You forgot one thing, Isaiah 7 and 9:6 ARENT ABOUT HIM.
Show me one place, in Scripture, that says this text isn't talking about Jesus. To say this text is talking about
ANyone other than deity is pure blasphemy.
The Gospel of John, the elephant in the room among the 4 Gospels because it presents a VERY DIFFERENT "Jesus" who is nothing like the "Jesus" of the first three gospels strike 1. Strike 2 is that the "I AM" of Moses story was AN ANGEL sent by God, it NEVER mentions a "Son of God nmed "Jesus" representing God talking to Moses". You christians are embarassing, forcing "Jesus" WHERE HE NEVER BELONGED. Strike 3, God had TWO types of LITERAL SONS. Adam, and Angels. Everyone else is ADOPTED.
Please show me the very different Jesus. Because the gospels writers each wrote about the different characteristics of Jesus as well, from 4 different stand points. All these characteristics can be seen in Jesus's life on earth:
1. Notice Matthew writes of Jesus(over all)in the style of a strong conqueror or king, as Matthew emphasized how Christ stood strong before His adversaries.
2.Mark writes of Him as(over all)a servant because Mark mainly emphasize Jesus's role as a servant(one who ministered to man).
3. Luke or focuses on Christ's role as the Son of Man(which I already explained before.
4. John speaks more of Christ in the sense of His divinity, as the Son of God.
As such, all these gospels unite to produce one perfect picture of Christ.
Christ is actually called an Angel in the scripture.
Malachi 3:1 says "...the Lord whom you seek, Shall come speedily to
His temple, even the
messenger of the covenant(Highlight this phrase), whom you desire, behold,
He shall come..."
messenger of the covenant, in ancient Hebrew reads "
Angel of the covenant", as in Hebrew, the word for Angel was actually
messenger. You see, the inspired men of the bible saw angels as the angelic messengers for the Lord.
And in many cases of the old testament, that phrase "The Angel of the Lord" was actually Christ, the Son of God, who appeared to the prophets in the form of an angel.
Exodus 3:1-4 tells us an
Angel called Moses from the bush. Steven says the same in Acts 7:30. Yet, Exodus 3:4 says it was God who appeared and spoke to Him. Steven again explains in the following verse it is actually the Lord speaking The
I Am.
Again, Jesus confirms who is in the bush talking to Moses in John 8.
Daniel 10:13 tells of how an angel explains to Daniel that the prince of the kingdom of Persia resisted him for 120 days. Now we know this was no physical battle as the king of Persia was just a man. Thus, this battle the angel speaks of is carried out in the heart of the king. For 120 days the king has resisted the angel's attempts to soften his heart to listen to God's spirit. However, Satan has been called the "Prince of this world" throughout the bible(for example, Job 1:7 and John 14:30), after he caused Adam(the rightful ruler to fall)and all mankind to become sinful.
So here, the angel is really telling Daniel, "I would have come sooner, in answer to your prayer, but Satan,prince of the kingdom of Persia, by working on the king's heart, caused the king to resist my efforts to sway him(the king).
However, as the angel goes on to say, Michael, prince of the first rank(Hebrew interpretation), came to help him, and he succeeded.
Jude 1:9 tells us Michael is the Arch-(head)angel. And Paul tells us in Thessalonians 4:13 that the Lord will descend with a shout and the voice of the Arch angel(Michael) and will raise the dead. John 5:25, Jesus says that "all in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God."
Michael, the Arch angel, is just one of the many names used for Christ.
What these texts are obviously saying is that it was Jesus who stood in the burning bush and talked to Moses, and who came to help the angel break the hold of Satan over the heart of the Persian King. In the scriptures, Jesus, as the Son of God, is the only one who can rebuke Satan.
Jude says Satan tried to keep Jesus(Michael) from resurrecting Moses. But Jude goes on to say He rebukes Satan.
In Zechariah 3:1-7, we have here another clear case in which the Lord, the Son of God, appears as an angel. Zechariah is shown the vision of the then high priest Joshua standing before the
Angel of the Lord in filthy rags. Satan is also shown to be standing at his side,accusing Joshua to the Angel(Christ)of being unworthy.
Christ reproves Satan and calls Joshua "a brand plucked from the fire"(or a person just
rescued from the power of sin). In these verses the
Angel and the word
Lord are used together repeatedly, revealing exactly who this
Angel is.
Am I saying in every case throughout the old testament an angel is the same as Christ? No. But in specific instances, and most importantly, when an article is used to define angel(example: The Angel of the Lord)the text is usually telling us that this is no ordinary being or angel speaking.
Men has never spoken with God(the Father)at any time(the one exception was when He spoke to the Jesus in John 12:28 and at the jordan, when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. John 1:18 basically explains that all the altercation that man has had with God prior to the New Testament era was through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. After man sinned, the heavenly Father talked with the man through His Son.
Again you LIE. Strike 1 Peter NEVER called him Emmanuel. Strike 2 And WHY do you Christians act like name meanings represent the person!? My sister's name means "She is faithful" yet SHES AN ATHEIST (I am not an atheist btw). Strike 3 he was NEVER called Emmanuel by anyone. No one ever ran up and said "Emmanuel help me". In Hebrew he was named "Yahusha" . Strike 4 Acts chapter 2 Peter was SPEAKING THE TRUTH. Jesus is not God, he had a God, worshipped a God, prayed to a God, was given power by a God, was raised from the dead by a God, HE WAS NOT HIS OWN GOD.
Peter is talking to Jews apparently in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. But regardless, Jesus Himself never used the term Emmanuel in referring to Himself. He used the
Interpretation of Emmanuel[which means, God with us(Matthew 1:23)]. Jesus took the literal interpretation of this name every time He called Himself "The Son of man". And Peter, in Acts 2, spoke of Christ in the same manner by repeatedly drawing the Jews attention to the scriptures pointing to Jesus coming as a man.
The Jews believed the Messiah would come in king like majesty, not as a humble, meek, man. This belief, as shown in all their excuses they use not accept Him, led to their eventual rejection and serving Jesus up to be crucified as an imposter. That is why Peter took them right back to the heart of the issue and emphasized Jesus's role as "the Son of Man" in his sermon to the Jews in Acts 2
God had TWO types of LITERAL SONS. Adam, and Angels. Everyone else is ADOPTED.
God has no literal son. Jesus always existed with the heavenly Father as
. The angels and Adam were God's
created children, and as such, since they had no parent but was created directly from God's own hand, they are called "the sons of God" in the bible.
Jesus is called "the Son of God" because He is God made audible to all creation. He is the Creator and the only member of the Godhead that speaks to man. The Jesus role is, as He often said when He was on earth, to lift up the
Father(the Father's role, as shown in His speaking to the crowd at Jesus's baptism and to the Greeks in the temple in John 12:28, is to extol the
The Holy Spirit's role, as Jesus says in John 14, is to impress on the hearts of men all the words and deeds Jesus has given to us.
Therefore God is called One Lord. "Here Oh Irael, the Lord your God is One Lord".
God gave a beautiful illustration of this with the family. He said "a man will leave his father or his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one." God instituted marriage to be a small simple of the Godhead. All three persons in the Godhead work for the same purpose, which is why Paul said, "to wit, that God was
in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself."
I am not forcing Jesus where He doesn't belong. I am only saying exactly where He belong
My sister's name means "She is faithful" yet SHES AN ATHEISTYou see, the Jews always gave their children names meaning. This is why they were required to bring their sons to the temple on the eighth day and circumsize them. On that they, their sons names were recorded in the records. Read about Jesus's circumsism in Luke 2:21. In the biblical days in Isreal, names meant a lot.
The Creator DOES NOT EVER BECOME THE CREATED. Strike 2 if he became FALLEN MAN that would mean he had sin. Strike 3 The Bible says GOD CAN NOT BE TEMPTED, yet you say "Jesus" was tempted = He cant be God.
Welcome to Jesus then. No, I said He took on His sinless nature, our Sinful nature. When I mean nature, I mean the urge, the drive to commit a sin. This drive Adam,after his fall, past down to each of us on earth as a perpetual curse. But you see, it is not our nature that God will hold us accountable for. God will hold us accountable only if we allow our
Minds to become bent to self and sin.
We Do Not Sin automatically just because we have a nature that urges us to sin. It is only when we give
consent to sin in our
Minds that that sin is written in the books of heaven against us. I'll give an example:
If for example, a man is tempted to commit the sin of adultery. Now, Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:28, that "whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has her already committed adultery with her in his heart". So when a man looks at a woman, and begins to entertain and think on lustful thoughts about her in his mind, he is committing the sin of adultery.
1st.That man's sinful nature brought up the lustful thought(temptation) or suggestion into his mind.
2nd. That man gives into the thought, entertains it in his head, and now contemplates the ideal of being with the woman.
Thus, in God's eyes, that man has broken the seventh commandment of "thou shalt not commit adultery.
Now, here comes Christ. Hebrews 4:15 says, that Christ, as our high priest, is touch with the feeling of everything we've suffered with. And further more, says He was tempted in
[b]All points like us, yet without sin
What the writer of Hebrews is saying, is that when Christ came to earth, He took the same nature that is tempting you and me today.
Yet without sin. That means, though He was tempted, He Never, once, gave into the urge to sin.
So, when Christ faced the temptation of adultery, as soon as the urge presented itself in His mind, He said, like in the garden of Gethsemane "not my will Father, but I submit myself to you alone, and not to this sinful thought". And God the Father removed it.
Christ offers the same to all who believe in Him. If you rely on Christ, to deliver you,
each and every time you were ever tempted to sin. He would do it in a snap of a second.
Just as the Heavenly Father delivered Him each and everytime from sin when He was on earth.Thus, because Christ never indulged the urge to sin, He was Sinless and that's why the bible says "Yet without sin", meaning that He resisted each and every urge to sin.
THis is also why, Jesus, in John 8:46, says to the unbelieving Jews. "Which of you can convict me of sin?" Meaning, none of them could find
One fault
in Jesus because He was
So I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that Jesus sinned. I stand here to say that He was the only person who
Never sinned
Strike 1 "Jesus" kept his eyes on himself while on earth? Wrong, he kept his eyes on GOD. Strike 2 You cant even be like him, MOST CHRISTIANS are NOTHING like the man they claim to follow! They teach AGAINST HIM. HE TAUGHT THE LAW OF MOSES, and DID NOT EAT PORK OR SEAFOOD AS WAS TOLD IN THE LAW. They celebrate PAGAN holidays aka Christmas, new years, easter, etc I wont continue. Strike 3 AGAIN the creator DOES NOT become the created.
I am sorry again I gave the impression that I was saying that Jesus kept His eyes on Himself, as I tried to most strenously emphasize earlier that He kept His eyes solely on God. And it was God who led Him to overcome each and every temptation, just like He offers us today, if we only rely on Him unreservedly like Jesus did.
You're right. Most Christian's today aren't even living in a shadow of the light Jesus had. They do eat pork, eat all kinds of seafood, they do break the ten commands, especially the 4th commandment most of all. All the commands that Jesus instructed His followers that it was His mission to fulfill, they are breaking today.
And yes, that includes pagan holidays and festivals.
The early Christin Church, as Jesus founded it, never did Any of these things, even to the point of being threatened with death. Christian's have greatly apostasized and misused the name of Christian(which meant originally, Christlike). Meaning that His followers once acted like Him.
AGAIN the creator DOES NOT become the created.
I do however, maintain that our Creator lowered Himself to our level, took our feelings and infirmities, Overcame each and all the temptations to sin that we might/have endure, lived a perfect life in the sight of all heaven and earth, and then returned to heaven as
conqueror. Conqueror over Satan,sin, and death. And that He now extends His hand to us so that, if we but grasp it and don't turn it loose, He would pull us up to "sit with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus"
I can't change your mind but please, consider it