yahusha" . Strike 4 Acts chapter 2 Peter was SPEAKING THE TRUTH. Jesus is not God, he had a God, worshipped a God, prayed to a God, was given power by a God, was raised from the dead by a God, HE WAS NOT HIS OWN GOD.

Peter is talking to Jews apparently in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. But regardless, Jesus Himself never used the term Emmanuel in referring to Himself. He used the Interpretation of Emmanuel[which means, God with us(Matthew 1:23)]. Jesus took the literal interpretation of this name every time He called Himself "The Son of man". And Peter, in Acts 2, spoke of Christ in the same manner by repeatedly drawing the Jews attention to the scriptures pointing to Jesus coming as a man.

The Jews believed the Messiah would come in king like majesty, not as a humble, meek, man. This belief, as shown in all their excuses they use not accept Him, led to their eventual rejection and serving Jesus up to be crucified as an imposter. That is why Peter took them right back to the heart of the issue and emphasized Jesus's role as "the Son of Man" in his sermon to the Jews in Acts 2

God had TWO types of LITERAL SONS. Adam, and Angels. Everyone else is ADOPTED.

God has no literal son. Jesus always existed with the heavenly Father as One
. The angels and Adam were God's created children, and as such, since they had no parent but was created directly from God's own hand, they are called "the sons of God" in the bible.

Jesus is called "the Son of God" because He is God made audible to all creation. He is the Creator and the only member of the Godhead that speaks to man. The Jesus role is, as He often said when He was on earth, to lift up the Father(the Father's role, as shown in His speaking to the crowd at Jesus's baptism and to the Greeks in the temple in John 12:28, is to extol the Son.

The Holy Spirit's role, as Jesus says in John 14, is to impress on the hearts of men all the words and deeds Jesus has given to us.

Therefore God is called One Lord. "Here Oh Irael, the Lord your God is One Lord".

God gave a beautiful illustration of this with the family. He said "a man will leave his father or his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one." God instituted marriage to be a small simple of the Godhead. All three persons in the Godhead work for the same purpose, which is why Paul said, "to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself."

I am not forcing Jesus where He doesn't belong. I am only saying exactly where He belong

My sister's name means "She is faithful" yet SHES AN ATHEIST

You see, the Jews always gave their children names meaning. This is why they were required to bring their sons to the temple on the eighth day and circumsize them. On that they, their sons names were recorded in the records. Read about Jesus's circumsism in Luke 2:21. In the biblical days in Isreal, names meant a lot.

The Creator DOES NOT EVER BECOME THE CREATED. Strike 2 if he became FALLEN MAN that would mean he had sin. Strike 3 The Bible says GOD CAN NOT BE TEMPTED, yet you say "Jesus" was tempted = He cant be God.

Welcome to Jesus then. No, I said He took on His sinless nature, our Sinful nature. When I mean nature, I mean the urge, the drive to commit a sin. This drive Adam,after his fall, past down to each of us on earth as a perpetual curse. But you see, it is not our nature that God will hold us accountable for. God will hold us accountable only if we allow our Minds to become bent to self and sin.

We Do Not Sin automatically just because we have a nature that urges us to sin. It is only when we give consent to sin in our Minds that that sin is written in the books of heaven against us. I'll give an example:

If for example, a man is tempted to commit the sin of adultery. Now, Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:28, that "whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has her already committed adultery with her in his heart". So when a man looks at a woman, and begins to entertain and think on lustful thoughts about her in his mind, he is committing the sin of adultery.

1st.That man's sinful nature brought up the lustful thought(temptation) or suggestion into his mind.

2nd. That man gives into the thought, entertains it in his head, and now contemplates the ideal of being with the woman.

Thus, in God's eyes, that man has broken the seventh commandment of "thou shalt not commit adultery.

Now, here comes Christ. Hebrews 4:15 says, that Christ, as our high priest, is touch with the feeling of everything we've suffered with. And further more, says He was tempted in
[b]All points like us, yet without sin

What the writer of Hebrews is saying, is that when Christ came to earth, He took the same nature that is tempting you and me today.

Yet without sin. That means, though He was tempted, He Never, once, gave into the urge to sin.

So, when Christ faced the temptation of adultery, as soon as the urge presented itself in His mind, He said, like in the garden of Gethsemane "not my will Father, but I submit myself to you alone, and not to this sinful thought". And God the Father removed it.

Christ offers the same to all who believe in Him. If you rely on Christ, to deliver you, each and every time you were ever tempted to sin. He would do it in a snap of a second. Just as the Heavenly Father delivered Him each and everytime from sin when He was on earth.

Thus, because Christ never indulged the urge to sin, He was Sinless and that's why the bible says "Yet without sin", meaning that He resisted each and every urge to sin.

THis is also why, Jesus, in John 8:46, says to the unbelieving Jews. "Which of you can convict me of sin?" Meaning, none of them could find
One fault
in Jesus because He was Pure.

So I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that Jesus sinned. I stand here to say that He was the only person who Never sinned

Strike 1 "Jesus" kept his eyes on himself while on earth? Wrong, he kept his eyes on GOD. Strike 2 You cant even be like him, MOST CHRISTIANS are NOTHING like the man they claim to follow! They teach AGAINST HIM. HE TAUGHT THE LAW OF MOSES, and DID NOT EAT PORK OR SEAFOOD AS WAS TOLD IN THE LAW. They celebrate PAGAN holidays aka Christmas, new years, easter, etc I wont continue. Strike 3 AGAIN the creator DOES NOT become the created.

I am sorry again I gave the impression that I was saying that Jesus kept His eyes on Himself, as I tried to most strenously emphasize earlier that He kept His eyes solely on God. And it was God who led Him to overcome each and every temptation, just like He offers us today, if we only rely on Him unreservedly like Jesus did.

You're right. Most Christian's today aren't even living in a shadow of the light Jesus gave to His people. They do eat pork, eat all kinds of seafood, they do break the ten commands, especially the 4th commandment most of all. All the commands that Jesus instructed His followers that it was His mission to fulfill, they are breaking today.

And yes, that includes pagan holidays and festivals.

The early Christin Church, as Jesus founded it, never did Any of these things, even to the point of being threatened with death. Christian's have greatly apostasized and misused the name of Christian(which meant originally, Christlike). Meaning that His followers once acted like Him.

AGAIN the creator DOES NOT become the created.

I do however, maintain that our Creator lowered Himself to our level, took our feelings and infirmities, Overcame each and all the temptations to sin that we might/have endure, lived a perfect life in the sight of all heaven and earth, and then returned to heaven as conqueror. Conqueror over Satan,sin, and death. And that He now extends His hand to us so that, if we but grasp it and don't turn it loose, He would pull us up to "sit with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus"

I can't change your mind but please, consider it


SCREW YOU LIAR! I believe in GOD and Jesus is not him! Im not saying Jesus isnt important, Im saying HE IS NOT GOD. SO stop your stupid worrying. Star Wars OST


Look, keep up denying Jesus is not God. When God give you evidence to the contrary, and you keep resisting it, then eventually it will become a sin for you, because what you've done is continue to stifle any conviction God might give you.


It is outright stated that he is not God. Im still alive because I know the truth. You know who imagined that their gods were MEN? GREEKS AND PAGANS. The jews said that a man being God is BLASPHEMEY AND IT IS!!!




Have you ever heard that God is Three persons? The Heavenly Father, the Word(Christ)and the Holy Spirit. And these three are One. Meaning, all three are united in purpose, in their love for creation, and united in the work of saving men. These Three are one. Read 1 John 5:7.

You're right. God in divinity can't die. But Christ, the Word, the Son of God, took on Himself humanity and Hebrews 2:17 said, "For it behooved Him to be made like unto His brotheren." And Hebrew's 4:14-15 said that He was touched with all our infirmities, like us, and was tempted to sin in all points like us. The only difference was that He Never sinned. That's why the following verse 16 says He is worthy to stand as our High Priest, because in Christ's humanity, He felt all the trials and struggles we go through.


It was an angel, acting on the word and power of the Heavenly Father, that called Jesus from the tomb. Matthew 28:2-4 says a powerful Angel came from heaven,who's face was like lightening, came and rolled away the tomb. And that Roman guard around the tomb was so terrified at the sight of him that they lost all courage and collapsed like dead men. In Hebrews 13:20, the writer(whom I personally believe is Paul, based on the style of writing)says, that God brought Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, from the dead.

Look, the whole bible speaks of Jesus, from the back to the front. And no way is there any place in the bible that Outright states Jesus is not God. That's blasphemy.


1 John 5:7 in Modern manuscripts from the 16th century have those words FORGED! But alas youre yet anothe Christian NITWIT WHO IGNORES THE FOOTNOTES THAT SAYS ITS FORGED. FORGED = FAKE if you didnt know the original does not say that. But go back to being a stupid F word. There is no *beep* trinity and NEVER HAS BEEN. Hebrews says he was ADOPTED

An angel DID NOT RAISE HIM dumb *beep* It says an Angel merely showed the women the tomb was empty learn how to read. Well it depends what you read since the resurecction contradicts eachother in EVERY gospel; 1 Angel in Matt rolled the stone, a Young man in mark BUT the stone was already rolled away before the women got there, 2 men in white Luke, No angel mentioned in John.

There is ZERO record of jesus before his birth. There are a hundred verses that say Jesus IS NOT God, I listed 10 of them. I cant help it that youre Ignorant. Saying Jesus isnt God is not blasphemy. Saying he is God is blasphemy. Now *beep* off, I hate you LIAR T5i


An angel DID NOT RAISE HIM dumb *beep* It says an Angel merely showed the women the tomb was empty learn how to read. Well it depends what you read since the resurecction contradicts eachother in EVERY gospel; 1 Angel in Matt rolled the stone, a Young man in mark BUT the stone was already rolled away before the women got there, 2 men in white Luke, No angel mentioned in John.

What did David mean then, when he said,"The Lord said to my Lord, sit thou at my right hand till I make thy enemies my foot stool?" This text can only be true if it is understood in the light of God(the Heavenly Father)is talking to God, Christ,(the Son of God). Otherwise, you will have to say that David is lying along with Matthew and John. You said John was lying before in John 1 and now you're hinting that Matthew is lying by saying an angel came from heaven and called Jesus from the tomb.

All the gospels talk of the resurrection. But only one goes into detail about how the angel came down. All the gospels mentioned how the angel talked to the women at the tomb but Matthew is the only one that goes further back and says what happen Prior to the women coming to the tomb. 1 angel rode away the stone true. But what happened was that after the angel rolled away the stone, in the power of the heavenly Father, he called Jesus from death. Therefore, when the women came back to the tomb, the stone was rolled away because Jesus had already risen. The gospels themselves say this. John says Mary saw two angels sitting in the tomb. Matthew says just an angel. Luke 24:4 says the women came to the tomb and saw two men in shining clothes. Mark says young man in white clothes.

To me, all these gospels come together like a puzzle. Each gospel included one detail while another included anther detail. From looking at the whole picture, one angel came down from heaven with the command from God to raise Jesus from the grave. This is the angel Matthew refers too. Mark only mentions this one angel and he refers to him as a young man dressed in white. (If you recall, angels have appeared numerous times to people throughout the bible in form of men. Read the story of Samson, of Gideon, of how the two angels visited Lot, Abraham's nephew, in the form of men at Sodom and Gomorrah.)

Luke sheds a little more light onto the puzzle by saying that it was two men in shinning clothes(angels), sitting at the tomb. So what we now see is that Matthew and Mark mentioned Only the angel who came down directly from heaven. Luke lets us know that the first angel that came down from heaven was met by a second angel who was apparently watching over the tomb, waiting for the moment of resurrection. Therefore, Luke tells us there were two shinning men, angels, sitting at the tomb. One angel was the one who came down from heaven with the power of God to resurrect Jesus while the second angel was already waiting near the tomb when the first angel coming from heaven arrived. Luke mentions both of these angels while Mark and Matthew only mentions one. John adds the details with Luke and says that there were two angels in white sitting at the tomb. Luke says two men in shining clothes. See, when read correctly, all the gospels come together as a nice puzzle.

In summary, while the first angel from heaven came and resurrected Jesus(by God's power), the second angel joined him and together they waited for the women to come. The women came after the resurrection had already occurred. This is why the angels left the women with instructions that Jesus was alive and that He would go ahead of them to Galilee. This is why Luke and John says that both angels met the women at the tomb. Matthew and Marks mentions this too but they did not mention the second angel, only first one who came from heaven.

And what happened was that God sent His angel to raise Jesus from the tomb. Hebrews 13 said it. Matthew said it. And many other texts of the new testament and old says it too. Here's one final text for you. Hosea 6:2 says "After two days will He revive us, and in the third day, He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight."

This text in Hosea was a prophecy that was fulfilled at Jesus resurrection. After being three days in the tomb, on the third day that Sunday morning, the angel came and called Jesus from the grave. The us used in Hosea is talking about humanity, since, Christ took us into Himself, died, and rose again. Ephesians 2:5-6 explains this.

There is ZERO record of jesus before his birth. There are a hundred verses that say Jesus is God, I listed 10 of them. I cant help it that youre Ignorant. Saying Jesus isnt God is not blasphemy. Saying he is God is blasphemy. Now *beep* off, I hate you LIAR

Not true. Matthew and Luke both list Jesus's origin of birth, from Joseph and Mary side of the family. And there's all the prophets of the old testament.

1 John 5:7 in Modern manuscripts from the 16th century have those words FORGED! But alas youre yet anothe Christian NITWIT WHO IGNORES THE FOOTNOTES THAT SAYS ITS FORGED. FORGED = FAKE if you didnt know the original does not say that. But go back to being a stupid F word. There is no *beep* trinity and NEVER HAS BEEN. Hebrews says he was adopted"

So now the whole bible is nothing but lying manuscripts? Because you have to start all the way back from the old testament too and say its nothing but lies. All the texts that mention Jesus.

Hebrews never said that Jesus was adopted in the sense you're talking about. Show me the text where this can be found in Hebrews if so.


David never said who his Lord was. Youve never heard of the Middle ages have you fool? Lord was a RANK and Title. The text called Matt DOES NOT SAY THE ANGEL CALLED JESUS FROM THE TOMB BECAUSE THE TOMB WAS EMPTY BEFORE HE ROLLED IT AWAY. Again, the gospels contradict eacother on how many or what exactly was there, angels, men, or no one.

NO not all of the gospels say an angel was there liar i explained it above! All the gospels give different numbers for EVERYTHING. Angels, men, how many women went, what time, guards or no guards, joseph arimethea alone or with another, how many strips of linen cloth etc.


"Hosea 6:2 says "After two days will He revive us, and in the third day, He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight."

This text in Hosea was a prophecy that was fulfilled at Jesus resurrection. "



NO LUKE AND MATT SAID ONLY JOSEPH SIDE!!!!!!!!! NO ONE KNEW MARYS GENEALOGY BECAUSE JEWS WENT THROUGH THE MALE SIDE ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"1 John 5:7 in Modern manuscripts from the 16th century have those words FORGED! But alas youre yet anothe Christian NITWIT WHO IGNORES THE FOOTNOTES THAT SAYS ITS FORGED. FORGED = FAKE if you didnt know the original does not say that. But go back to being a stupid F word. There is no *beep* trinity and NEVER HAS BEEN. Hebrews says he was adopted"

READ WHAT I SAID EVERYONE KNOWS 1 John 5:7 is a FORGERY except your dumb ass

Some Bible translators of past centuries were so zealous to find support for their belief in the Trinity in the Scriptures that they literally added it. A case in point is 1 John 5:7-8.

It reads in the King James Version, also known as the Authorized Version: “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.” The words in italics are simply not a part of the generally accepted New Testament manuscripts. Regrettably, in this particular passage some other versions read essentially the same.

Most Bible commentaries that mention this addition tell us that it is a spurious comment added to the biblical text. Consider the words of The New Bible Commentary: Revised: “Notice that AV [the Authorized Version] includes additional material at this point. But the words are clearly a gloss [an added note] and are rightly excluded by RSV [the Revised Standard Version] even from its margins” (1970, p. 1269).

In the New Revised Standard Version, 1 John 5:7-8 correctly and more concisely reads, “There are three that testify: the Spirit and the water and the blood, and these three agree.” John personifies the three elements here as providing testimony, just as Solomon personified wisdom in the book of Proverbs.

Many other more recent Bible versions likewise recognize the spurious added text and omit it, including the New International Version, American Standard Version and New American Standard Bible, English Standard Version, New English Bible and Revised English Bible, New American Bible, Jerusalem Bible and New Jerusalem Bible, Good News Bible, New Living Translation, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Bible in Basic English and the Twentieth Century New Testament.

“The textual evidence is against 1 John 5:7,” explains Dr. Neil Lightfoot, a New Testament professor. “Of all the Greek manuscripts, only two contain it. These two manuscripts are of very late dates, one from the fourteenth or fifteenth century and the other from the sixteenth century. Two other manuscripts have this verse written in the margin. All four manuscripts show that this verse was apparently translated from a late form of the Latin Vulgate” ( How We Got the Bible, 2003, pp. 100-101).

The Expositor’s Bible Commentary also dismisses the King James and New King James Versions’ additions in 1 John 5:7-8 as “obviously a late gloss with no merit” (Glenn Barker, Vol. 12, 1981, p. 353).

Peake’s Commentary on the Bible is very incisive in its comments as well: “The famous interpolation after ‘three witnesses’ is not printed in RSV and rightly [so] .  .  . No respectable Greek [manuscript] contains it

"Him who said to him, "You are my son TODAY I have become your Father" it is in Hebrews 3 times FIND IT T5i


David never said who his Lord was. Youve never heard of the Middle ages have you fool? Lord was a RANK and Title. The text called Matt DOES NOT SAY THE ANGEL CALLED JESUS FROM THE TOMB BECAUSE THE TOMB WAS EMPTY BEFORE HE ROLLED IT AWAY. Again, the gospels contradict eacother on how many or what exactly was there, angels, men, or no one.

So I guess David had a lord then? No he didn't. The Hebrew for Lord in Psalms 110:1 is Yahweh, the self existing one. The other "lord" you're using is the same as ba'al, which means lord or master. The one david mentions is the name of the almighty God. So don't confuse the two

Again, How come you twist the scriptures like that?! I never said Matthew said the the tomb was empty Before the angel came. I said the Angel came,rolled away the stone, raised Jesus by the power of God, and Jesus left the tomb. Which is why it was empty when the women came some time Later.

It reads in the King James Version, also known as the Authorized Version: “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.” The words in italics are simply not a part of the generally accepted New Testament manuscripts. Regrettably, in this particular passage some other versions read essentially the same.

I'm use the Geneva 1599 bible, which was made and written similar to the KJV but on the more common people level so it use more simple words than the king James. Interestingly, the Geneva bible uses italics too like the King James that verse is Not in the italics.

In the New Revised Standard Version, 1 John 5:7-8 correctly and more concisely reads, “There are three that testify: the Spirit and the water and the blood, and these three agree.” John personifies the three elements here as providing testimony, just as Solomon personified wisdom in the book of Proverbs.

Different bible scholars say different things. And there are skeptical scholars out there accept an erroneous view of scripture texts and so, read the different greek and hebrew manuscripts differently. That you found one in the revised standard version is of little surprised to me. I never use that version anyway. That's one thing I learned from my course in psychology and philosophy classes is that there's never a common consenus among scholars, biblical or secular, about the way ancient manuscripts should be understood. But based on the fact that Both the KJV, NKJ, and the Geneva 1599 all do Not say the Blood and Water, and both keep in consistency with other texts of Jesus. SO I would very much deny the RSV in favor of the others.

Everyone doesn't know that 1 John 5 is a forgery. Only skeptical scholars who I don't give any credence to anyway would agree with you.

Sense you have been using foul language and other slangs, I can assume you're not a christian and that to waste anymore time on a confirmed unbeliever like you would be like, as Jesus said, casting pearls to swine. It would be a waste to talk to you anymore. Good bye.

"Him who said to him, "You are my son TODAY I have become your Father" it is in Hebrews 3 times FIND IT

Wrong. Hebrews 1:5 explain what verse 4 means. You see, the Apostle Paul knew a critic like you would have a field day with verse 4 so he followed up with verse 5 which explains that this begotten in this text is talking about Christ being born in humanity as a man. Yes. The Father is talking about the time when He would send the Son down as a small babe in Mary's womb.


I said the Angel came,rolled away the stone, raised Jesus by the power of God, and Jesus left the tomb. Which is why it was empty when the women came some time Later.

YES YoU DID ADD TO IT! "The angel came, raised jesus, left, and came back before the women came" is adding *beep* that is not there! Oh Im going to come and leave and come back, how stupid is that! I never read that in the Bible!

Name one stupid spot where someone says "An Angel raised Jesus from the dead" because THERE ISNT ONE!

unbeliever like you

Nice FALSE assumptions, Im just sick of ignorant mother f*kers like you destroying the Biblical truth of ONE GOD not THREE IN ONE!

1 John 5:7 ORIGINALLY NEVER MENTIONED THE TRINITY! It was forged in by later scribes this is proven BY MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE so your desperate attempt at holding on to your PAGAN FILTH is in vain!


The greek term is SPERMA which means our modern SPERM. Who makes sperm, women? HELL NO! MEN DO! He was born EXACTLY like the rest of us!



1. I never said the angel left. I said Jesus left the tomb after His resurrection. The angel stayed at the tomb, waiting on the women to arrive so He could tell them the good news that Jesus had been risen.


Name one stupid spot where someone says "An Angel raised Jesus from the dead" because THERE ISNT ONE!

Hebrews 13 says God raised Jesus. Matthew says a powerful angel came from heaven and Opened the tomb. Its obvious what happened; the Angel came down with the command from God to raise Jesus up from death.


He was waiting for God the Father to give His approval when He should began His ministry of teaching and healing. As Jesus said, "The Son can do Nothing of Himself but what He sees the Father doeth." John 5. In John 14:10 Jesus says "...the Father that dwelth in Me, He doeth the work".

This means one thing. When Jesus came to earth, in order for him to become/"made like unto His brethren"(Heb.4), He gave up the Independent use of His power as the Son of God. This means that He never , ever, used His own power as the Son of God. Like a man, He submitted Himself totally to the will of the Heavenly Father and never did Anything, from His birth til His death, that strayed from that path.

Which is why He said in Matt. 26:42, "If it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Never the lest, let not my will but Yours be done." Jesus was that submissive to the will of God.

But you're going to say "that's a lie because all the gospels show Jesus using His power". And yes, you would be right. In a sense. I said Jesus gave up the Independent use of His power. Meaning that for the whole time He worked miracles on earth as a man, Jesus was working those Miracles Only when the heavenly Father told Him to. Which is why He said in John 5:30 "I can do Nothing of Myself...because I seek Not my own will but the will of the Father which sent me."

John 3:3-4 tells us how Jesus mother tried to get Him to work a miracle at the wedding feast. When she tried to get Jesus make more wine, Jesus had to let her know two important facts and I know Catholics would hate me for saying this:

1. Mary couldn't direct or order Him to work a miracle. Like He said in John 5:30, He could do "Nothing of Himself." The God the Father only had that power to direct Jesus as to when a miracle could be wrought.

2. God's time, Jesus time, had not yet come. Meaning, God the Father hadn't given Jesus the Okay yet to work that miracle. Jesus was always in constant communion with the Father and He was not about to go outside God's will and work a miracle.

But a little afterwards, apparently, Jesus did get consent from God as He later directed the servants to fill the jars with water and He turned the water to wine.

Therefore, for 30 years, He remained at home. But on the day He turned 30, which was the year a healthy Jewish male usually married and began his life, Jesus came to the Jordan to be baptized. And that was when God officially set His seal on Jesus's mission when He said "You are My Beloved Son, In Whole I Am well pleased."

Luke 3:21-22 describes this beautiful scene in detail for us. Luke says that after Jesus came up out of the water He bowed in prayer. And when He was praying, heaven opened, the Holy Spirit(the third person of the GodHead)took the form of a dove and rested on Jesus. And then the voice of God the Father spoke.

So you see, it was only at His baptism, that God confirmed Jesus in His work and it was only after the baptism, that He began His ministry of teaching and healing.

Jesus's baptism was Jesus's confirmation ceremony for Him to began His work. The ceremony was attended by all three members of Divinity. The Heavenly Father, who spoke from heaven to confirm Jesus's identity with Deity, and the Word(the Son of God, Jesus Himself), and the Holy Spirit, who took the form form of a Dove and rested on Jesus.



Have you ever heard that God is Three persons? The Heavenly Father, the Word(Christ)and the Holy Spirit. And these three are One. Meaning, all three are united in purpose, in their love for creation, and united in the work of saving men. These Three are one; therefore God is called one Lord. Read 1 John 5:7.

You're right. God in divinity can't die. But Christ, the Word, the Son of God, took on Himself humanity and Hebrews 2:17 said, "For it behooved Him to be made like unto His brotheren." And Hebrew's 4:14-15 said that He was touched with all our infirmities, like us, and was tempted to sin in all points like us. The only difference was that He Never sinned. That's why the following verse 16 says He is worthy to stand as our High Priest, because in Christ's humanity, He felt all the trials and struggles we go through.


It was an angel, acting on the word and power of the Heavenly Father, that called Jesus from the tomb. Matthew 28:2-4 says a powerful Angel came from heaven,who's face was like lightening, came and rolled away the tomb. And that Roman guard around the tomb was so terrified at the sight of him that they lost all courage and collapsed like dead men. In Hebrews 13:20, the writer(whom I personally believe is Paul, based on the style of writing)says, that God brought Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, from the dead.

Look, the whole bible speaks of Jesus, from the back to the front. And no way is there any place in the bible that Outright states Jesus is not God. That's blasphemy.


so the plate shaped earth is 6000 years and has a dome over it with stars attached as your bible says so?

My pea tastes like toast


Also disproves this alot more.

Also your jewsus doesnt qualify as your jew messiah from what the bible says :)

My pea tastes like toast
